3.12 Rebirth

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	I smiled as Madalynn and I walked into our new home

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I smiled as Madalynn and I walked into our new home. A home I never thought I would see whole again. There were always stories about the people that drank blood. How if you were caught out at night they would take you and feed from you until you died. But when I was younger I never believed them. That was until I was turned into one myself.

Emma and the newborn were sitting on the couch talking when we walked in. The newborn looked scared as she looked at us. "Bree... They won't hurt you. If they wanted that then they would have done it back at the battlefield." Emma said as Madalynn smiled over at her.

"Then why am I here?" The newborn asked as she looked from Madalynn to me.

"A second chance on life." I said as she still looked scared. "You never asked for this to happen to you. Much like most of us. But that doesn't mean you need to die because you were created." I said as Madalynn handed her a glass with blood in it. Bree took it and smelt it. "We are not going to hurt you. We have no desire to use you for your gift. As we all have our own." I said and she looked at me confused.

"I don't have a gift." She said and I smiled at her.

"You do... You just haven't tapped into it. The fear they put you all through was also a factor in that." Madalynn said as she handed Emma a glass. "Which is normal. Not all vampires know they have a gift until it is forced out of them." She said and I nodded my head.

What are your gifts? If you don't mind me asking?" Bree asked and we all smiled at her. But Madalynn's smile was more scared than happy to share this part.

"Well mine is this..." Emma said as she waved her hand and the flowers died. She waved again and they came back to life. "Not all that cool but helpful when I need it." She said and I nodded my head.

"I am the world's best tracker. I can find anyone I need to." I said before smiling over at Madalynn. She sighed and shifted.

"I am a copycat. Meaning I can copy another's gift." She said with a frown. Bree seemed to prik up.

"That sounds like an amazing gift to have." Bree said with excitement in her voice.

"You would want to believe that..." Emma said as Bree looked at her confused. "It was a very lonely gift to have. Even her brother turned his back on her. All because she can't control it all the time" She said with a growl as she placed a stack of books down. Bree looked at them and that at Madalynn.

"If you want you are more than welcome to stay here. In this coven. Or you can go out there and find your own path. That is solely up to you!" Madalynn said as she stood up and walked to the window. Emma followed her.

"Where are we Mads?" Emma asked as she stepped next to her.

"Grease!" I said as Emma and Bree looked at me confused. "The Greek Coven!" I said as Emma moved away from Madalynn.

"The Greek coven was destroyed? By the werewolves! Whipped out over two hundred years ago." Emma said as she stood there confused.

"It was but we have rebuilt it." Madalynn said as she turned to all of us. "And it wasn't the werewolves that destroyed this coven. But a vampire." She said as I sighed and nodded my head. Emma looked at her, waiting for her to continue but when she didn't Emma looked at me.

"Werewolves were a big part of the downfall of this coven. There was a lager pack close to here. But it was another vampire that destroyed this coven. Claiming that they planned to overthrow the Volturi. As they had many members with gifts that could have easily taken the Volturi on. And brought them down." I said as Emma and Bree both looked at me shocked.

"Who would do smoothing like that?" Bree asked as she looked at me sad. I looked at Emma and she looked so broken.

"To earn his freedom." I said as Emma gasped at me. I was sure she knew who I was talking about.

"Carlisle... The leader of the Olympic Coven. Was that, vampire! He had all of them killed for his freedom." Madalynn said as Emma turned to her.

"He said that he had to do something he wasn't proud of to earn his freedom from them. To be able to find his mate. But to do that... Why?" She asked as I shrugged my shoulders at her.

"That is something only he can answer." Madalynn said as she pulled out an old book. "But this did help get a little peek into his thoughts at the time. Sure made me think twice about ever giving them another chance." Madalynn said as she placed the book on the table.

"When I found Madalynn. I knew that she would never want to be trapped inside the Volturi walls as she was already being held by them. So I asked Aro to leave. He gave me freedom but I was still part of the guard. And still need to be there when they need me. I agreed as I would be able to be with my mate and still with the coven I believed I was a part of. It wasn't until the army had already started did I find out that Aro wanted to break Madalynn. Make her think that they were the only ones that would ever take care of her. I didn't know that Madalynn had already started rebuilding this house to make a coven of her own.' I said as Emma gave her a small smile. When I did find out I called aro and told him my mate belonged to another coven and that I was leaving to join that coven. That I would still help them if they truly needed me to but that I wasn't going to leave my mate." I said and Emma nodded her head.

"That is so sweet!" Bree said but she looked so sad. "I wish my mate was here for all of this." She said as we all felt sorry for her.

"I am sorry, Bree... No one should ever lose their mate because of another." Madalynn said as she walked over to her. Emma nodded her head and sat down next to her.

"But this isn't just the rebirth of the Greek Coven but all of us!" Emma said with a smile. "And I for one am more than willing to take it!" She said as she pulled Madalynn down onto the couch. "To a new Beginning!" Emma yelled as she then took off to look at the rest of the coven house.

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