4.10 Protective

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I watched as my mate paced the dining room

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I watched as my mate paced the dining room. Cell phone in her hand. "Do you think we can believe him?" She asked and I shrugged my shoulders. "I mean he sent the note here, not the Volturi. So he has to know that we are here? Right?" She asked and I again shrugged my shoulders. "Will you please stop that!" she said as she started to cry. I rushed to her and wrapped her in my arms.

"I am sorry. But I don't want to tell you not to do something when I know how much you want your brother in your life." I said as she continued to cry. I stroked her hair as she started to calm down. "I think we should meet them out in the open. Have the others be on the lookout just in case." I said and she nodded her head at me. "I won't let them hurt you anymore." I said and she nodded her head again.

"We won't let them hurt you again!" Felix said as I picked her up and walked her to our room. I wanted her to rest.

"Sleep... And when you wake I will bring you your favorite." I said as I placed her on our bed and covered her up. She curled up and was out. "We need to make sure that they are alone before I let them talk." I said once I entered the dining room again.

"Alec and I will go! We know this place and where we can hide if needed." Felix said and I nodded my head.

"We will go too. As we have made a few friends. We can ask them if they have seen anyone new walking around." Emma said and I nodded my head. I was worried about my mate. She was vulnerable now and I didn't like it.

"Just take care of your mate!" Alec said as he took Bree's hand and guided her out of the house. Felix and Emma left right after them. I stood there for another minute before walking back to my mate.

"No one will ever harm you again!" I said as I stroked her hair. I placed my hand on her stomach and rubbed small circles. "Or you! My little one!" I said before leaning down and kissing our child. 

Alec and I watched the hotel

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Alec and I watched the hotel. We waited for a few hours until Emmett and his mate came out. They were talking about where they wanted to go next since they were no longer a part of that nasty coven. I looked at Alec and he nodded his head at me. We moved closer to them to listen more.

"I don't want to leave just yet. I want to see Madalynn." His mate said as she glared at him.

"I do too but if she doesn't want to see me then I don't want to upset her more. I have caused her enough pain." Emmett said as they walked down to the water.

"They are the only ones they have seen that are new." Emma said as Bree and her walked up to us. I nodded my head at her. I watched as they walked away from us.

"Then it seems that they are alone." I said and they all agreed with me. I walked out of the shadows and approached them. They looked scared. "We know you are here to talk to Madalynn and we know you are alone for now. What we want to know is if you are telling the truth about leaving that vile coven?" I asked and they both nodded their heads at me. "Then you will need to wait until tomorrow." I said as I started to walk away.

"Wait..." Emmett yelled. I turned around and he walked up to me. "She is ok?" He asked and I could see the concern on her face.

"You will be able to see for yourself tomorrow. But I know Demetri will want to talk to you both tonight. So stay close." I said before grabbing Emma's hand. He looked defeated that I wouldn't give him anymore information on Madalynn. But it wasn't my place to tell him he was going to be an uncle. We walked back to the house Emma and I going one way while Alec and Bree went another way. Demetri met us in the living room.

"Well?" He asked and I frowned at him.

"They were alone." I tell them and he sighs. I knew this was a relief for him as it was now only two that we had to take care of if they tried anything.

"That is good to hear. But what if the other's come now that they know we are here?" He asked and I shook my head.

"I don't think they will call them. I truly believe that they have left that coven." I said and Alec agreed with me.

"His mate didn't want to leave until they saw her. But he didn't want to stay if it would cause her more pain." Alec said as he moved to sit across from Demetri.

"I told them to stay close. Because you would want to talk to them yourself." I said and he nodded his head. "And I think you should. See if you believe them before you take Madalynn to see them and expose your child." I said and he frowned at me.

"It's a good idea." Bree said as she was sitting on Alec's lap. "This way you will have a peace of mind before Madalynn and the baby meet up with them." She said, making me point at her.

"I think it is a good idea. Even though I would like to see my brother and Rosalie. I think we need to be careful." Madalynn said as she walked into the room she came and sat with Demetri.

"I know you are all right... But." He said and Emma cut him off.

"You don't want to leave her side?" Emma said and he nodded his head. "We all get that but she won't be alone. Felix can go with you and the rest of us will stay behind and look after the prego!" She said with a chuckle. Madalynn threw a pillow at her making her laugh even harder.

"Then I will go." Demetri said as he went to stand. I stood quickly before kissing Emma. "If anyone comes here!" He said pointing to Alec.

"They will be dead before they make it across the lawn." He said and Demetri nodded his head at him before kissing Madalynn and then her stomach.

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