1.5 Wolves

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I was more than annoyed with my so-called family when Emmett dragged me back to the house

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I was more than annoyed with my so-called family when Emmett dragged me back to the house. And I mean dragged. I refused to move. "Stop being a baby and walk or I am going to throw you over my shoulder and carry you." Emmett said as I was not moving a muscle for him. I didn't want to be around them. "Fine.. The hard way it is." He says as He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

"I hate them!" I say as Emmett stops and sets me down and makes me look at him.

"I know you don't like us hiding things from you but It was my call as your big brother. I love you, Mads. You are my baby sister and I have to protect you even though I know you can protect yourself. It is still my job to look out for you! I am just trying to do what I think is best for you. Keep you safe." He says as I just stare at him. "The guys that came here were the Voltuir guard looking for a copycat." He says as I look at him shocked. "I will not let them take you away from me and Rose. So they can use your gifts as a weapon against the rest of us." He says as I look away from him. "I know what happened wasn't your fault as that guy was following you and grabbed you, but I had to keep you safe and if hiding you away is the only way then so be it." He says as I huff at him. He pulls me into a bear hug.

I still hated being around them as they treated me like an outcast and only really talked to me when they needed to use my gifts. Rose and Emmett were the only ones that cared about me. I growled as My brother threw me over his shoulder again and ran to the house. He set me down in the kitchen. I hissed at him as I walked away from him and up to my room. I didn't want to talk to any of them as I knew what my brother said was true but that they were still hiding something from me.

I closed my door and laid on my bed even though we don't sleep. I still like having it as I sometimes just like to lay down. Alice walks in and stands at the foot of my bed. "Do you know how to knock?" I ask as she sighs at me.

"I wanted to say I am sorry for blaming you... Rosalie told us the whole story about what happened. So... I am sorry. I should have listened when you tried to tell us what happened. We all should have." She says as I shake my head.

"Nothing new there. You all have no problem using the gifts to get what you want, but if someone comes looking I am the first one blamed. Hell I was blamed when Edward killed that girl he was seeing in Canada in the 80's. And I wasn't even with you all at the time." I say still laying on my bed. "Please leave, I am sick of your bullshit apologies. They are never real and in a few days you will blame me for something else I didn't do. It's just easier for you all to hate me then whoever really deserves it." I say as Alice sighs before walking out.

When Edward decided to come back to school, I knew that it was only a matter of time before he messed up and I was blamed for it. And it happened on his every first day back. I sat and waited for everyone to start saying it was my fault. Jasper looked at me and sighed. Rose was pissed at Edward as was my brother.

"What should I have done?" Edward yells as the rest of our coven walk in. I can't really even call them my family as only Emmett and Rosalie are my family. Edward looks at me sad. I sigh as I know he read my thoughts. "I am sorry Madalynn. You should feel that way!" He says as Emmett and Rosalie look at me concerned.

"Yeah... It is what it is!" I say as I stand and walk away from them. Just because he says sorry doesn't mean he will change how he treats me. I walk outside with a blanket and sigh. I look out at the woods and see a black wolf. I sigh as I know it is one from the reservation. I walk over to it as it growls at me. "I am not going to hurt you." I say as it cocks it head to the side. "I know how you feel. Being by yourself. Feeling all alone. It sucks." I say as I sit down on the ground. "I am Madalynn!" I say as I hold out the blanket and my phone. "I know what you are and where you come from. I have no desire to hurt you and start a war. I like wolves. They are beautiful creatures. And when you are part of a pack you are family. I wish it was like that with vampires." I say as the wolf takes the blanket in his mouth. I cover my eyes as he shifts back.

"I am Sam Uley!" I hear making me peek to see if he is covered. "Thank you!" He says as I hold out my phone for him.

"Call your elders! Have them come pick you up. Or if you want I can drop you off at the treaty line. But that is up to you!" I say as he gives me a small smile.

"Why are you being nice to me? We are supposed to be enemies?" He asks as I shrug my shoulders at him.

"Because I could feel how scared you were. I am guessing that was your first time shifting." I say as he nods his head. "Everyone thinks I am this bitch but I'm not. At least not to those who don't deserve it and you haven't done anything to me. So why be mean when I can try to help." I say as He smiles at me.

"Thank you for your kindness. It is something I needed after today." He says as I give him a small giggle. "You wouldn't know who would be the best to call would you?" He asks as I smile at him.

"I believe it would be Billy Black." I say as he looks at me confused. "I like wolves, remember!" I say as he chuckles at me. I watch as he calls Billy and tells him what happened. "I'll stay with you so the rest of my coven does harm to you!" I say as he nods his head at me. After about 30 minutes Billy and another man pulled at the mile maker I gave them.

"You are Madalynn?" One asks as I smile at him and nod my head.

"Yes sir." I say as I hold out my hand he looks at it before taking it.

"I am Billy Black and this is Harry Clearwater." He says as I wave at the other man. "Thank you for looking after Sam and helping him." He says as I smile at him.

"Wolves are my favorite animal. I love what they stand for." I say as they both smile at me.

"Thank you again Madalynn!" Sam says as he gets into the truck.

"No problem, just glad I could do something right." I say as Sam gives me a sad smile. While we waited I told Sam all about me. I really didn't care that I am not supposed to. It was just nice to have someone to talk to. I watched as they left. I smiled as I left to go hunting now.

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