4.13 Little feet

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I panicked as I helped Madalynn prepare to give birth

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I panicked as I helped Madalynn prepare to give birth. Sitting her up and removing a few things that would be in the way. Now to say that I was scared shitless would be an understatement. Rosalie, Emma and Bree came rushing in when they heard her scream. "Fuck! Is it supposed to hurt like this?" Madalynn asked as she ripped a hold into our mattress.

I stood shocked as I started to see blood. And I will admit that I started to worry about my mate. What if she didn't make it? Would I be able to love this child if he killed his mother? Would I be able to take care of him without her?

"Stop thinking like that!" Madalynn growled at me. I quickly moved to her side and kissed her.

"I am sorry my love." I said as I held her hand as the girls helped her give birth. I was still lost in my own thoughts when I heard a small cry. My head snapped to the noise and there in Emma's arms was our son.

He was so small and had the bluest eyes. He had my eyes from when I was human. Emma passed him to Madalynn and he calmed at once. "He is perfect." I said as I leaned down and kissed her head. She smiled up at me. She handed me our son and I was so scared that I would drop him. So much so that Rosalie showed me how to hold him.

"Make sure you hold his head." She said as she placed my hand on the back of his head and neck. I kissed his head as I swayed back and forth. My mate has given me an amazing life to look forward to. With her, our children and our coven.

"Rosalie... can you help clean him up while Demetri helps me?" Madalynn asked as she tried to stand. Rosalie helped her while Emma and Bree started to clean.

"You are going to need a new bed!" Bree said as there was a lot of blood that had in fact ruined our bed. I turned and I looked out at the once dark sky to see that the sun was not high in the sky. How long was she in labor? Where were the others?

"Here let me take him." Rosalie said as she carefully removed my son from my arms. I helped my mate into the bathroom.

"I know you are upset with me. I am sorry. I shouldn't have thought that way." I said once I had removed my clothes and helped her remove hers. I watched as she stepped into the shower. I followed right behind her. She didn't say anything as I washed the blood from her body. It was only when I was done and we were both out, did she say anything to me.

"Why would you think like that?" She asked and the pain that was in her voice broke me.

"When I saw the blood... It made me realize that I could lose you." I said as I took her into my arms. "I can't ever lose you. I never want to think like that again. I know that I would always love our child but doing it without you... I can't do that. I am sorry that you heard all of that." I said as I helped her into new clothes. When we walked out there was a new mattress on our bed and fresh bedding ready to be put on.

"You need to rest." I said as I moved to put the bedding on.

"Not right now. I want our family to meet our son!" She said as she took my hand in hers. I helped her out to the living room just as Rosalie brought out our son. She had put him in baby clothes after giving him his own bath. I sat next to Madalynn as Rosalie handed him to my mate. Her brother had the biggest smile on his face.

A few days after I had given birth we asked that Aro, Caius and Marcus come to see us

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A few days after I had given birth we asked that Aro, Caius and Marcus come to see us. We did not bring our son up until Aro had seen all that had happened. I was reluctant to take Aro's hand but knew I needed to do this for my son.

Aro was shocked and explained everything to Marcus and Caius. They two were shocked but wanted to meet our son. We even showed them all the information that we had found. They had no idea about the hidden room as Caius' mate was once a member and she never said anything about it.

"You do understand that we will have to keep an eye on him. Make sure that he doesn't break any of the laws." Caius said with a frown.

"Stop it brother. It is like we all have a grandchild." Aro said as he sat on the floor playing with our son. I chuckled as who would have thought that he would be sitting on the floor playing with a baby.

"I for one think that this explains more of what we have been looking for. Carlisle was in fact playing us for fools." Marcus said as he handed over a book to Caius. He frowned as he read it.

"We have been gathering as much as we can on them." Emmett said as he handed Aro a book. "This is everything that happened over the years we were a part of their coven." He said as Emmett, Rosalie and I had sat down one night and went over all the time they were talking and would stop when we walked into a room or would disappear for a few days.

"Thank you, we will add this to the piles of evidence we have against them." Caius said as he placed it into his bag. "Now we must head back as we have our own coven to fuss over." Caius said as He stared at Aro who was now playing peek a boo with Jace. He shook his head but there was a smile on his face. Jane laughed but slapped her hand over her mouth. I laughed as did Alec.

"You know sister, you and your mate should come for a visit." Alec said and I knew he wanted his sister to experience life away from the Volturi even if it was on for a short time.

It had been a few months since our son was born and throughout the whole coven you can hear his little feet running around chasing his father or one of his uncles. I smiled as I got the mail and saw a letter from Aro. In it he tells that Bella and Edward got married and that she would be turning once they were back from their honeymoon. Though they were not happy about it. I chuckled as I handed the letter to my brother before I noticed another one.

We are coming for you!

You can't hide from us forever.

You will pay for taking away all that was mine!

You should have just played along and been a good little girl.


I laughed as she had signed the note. God is she stupid. I handed it to Demetri and he frowned at it. "Does she think this was a good idea?" He asked as I just laughed.

Always in the Shadows-Demetri Volturi & OC (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now