5.3 Irina!

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I was more than annoyed when we were asked to come to Italy

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I was more than annoyed when we were asked to come to Italy. But my annoyance soon turned to anger when I saw Irina standing with the kings. She looked at me shocked before anger set in. "They had bitten a child as well?' He asked as she glared from us to the kings.

"We have never bitten a child!" Rosalie stated as she stepped in front of Jace and I.

"I gave birth to him." I said and Irina looked at me shocked.

"Carlisle said you were special but he never said what your powers intelled." She said as she looked at my son. Before looking at my mate and hissing at him. It was clear that Demetri was not well liked with her and her sisters. He had told me about how he had helped kill their mother after she made an immortal child. Demetri smirked at her.

"So I heard you came here to report a crime. One of an immortal child." He said and Irina frowned at all of us.

"Yes. The Cullens have created an immortal child. They also have a relationship with werewolves." She said and I knew this would peak Caius' attention. He hated werewolves. Everyone knew that.

"Then we should gather witnesses and go and see for ourselves." Aro said with a hint of a smile. "We want to make sure that all know that creating an immortal child is against the law and will be put to death for doing so." He said and Irian nodded her head.

"We also need to kill the werewolves." Caius said and I frowned. I looked at Demetri and shook his head. I knew what he was saying without him opening his mouth. I held on to Jace a little tighter as the kings and the guard talked. My brother told them everything they needed to know about the area. I looked at Emma and she looked confused.

"I am sorry but didn't you have enough to go after them without the news of the child?" She asked with a confused expression. Felix fixed her with a stern look. "I am sorry. I am just wondering why now?" She said and Aro smiled at her.

"Because we could have shown the other covens what they had done. But without a true witness to their crimes it is here no there. Our word against theirs." Aro said and Emma nodded her head. "This shows that they hold no respect for our world. For our laws." He said and everyone nodded their heads. I looked at my brother who held the same look as I. It was one of, concern. I placed my hand on my stomach and my brother smiled at me before nodding his head. I closed my eyes and let out a breath. Demetri was next to me in an instant.

"Are you alright mi amor?" He asked as he placed one hand on my body and the other on my cheek. I nodded my head because I was afraid if I opened my mouth that I would throw up all over the place.

"Are you alright my dear?" Aro asked but I didn't answer him.

"She is pregnant again, my king!" Demetri said and was met with a few gasps and one cry. I knew who that belonged to. Heidi.

"OH! That is wonderful to hear." Marcus said and he walked over to us. "Another royal child." He said as he smirked over at Irian.

"Yes, my king. A girl this time!" Demetri said and I shook my head. We didn't know for sure. But deep down I knew this child was a girl. I felt different with this child. Maybe it was because I didn't know that I was pregnant. Or maybe it had to do with my dream. But I knew this child was a girl.

Irina walked up to me and frowned. "I know you don't like me and my family." She said as she shifted from one foot to another. "I am sorry for what Carlisle and the others have put you through. We should have stopped it. But we were scared." She said and I frowned at her this time.

"Scared of what?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. Why would they be scared of them?

"We knew what he did. To more than one coven. Edward had let it slip when he was young. Carlisle is not a good man. Not like he wants everyone to believe." She said and I nodded my head. I knew she was right but that still didn't mean I understood why they would be scared. Unless they had a hand in it. But my thoughts were cut short when Heidi walked up to me.

"How is it possible?" She hissed at me. "You have stolen everything from me!" She yelled, getting Demetri's attention. "This was why I helped them. But they went back on their word. They were supposed to kill you, not use you as a reason to over take the Volturi." she yelled but soon covered her mouth. She had given them what they needed. They now knew who helped him.

"She has stolen nothing from you! I was never yours." Demetri hissed at her. She jumped away from him as other members of our coven moved around me. Felix smirked evilly at me before grabbing her.

"Thank you Heidi." Aro said as he walked over to us.

"Take her to the cells! Gagged her!" Caius said with a sneer. I shook my head as Alec shoved something into her mouth. "I told you it was only a matter of time before she revealed herself as the one who betrayed us." He said and Aro nodded his head.

"I know, brother. I just hope it wasn't one of our own. Now we need to make sure the others know what happens when you betray us." He said and I wondered what that meant. How would they do that? Would they kill her? What would happen toIrian when they find out that the child isn't an immortal? Would they kill her?

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