5.5- Annoyed

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I shook my head as we all went to find the last of the witnesses

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I shook my head as we all went to find the last of the witnesses. I stood next to Aro as he thought it was best since Demetri would be on the hunt. I was confused by this. But soon realized what he meant. Emma stood next to me and shook her head. Bree was disgusted with how this was all going. They had killed three that refused to stand with them so far then one would make the fourth as it was clear he didn't want to turn against Carlisle as Carlisle had something on him.

Emma and I were shocked when we saw the evil smiles upon our mates faces. "Why do I feel like..." She started to say but stopped as Aro looked back at us. I shook my head letting her know we would talk about this later. I walked away from them before they had finished their 'funny'! I was glad that Jace didn't see his father and godfather acting like monsters. Emma, Bree and I quickly moved around the people in the city we were in. I made sure we blended in as the Volturi stood out more. Well all besides Alec, Felix and Demetri. "We have company!" Emma whispered but I already knew we did.

"There are four of them!" I said as we continued to walk. "Just keep moving." I said as I took a right instead of a left that would have taken us to my son. Brother and sister-in-law. I wasn't going to let them get anywhere near my son. But we were also being followed by our mates. Demetir was pissed I could feel the anger radiation off of him. If I wasn't already upset with him it would have turned me on. And I hate to admit it, but it did.

"Everyone else is fine." Bree said as she put her phone away. I nodded my head. I knew that my brother and sister would give their lives to protect my son.

"Where are you taking us?" Emma said, making me smirk as I found what I was looking for. An empty ally.

"Carlisle sent them!" I said and she nodded her head. We walked to the end and all smiled as we heard them approach. Emma and Bree had been training and were ready to put their skills to the test.

"He said you were all very pretty!" One said, making us turn around. "I didn't believe him." He said with a sickly sweet smile.

"Did he also tell you that we are powerful!" I said as I shot a fireball at them, hitting one. He screamed in pain as two of the others tried to put him out. "Don't bother. It won't go out!" I said just as our mates landed behind them.

"Carlisle gave us a message to give to you!" Another said as he looked back and noticed Demetri and the others. The fear that rolled off of them almost made me laugh.

"What message is that?" Demetri asked as I rolled my eyes at him. It was clear they were still looking for a fight. As the one before didn't put up one.

"Bring those who belong to the coven back and this fight won't need to happen. That he won't harm Madalynn any more. That she can have her peace once and for all!" He said and I scoffed at him. Demetri didn't like that at all.

"Did you just threaten my mate?" Demetri asked and the guy looked shocked. He may have not seen it as a threat but Demetri and I sure did.

"I am just the messenger." The guys said but Demetri wasn't having it. In a split second the guy was headless. I shook my head as soon, the other two were, as well. Thanks to Felix and Alec.

"Really?" Emma said as she glared at Felix. "You do know we were trying to get more out of them?" She said and I shook my head. Demetri looked at me annoyed as Felix and Alec glared at us.

"He threatened my mate. He would have died either way!" Demetri yelled and I shook my head. I walked around them with Emma and Bree behind us. "What would you have me do? Let them atack my pregnant mate?" He asked and I stopped and glared at him.

"To think?" I yelled as he just stood there and stared at me. "Ever since you put this back on. The Demetri I know has been lost. It is all about killing and protecting the Volturi." I said as I shook my head. And flicked the Volturi crest. I let out a deep breath as he still just stared at me.

"They are coming for the Volturi!" He said and I scoffed at him before I continued to walk away.

"You don't see it do you?" Emma said before following me.

"They are coming after Madalynn, not the Volturi. They want what she has. The ability to have a child!" Bree said as I took off running to get my son. If they wanted to fight then so be it. But I would fight my way. Bree and Emma were right behind me. I didn't feel Demetri's presence, so I knew he didn't follow. It made me sad that my mate was so blind to everything. That he really thought that they were after the Volturi even after all the notes that we had received.

When we walked into the little cabin, I smiled as Jace was playing with his cars on the floor. Emmett and Rosalie were in the kitchen making him so food. "Everything OK?" They both asked and I nodded my head.

"We need to head out!" I said as I moved around and started to pack. Emmett stopped me.

"What happened?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Carlisle sent four vampires after her!" Bree said as she grabbed her bag. Emma was already by the door ready to leave.

"If he really wants a fight then so be it. But I will fight my way." I said as I grabbed my and my sons bags. "Jace, we are going to go see an old friend of mine!" I said making him quickly pick up his toys. She was someone that I knew I could trust. I met her after Alice and Edward lied about me. When I needed someone she was always there. But when she found out I was mated to the Volturi Tracker she asked me to say away. It wasn't until a few months ago did she tell me why.

"Is Daddy coming with us?" He asked and I shook my head. He frowned at me before looking out the window. "He is going to be mad! He doesn't like it when we are away." He said and I sighed. My son was a tracker just like his father. So I knew he wasn't far now. I knew he would be mad but I needed her help. Soon I felt the presence of my mate and husband behind me.

"Why would I be mad?" I heard him ask and I shook my head, before I turned and glared at him. He was back to wearing his normal clothes. Felix and Alec as well.

9 Chapters Left

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