1.14 Why Should I care?

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

I laughed as me and Rose were doing our nails

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I laughed as me and Rose were doing our nails. It had been a long time since I was this happy that I laughed. Alice, Jasper and Emmett just got back from saving Bella! My mood changed and I frowned as they walked in. Emmett was lying behind us. Jasper looked annoyed and wasn't talking to Alice. Alice looked sad as she followed Jasper around the house trying to get him to talk to her. When she comes into the living room she sits next to me.

"So I was thinking we should go on a shopping trip when Bella gets out of the hospital! For prom!" She says, causing me and Rosalie to glare at her.

"Why would we want to spend time with Edward's blood bag?" Rosalie asks as I scoff at Alice.

"Or you for that matter?" I say, making Alice pout. Emmett sits up and glares at her. I was still not happy with them.

"Alice we talked about this, You and Edward can't force Bella on the rest of us any more!" Emmett says as Alice glares at him. "Besides, Edward is pissed at what happened with her and Jasper." He says getting mine and Rosalie's attention.

"What happened with Bella and Jasper?" Rosalie asks as Jasper walks in the living room and glares at Alice.

"Bella made a pass at me when Alice went to go and get her food. She asked me to turn her and she would sleep with me in return. She went so far as to strip out of her clothes." Jasper says as I look at Alice shocked.

"And you still want to be around her when she tries to steal your mate? There is something wrong with you." I ask in disbelief.

"I know he wouldn't do anything with her. Why can't I have a friendship like you and Rosalie." Alice says as Jasper hisses at her.

"Still! I don't want her around me. She can't be trusted. Madalynn was right, she is only going to cause problems. Between us and the Volturi." Jasper says before leaving the room. Alice follows behind him. I laugh as Carlisle walks in and sighs as he is not all that happy about what had gone down as well.

"Edward will be home tomorrow. I want us all to sit down and talk. The events that happened need to be addressed and things need to change." He says as I nod my head. "I have also asked him to not bring Bella around here anymore. Since most are uncomfortable with her around." He says as me and Rosalie smile at him.

The next day Edward walked in and huffed as his phone started to ring. I watched as he declined the call and went to his room. I looked at Rosalie and we both laughed. Edward came back down stairs after he had showered and changed his clothes. He looked at me as I smiled smugly at him.

"I am sorry Madalynn. You were right!" He said as I nodded my head at him. "I should have listened to you! Now she is going crazy!" He says as his phone rings again. I laugh as I vamp behind him and see that Bella is calling. I grab his phone and answer the call.

"Hello!" I say with a giggle!

"Is Edward there?" Bella asks with an annoyed tone. I smiled as I was about to have some fun.

"Sorry, He is in the shower! Can I take a message?" I say as I could hear something like a pencil break. Edward shakes his head at me and goes to take the phone.

"Who is this?" She asks as I smile and run from Edward.

"Crissy! Who is this?" I say with more than enough attitude with my voice.

"His girlfriend!" She says as I laugh and start to giggle again.

"Edward, stop!" I giggle out making her more mad!

"Put him on the phone! You sluty bitch!" Bella yells as I start to really laugh. Emmett and Rosalie are on the floor laughing!

"Now why would I let you talk to him when you are nothing more than a human whore!" I say with venom to my voice! "You tried to steal Alice's mate when they put their lives on the line and now you think that you are Edward's girlfriend. Honey, you are nothing more than a walking talking blood bag!" I say with a snarl. I hear her gasp, making me smile at Edward.

"Madalynn?" She asks as I laugh.

"Looks like you are also a whore bag as well as a blood bag!" I say as I could hear her crying on the other end of the phone. Edward looks at me and sighs before I give him the phone. I smile as I walk away from him.

"Did you have to do that?" Edward asks a few minutes later, I smile at him.

"Yes!!" I hissed at him. "Maybe now she won't fuck with other people's mates. Cause if she tires that shit with my brother, I will help Rosalie kill her." I say as Edward looks at me scared. "And why should I care about her feelings? You can see what she really is and what she really wants." I ask as Edward growls at me. "Awe... Does Edward still care about the whore?" I ask, making him lunge at me. I throw my hand up and stop him mid air. Emmett growls and hits Edward, making me laugh and drop him.

"I am sorry. I am still pissed about what she did." Edward says as I stare at him. "I thought she cared about me. I thought she really loved me!" He says as I glare at him. Is he for real right now! I shake my head and walk away from him.

"She only cares about herself and only is using you to be turned." Emmet says as someone breaks a vase. Alice walks up to me.

"I know we have never been on that great of terms. And that is my fault. I guess I have held a grudge against you since you copied my gift." She says as I glare at her.

"Alice, you held a grudge against me before that even happened. You were part of the coven for 10 years before we bumped into each other and I copied your powers." I say with a snarl as she has no real reason to hate me. "You have always disliked me. Why I don't know and truthfully I don't care. You were never part of my family and you never will be! You were and are the vampire that broke us all apart. You broke our coven. Ruined it for your own gain!" I say as Alice looks at me shocked and hurt. I walked away from her. Walking past the rest of them. Rosalie glared at Alice, Emmett looked at me sad. Everyone else looked ashamed, why I wasn't sure. Nor did I care anymore.

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