3.2 Healing🔞

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⚠️Warning⚠️ Smut in this Chapter!- Description of sexual activity, body parts, Inappropriate language, gif that show Semi sexual activity. As well as other things inappropriate for Readers under the age of 18.🔞

⚠️ Smut begins-🔞 you have been warned⚠️ 

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⚠️ Smut begins-🔞 you have been warned⚠️ 

Emmett had been trying to call me but I would just ignore his calls. Sending them to voicemail and then deleting them without listening to them. Demetri would chuckle everytime Emmett would call. "Does he not get that you don't want to talk to them?" He asked as he got dressed. I smiled as I rolled over on my stomach. I heard him growl before feeling his naked body pressed against mine. He kissed my neck before pulling my hips up so I was on all fours. I smirked as he slapped my ass and pushed into me. "Such a naughty mate!" He growled as he thrusted harder and faster in me. I moaned as I loved how he felt inside of me. I loved how he made sure to hit every spot that sent chills through my body.

"Demetri!" I moaned as my orgasm took over my body. I heard him Chuckle as I dropped my head on the bed.

"I love watching what I do to your body." He said as he took me a little harder. He growled as he came inside of me. He moaned as he laid his head on my back. "Now we both need to hunt!" He said, making me giggle. He slapped my ass before getting off the bed. I smiled as I walked over to him.

"Do we have to hunt?" I said as I ran my hand down his chest. He caught it before I could reach his pants.

"Yes we do, it has been a week since either one of us has hunted." He said in a stern voice. "Now get dressed! Before I take you again and this time I won't be so easy on you!" He said as he smirked at me. I moaned as I thought about what he said. "Mmm... Is that what you want my little mate?" He asked, making me nod my head at him. He smirked as he leaned down and kissed me. "Then be a good girl and get dressed so we can hunt." He said as he slapped my ass.

⚠️ Smut ends😔

"Fine..." I said as I walked away from him making sure to sway my hips a little more. I heard him huff as I walked into the bathroom. I smiled as I knew he was reconcerting going hunting or not. I walked out of the bathroom fully dressed and ready to hunt. Demetri looked at me and then my phone.

"Your brother called again. I guess the redhead got away from them." He said as I shrugged my shoulders at him. "They are asking for your help." He said as I scoffed at him.

"Now why would I help them?" I asked as he smiled over at me.

"Call him and tell him no!" He said as he held out my phone to me. I looked at it and sighed. I grabbed it and called my brother.

"Mads..." He said and he sounded excited to hear from me.

"What do you want now?" I asked as I was annoyed already.

Always in the Shadows-Demetri Volturi & OC (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now