4.11 No one knew

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I sat in a cafe, with Demetri waiting for my brother and sister in-law

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I sat in a cafe, with Demetri waiting for my brother and sister in-law. We had come early as my pacing was making everyone nervous. "Don't worry, my love. The others are on lookout for any danger." Demetri said but I couldn't stop my leg from bouncing. It only stopped when I saw them walk in. Demetri stood as I continued to sit. We had decided that it was best to hide my growing belly. Rosalie saw us first and rushed over to me hugging me. My brother stood back and gave me a sad smile.

"You look so good." Rosalie said when she let me go.

"Thank you. It seems Grease has had the same effect on you." I said with a small smile. I looked at my brother as he just stared at me. I went to stand to give him a hug but he stopped me.

"Please stay sitting." He said and I frowned. "I don't want to hug you if it will be our last time. Cause I know I won't be able to let you go." He said and I nodded my head at him.

"Did you really leave?" I asked as they both sat down with me and Demetri.

"Yeah. We started putting the pieces together. We know they did something but we don't know what." He said and I nodded my head.

"They have been trying to replace you. And neither one of us were going to let that happen." Rosalie said and I shook my head. But I knew they would do that.

"They don't know we are here." He said and I nodded my head. "Mads... I am so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I know you may not be able to forgive me but you need to know that I love you and I will let you go if that is what you want!" He said and I could hear the pain, the regret in his voice.

"It will take time to rebuild what we once had. But I do not want you to go away. I want my brother in my life. In our child's life." I said as they both looked at me scared. "Now before you say anything. We did not turn a child." I said standing up and removing my jacket that was covering my pregnant belly. Demetri was ready in case they attacked but they just sat there and stared at me.

"How is that possible?" Rosalie asked as she placed a single hand on my stomach.

"We can explain more at the coven house." Demetri said as Felix walked in and over to us. He whispered something to Demetri. "It seems that we have another message." He said as my brother looked confused. I sighed as I grabbed my coat and prepared to leave.

"Are you coming?" I asked and they both nodded their heads. They followed us back to the house and to say that they were shocked wouldn't have even been close to it.

"Isn't this the old Greek coven house?" Rosalie asked as we walked inside.

"Yes! I started rebuilding it many years ago." I said as we entered the living room. Emma smiled as she walked over to Rosalie and my brother and hugged them. Bree looked at them before moving next to Alec.

"We mean no harm to you!" Emmett said as he held up his hands.

"OH! I know but the people you were with sure did." She said and I frowned. But I knew she was right. So did my brother from the frown that was on his face.

"Believe me I know!" He said as Alec handed over a letter that was sent to us.

"It seems like he is even more pissed now!" Alec said as Demetri read the letter. I looked at the envelope. It was sent from Washington to Italy then sent to us.

You think you can break apart my coven.

I will destroy you just like I did countless others.

Mark my words Madalynn you will pay for betraying us!

I read it over Demetri's shoulder but ended up laughing. "Let him try." I said with a scoff. "He doesn't know half of what I am capable of!" I said as I went to sit down. Emmett read it and he was pissed.

"I won't let them touch you." He said as he moved over to me. "You or my niece or nephew." He said as he took my hands in his.

"None of us will!" Felix said as he wrapped his arms around Emma.

"What do we do? I mean they have Edward and Alice." Rosalie said as she sat next to Emmett. "As well as Jasper." She said and I scoffed.

"None of their gifts work on me. I can also block them." I said with a smile.

"But that doesn't help the rest of us." Emmett said with a frown.

"But it does." Demetri said with a smile. Emmett and Rosalie looked confused as everyone else smiled. "There is a reason they haven't found us. Madalynn is blocking Alice's visions. If you were to think about coming here and seeing her Alice would never know. Madalynn has made sure that they can't find us. That was why we had to make sure you two were alone and that you had in fact left them." Demetri said as my brother smiled at us.

"Is that a new gift?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No! I am able to change the gifts I copy. Make them into what I need. All to protect my true gift!" I say as I place my hand over my unborn child.

"Your true gift?" Emmett asked as he looked at me confused. Demetri brought out what books we had on the original copycat.

"It seems that the first of our kind could still bear children. After she had made her coven." Demetri said as he waved his hand around the house. "And others started to show that they had gifts. She was able to copy their gifts, thereby protecting her children." He said as he handed a book over to Emmett and Rosalie. "It also shows that the more danger the copycat is in the more powers she will copy. Madalynn has over 30 powers that she didn't start with. The three of them plus mine, Alec, Jane, Marcus and a few others from the Volturi." He said and my brother looked at me shocked.

"But why is Carlisle coming after you?" He asked and I sighed. I opened the last book and showed him. He read what was written. "He... do they all know what he did?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"Yes!" I said and he shook his head.

"But why is he after you?" He asked and I looked down at my belly as I handed over another book.

"This is the last copycat's dairy. In here she tells all about how her and Carlisle were friends and how she learned she could have a child with her mate. She had asked him for help finding her mate. How he turned his back on her once she became pregnant." I said as I held it out to them.

I watched as Rosalie was the first to read it. "Ok so what do we do to protect my sister and her child?" Emmett asked as Felix, Alec and Demetri smirked at him.

"We fight. We protect our own." Felix said with an evil smile.

"That much I know. But how?" He asked before he looked at Rosalie who was now sobbing.  

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