2.14 Warned

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

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I watched as Madalynn hunted. It was one of the scariest things I think I will ever see my mate do. I knew I needed to talk to her about taking on a human diet. But I didn't want to push her into it. I knew she was upset about what the Olympic coven was trying to do. So I just let her be and watched as she took on a bear. I smiled when she walked back to me and her top was ripped. I was turned on as it showed her breast. It had been a few hours since we had been intimate with each other. She looked at me as I still hadn't taken my eyes off her breast.

"We are going to be late for our flight!" She said, I nodded my head but only thought about taking her here in the woods. "Demetri?" She said as I felt someone else near us. I quickly removed my jacket and wrapped her in it.

"There are too many for us!" I said as I grabbed her hand and ran. Once we hit the airport they retreated back into the woods. It was only starting to get dark and they were clearly new. I sighed as Madalynn looked at me. "Newborns!" I said as I pulled Madalynn over to the plane. I was going to have to tell Aro about this. I was pisse that they came close to my mate. I showed Madalynn the bathroom. I grabbed her clothes so she could change. I loved the outfit I picked for her. It was black silk and it would hug her body. I growled as she came out and I was right. But what I didn't account for was how hard it would be to not rip it off her body.

I thought about contacting her brother and letting him know that there are about 10 newborns in Seattle. But then went against it as this would make it so we would have to check on them sooner. And if the human wasn't killed or turned then Felix and I would get to kill them. Something we both wanted.

"Demetri?" Madalynn said, pulling me out of my thoughts. I groaned as I looked at her in the dress. She smiled at me. I pulled her closer and kissed her.

"You are absolutely mouth watering!" I said, making her bite her lip. There was a faint blush on her cheeks. "How do you do that?" I asked as she shrugged.

"I don't know! Emmett thought he did something wrong after I woke up from my transition. Cause I didn't sprinkle and I still had blood in my vain. Carlisle wanted to run tests on me but Emmett never let him." She says as I was thankful for that. I didn't like the idea of my mate being a lab rat for them.

"Jane and Alec are excited to meet you!" I said as she looked at me a little scared. I knew why she was and I smiled at her. "I have asked them not to touch you. And believe me they do not want to be without their gifts, so everyone has agreed to this." I said as she sighed and nodded her head.

"Do you ever wonder why you never lost your gift when we touched?" She asked, I looked at her and sighed.

"I have... But I think it is because we are mates. That my gift shows me where you are and helps me keep you safe." I said as she glared at me.

"I don't need to be kept safe!" She said and I was taken by surprise by her tone.

"I didn't mean it like that mi amor." I said as I cupped her face with both of my hands. "But it does help me form going crazy knowing where you are at." I said as she sighed and nodded her head.

"I am sorry... I don't like to be treated like a baby!" She said as I smiled at her.

"All is forgiven mi amor. I know you can handle yourself. I watch you take on a bear." I said, making her laugh and blush again.

I was nervous as we walked the halls of the Volturi coven

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I was nervous as we walked the halls of the Volturi coven. I clung to Demetri's arm as we walked. He would smile at me every now and again. When we came to the throne room Demetri stopped and fixed his clothes. He looked at me and growled. "I should have picked something that didn't show how amazing your body is." He said as I looked down at the dress. "Hell I have been fighting myself and ripping it off of you." He said as I tried not to blush. I kind of wish he had. Demetri opened the doors so it revolved me to the whole coven. Aro standing right in the middle.

"Ahh... Madalynn... We are so happy to have you here." He said as I took an uneasy step inside the throne room. "Don't be shy... We won't bite!" He said as there were a few laughs.

"Yes! But I do!" I said, making Felix, Demetir and Cauis laugh. Aro smiled at me.

"I see what you mean Felix..." Aro said as I looked over at Felix. He smiled at me. "She does have a good sense of humor." He says as Demetri places his hand on my lower back. I could feel anger and hate rolling off of someone. I turned to look at everyone wanting to pinpoint who was so angry. Demetri sensed something wrong.

"Madalynn? What is it?" He asked as I couldn't find the one I was looking for. But then I realized it wasn't coming from inside the castle.

"Someone has a lot of hate! So much so it is blocking out everyone else's emotions." I said as Demetri looked at me concerned.

"You mean all of ours?" Felix asked, making me nod my head. "Has that ever happened before?" He asked as I shook my head at him.

"I have never felt this much anger from one person before." I said as Aro sent guards out to see who was out there at this hour. It was close to 3 am here and not many humans were out at this time. Felix moved closer to me just in case anything happened.

"Has anything like this ever happened before?" Aro asked but I was forced to pinpoint who was angry.

"Once in Greece. But it was happiness. She laughed for over an hour." Felix said as Demetri held me close.

"Breath my little mate..." He said as I could feel the anger rising in me. I took a deep breath and turned to find whoever it was. I looked at the door and smiled. I held my hand up and blasted the door open. Knocking the vampire that was so angry down to the ground. They got up and growled at me, making me laugh.

"The Army is coming for you Madalynn!" They yelled before running away. Demetri moved in front of me.

"After him!" Aro yelled as I stood there very confused.

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