4.6 Could it happen?

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	I wrapped Madalynn in a towel and placed her on the bed

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I wrapped Madalynn in a towel and placed her on the bed. She was still shaking from what she remembered. I went to get her clothes. I helped her dress before getting dressed myself and climbing into bed with her. I held her close as I was scared she would disappear in the middle of the night. All of this is happening now when we are supposed to be at our happiest. "They will pay for hurting you! I promise you that." I said as she held me just as tight. We stayed like that the rest of the night. No words shared between us as we held each other. Both of us were lost in our own thoughts. When the sun came up she looked up at me.

"I need to show you something." She said, making me sit up in bed. She went to her bag and pulled out a book. "I found this the other day." She said as she handed it to me. It was a list of all the power each of the copycats have had. The first page stated that with each new copycat their powers will grow. I read each page and noticed that most if not all of the powers listed, Madalynn had. There was one that confused me. 'Child bearer'. I looked at Madalynn and she frowned at me.

"Does this mean you can have children?" I asked and she shrugged. I mean if that was true shouldn't she have had a child of our own? I mean we had sex enough for her to be pregnant. I looked back at the page and read more.

To bear the child of your mate you must both be willing. This is key to having a child of your own. If one is not willing then you will never have a child.

"Would you ever want to have a child?" I asked, hoping she would. Because I would, especially with her. She looked at me confused and then scared. I frowned as I closed the book. And sighed.

"I always wanted kids. But I am scared." She said and I looked at her confused. "I mean we don't have a normal life. How would we even take care of a child? It doesn't say if the child is human or vampire. It concerns me if the child is human what danger we would be bringing to them. By bringing them into this life." She said and I smiled. She did want to have a child with me but was just scared. I didn't even think about all of that. Just the thought of my mate and I having a child was all that was on my mind. I opened the book again and continued to read. It went over everything that each had experienced during the pregnancy and the births. How they felt and all of that but never talked about the child. Were they human? Were they vampires? What happened to them? These were all questions that scared my mate.

"I wouldn't mind trying." She said and I smiled at her. "But with what is happening with the Olympic coven I am scared that they will come for me and the baby." She said and couldn't stop myself from growling.

"I would never let them touch you or our child." I said as I moved over to her. I wrapped my arms around her as I kissed her softly. "I love you Madalynn. They will never touch you as long as I am around." I said and she nodded her head. "Does that mean we can try?" I asked, wanting nothing more than to have a family of our own.

"Yes!" She said in a whisper. I kissed her and brought her back to bed. I know she didn't mean now but the thought of my mate carrying my child, brought all new feelings out of me. I wanted this. I wanted a child with my mate. I wanted to have her pregnant by the time we returned home from our honeymoon.

"Demetri!" She moaned as I made slow and passionate love to her. I wanted to show her that it was me and her in this together.

I wasn't surprised that whenever there was a moment of quiet that Demetri would take that time and make love to me

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I wasn't surprised that whenever there was a moment of quiet that Demetri would take that time and make love to me. He was sweet and caring each time. He would talk about random things but I could see that he would be looking at shops as we walked past. Stopping at ones that held baby clothes in them. I would smirk as he finally pulled me into one and started looking at everything a baby needed. He was shocked at all the things.

"In my time you didn't have to get all of this!" He said with a huff. I laughed and reminded him that times have changed. He frowned at me. "I doubt that our child will need a carseat?.." He said as he looked at it confused. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Well they do keep a child safe when driving." I said and he shook his head.

"I guess!" He said before wrapping his arms around me. "The only thing I care about is that you and our child are safe and healthy." He said and I smiled up at him. "As you two will be my world." He said before kissing my lips.

"That is if and when I get pregnant." I said and he smirked at me.

"I think you are already with child." He said and placed his hand over my stomach. "You have been feeding more." He said and I thought about it and he was right. I was more hungry and had been feeding more. I wonder if a pregnancy test would be able to tell me? How will he feel when the baby is here? I was still scared but I knew that Demetri loved me. I knew he would love our child. But it didn't soothe my fears of what danger they were going to be brought into. "Come back to me mia amor." He said breaking me from my thoughts. I took his hand and pulled him out of the store.

"We need to know!" I said as I pulled him into a drug store to buy a test. "I don't know if this will work but I have to know." I said and he smiled at me. He nodded his head and grabbed two more.

"To be sure!" He said and went to buy the test. We went back to the hotel as neither one of us wanted to wait to find out. We sat and read how to use the tests. "So you have to pee on it?" He asked and I giggled at the face he made.

"Yes." I said as I took one from him and went to the bathroom. I did as it said and peed on the stick. I cleaned up and placed it by the sink. I walked out and smiled at him. "Now we wait!" I said as he nodded his head. It was the longest three minutes of my life. When it was time I walked in and picked up the test. I walked out to where Demetri was sitting.

"What does it say?" He asked, rubbing his hands on his pants.


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