2.9 Confrontation

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I was annoyed that they still thought that it was ok for them to keep my mate away from me, but yet I am in the wrong for doing it back to them

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I was annoyed that they still thought that it was ok for them to keep my mate away from me, but yet I am in the wrong for doing it back to them. Carlisle shook his head at me. "We never meant to hurt you Madalynn. We were only looking out for you!" He said as I scoffed at him.

"Yeah! I am sure! I would believe you if it wasn't for Alice and Edward." I said as Edward and my brother looked broken. "But I will tell you this. You have seen her before Edward! And you will see her again. But it will be too late. Your blood bag will have her claws so deep into you that you won't be able to pull them out." I said as Edward looked at me confused. "Like I said, you will never be happy! But she will. I even set her up with this amazing guy... Who just so happens to be a McCarthy!" I said with an evil smirk. "That does sound nice. Her first name with mine last name!" I said as Emmett looked at me hurt.

"Please Madalynn don't do this. You of all people should know how important our mates are. You know how much I have wanted my mate. Here with me." Edward said as I nodded my head.

"I do... That is why I will be asking the Volturi to kill Esme and Jasper for your crimes against me. I mean they have already seen what you all have done. So why not! I am sure they will side with me on this matter! Since they have all the evidence against you all from Edward here." I said as I smiled at all of them. They all looked at me with fear. "I got to say Edward though you are stupid as can be when it comes to your blood bag... But you did give me something to look forward to." I said as I smiled at him.

"The death of Bella Swan!" He said as I smiled at him.

"And the Olympic Coven!" I said as They all looked at me shocked and hurt. "If Victoria doesn't get to her first, that is!" I said with a sweet smile. Edward looked at me with fear in his eyes.

"I am sorry Madalynn. I don't know what else to say to you!" Edward says as I shake my head.

"Burn in hell Edward! I just hope they let me rip your head from your body and then set it on fire!" I said as I started to walk away from them.

"I will do whatever you want!" Edward yelled, making me stop and look at him. 'Please Madalynn... Don't do this to me. We used to be best friends.' His mind screams out at me. I shake my head as I look at him. 'Please Madalynn...' his mind says again.

'You are right we used to be best friends. That was before Alice came along and started to lie to all of you about me and my mate.' I said through my own mind link. Edward looked at me confused before he looked at Alice.

'What do you mean?' He asked as I smiled at him. I have learned a few new things since being with Demetri and I wanted to show him. I opened my mind and let him see all that Alice had lied about. The lies about Demetri allowing the Volturi to use me as a weapon. The lies about Me and my powers. All the lies about Bella and how she will make this family whole. 'Alice knew she would rip you away from us. Giving us a reason to kill you!' He said through his mind. He looked at Alice and she looked nervous as me and Edward talked through our minds.

"Madalynn... I am begging you to not do any harm to my mate. To please tell me who she is and where I can find her." Edward said as I shook my head. I opened my mind again and showed him the vision I had of Bella and Alice killing his mate so he would stay with Bella.

"I am sorry Edward... Unlike all of you... I am truly doing this to protect her from Alice and Bella. She is a sweet girl and doesn't deserve what they will do to her!" I said as Edward nodded his head. Alice looked at me hurt.

"I would never hurt his mate!" Alice yelled as Edward glared at her. I laughed at her.

"But for Bella you would do anything for her. As long as she stays your friend. Then there is the fact that I don't trust you or like you! You are a liar and will tell everyone what they want to hear as long as it works out in your favor. As long as you get your way!" I said as everyone looked at Alice hurt. "Now my mate is waiting for me!" I said as I waved a final goodbye.

I felt someone run up behind me making me shield myself. I chuckled as my brother ran into my shield. He looked confused as I had a new gift. One I didn't tell him about. "What the hell was that?" He asked as I shook my head and helped him up.

"New power... Got while I was traveling! As well as a few others. From men that think they can have me." I said as I remember how Demetri killed a few of them.

"You didn't tell me about any new powers!" Emmett said as I stared at him.

"Why would I... I am no longer a part of this coven. And I do not see you as my brother anymore." I said as Emmett looked broken.

"Don't say that Mads... No matter what... I am your big brother and you are my baby sister." He said as I scoffed at him.

"Not since Alice came along!" I said as Emmett growled and looked back at Alice. I shook my head and walked away from him.

"I hate you Alice!" I heard Rosalie say before storming off. I turned and smiled at Alice. 

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