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I was laying on the bed as Demetri went hunting

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I was laying on the bed as Demetri went hunting. I wanted to ask him if he would try to go on an animal diet but I didn't want to push him into anything. I ignored another call from the olympic coven. "You know it is rude to ignore your brother... even if you are mad at him." I heard my brother say. I sat up and glared at him.

"Go away, Emmett!" I said as I laid back down on the bed. He sighed and sat down next to me.

"I know you hate me. But I was really only looking out for you. I can't see you hurt again. I don't think I could stand to see you so broken again." He said as I remembered that night. I thought I was already dead when Emmett showed up. Seeing him made me think that I had died.

"I know you were. I get that now. Demetri made me see that you were only looking out for me. But that still doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. You kept me from my mate because she lied. I was shunned because of her and her lies." I said as Emmett laid down next to me.

"I know... And I get that. But Mads... you are my baby sister and I will do what I have to to keep you safe." He said as I huffed at him. "I know now that I was doing what she wanted, that I was hurting you more than protecting you. And I am so sorry. I should have listened to you more. I should have seen what was going on." He said as I sighed.

"Why did you come here Emmett? What do they want?" I asked as he sighed and looked at me.

"Carlisle wants to speak to you and your mate. We know he is here! Edward and Alice told us that much." He said as I looked at him confused. "He just wants to talk, that's it. Edward is scared that he is here to hurt Bella." He said as I stared at him. I knew he wasn't lying, but that didn't mean that they weren't.

"Of course he is. Because everything has to be about him and his blood slut! I will ask him when he gets back." I said as Emmett nodded his head. He leaned over and kissed my head.

"That is all I can ask for." He said before leaving. I continued to lay there just looking at the ceiling. I wasn't sure if I even really wanted to ask Demetri if he wanted to talk to them.

 I wasn't sure if I even really wanted to ask Demetri if he wanted to talk to them

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I sighed when Madalynn said that everything has to be about me and Bella. I was just worried that he would hurt her. Rosalie smirked at me. She clearly agreed with what Madalynn had said. I sighed when Emmett came out and walked over to us. He glared at me and Carlisle. "Don't ever ask me to help you again." He said with a growl. "My sister is more important to me than you are that blood slut !" He yelled at me. I was taken back by his anger and I was shocked as he never referred to Bella as that. I nodded my head as I was scared of the thoughts he had.

"Emmett!" Carlisle said, making him growl again.

"No! Carlisle I am done with Edward and his bull shit. He can find Vitorica and he can kill her himself. I am done helping him and Alice." He said as I was hurt by this.

"She only listens to you..." I said as Emmett's mind went straight to killing me. I took a step back from him. "I am sorry." I said in a panic. I knew Emmett was done with me and our coven. "Please, Emmett see it from my side." I said as he scoffed at me.

"Stay away from me, my mate and my sister! You are a sorry excuse of a man and a vampire. Madalynn was right, you are just a little boy trying to act like a man." He said as I looked at him shocked. He walked away with Rosalie right behind him. Smiling as she went. Her thoughts were just like Emmett's. That I didn't know how to be a man and take care of my own shit.

 That I didn't know how to be a man and take care of my own shit

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I growled as we arrived at the Olympic coven house. Madalynn didn't want to come and she knew it was just a trap to get her to stay. I agreed but wanted to see what they would try to do. We walked in to see the whole coven and the pathetic human.

"What did you want to talk to me about Carlisle?" I asked my once coven member. Edward looked at Carlisle and nodded his head at him before stepping forward. "I was not talking to you little boy! I was talking to the leader of this coven." I said as Madalynn smirked at me. I saw her hide her beautiful smile.

"I wanted to talk to you!" Edward said as I hummed at him.

"So... You used your coven member to get what you wanted. Such a little boy thing to do!" I said as he glared at me. I smiled as Madalynn laughed out right at him.

"Demetri... Why are you here?" Carlisle finally asked, making me look away from my beautiful mate.

"For my mate! I could care less about the seer or the mind reader or the pathetic human! My mate is what I came for." I said as I thought back to the pain of being away from her. The mind reader looked at me confused.

"The pain?" He asked as I ignored him again. I looked back at Madalynn and smiled at her.

"If that is all you needed to know then we will be going. All of her things are already on their way to Italy." I said as I took her hand in mine.

"Wait... Where are you taking her?" Carlisle asked as he looked at Madalynn sad. Like he was losing his child.

"Home to the Volturi. She has agreed to come and stay and see what they are all about!" I said as Alice looked at Madalynn scared.

"We were hoping that you would want to stay here with us!" Carlisle mate says, making Madalynn scoff at her.

"I would rather be ripped apart and set on fire before I would willingly stay here with you!" Madalynn growls out at them. This seemed to hurt all of them including the human.

"Madalynn... I am sorry I tried to focus, you to protect me. I am sorry that I tried to focus, Emma to help me get to you!" The human said as Madalynn looked at her shocked. She looked at me and whispered something but none of us caught it.

"Bella wants us to vote on if she becomes a vampire and if she joins this coven." Alice said as I scoffed at that. "We were also hoping that Demetri would want to have a vote for himself?" She said but it was more of a question.

"I don't need a vote cause unless my mate is staying there is no need for a vote on me." I said as I looked at Madalynn.

"I am not staying! So there is no need to vote. And I am no longer a member of this coven so my vote means little!" Madalynn said as she pulled on my arm. Letting me know she was ready to leave. I nodded my head at her.

"We already voted!" Edward said, making Madalynn glare at him. "If you want to stay with your brother and sister in-law we have all agreed that Demetri is welcome to stay and be a part of this coven." He said as Madalynn looked at him like he was crazy.

"I am not staying here! And it has nothing to do with me not waiting to be near my brother or my sister in-law. But I don't trust any of you! Not with my gifts or my mates. You are looking to expand your power." Madalynn says as I smile at her.

"We are leaving now!" I say in a final tone. Before walking out with my mate!

Always in the Shadows-Demetri Volturi & OC (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now