1.9 Longing

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📜Author's Note📜 Surprised update!

Hope you all enjoy a surprise update. It is only one chapter but here you go!

Please note: That is will not happen every week but I had a good week of writing and thought I would share it with you all!

Thank you Foreverandalways712


🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

Marcus gave me and Felix permission to go and check on my mate

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Marcus gave me and Felix permission to go and check on my mate. We were far enough away that they wouldn't know we were there but close enough to be able to see what they were doing. I watch as the most beautiful woman walks out onto the deck. And like that human had told us it was like the story Snow white. Hair black as ebony skin white as snow, lips red as blood.

"Madalynn... We have to talk about this! We are family!" We hear one of them say. I smiled as I finally got to see my beautiful little mate.

"Alice you are not my keeper so fuck off! You sure as hell will not tell me when I can leave this sorry excuse of a coven!" I hear my mate say as she looks out into the woods. I growl as they are trying to keep my mate here. I see how sad she really is. I see her brother walk up to her and hug her. He looks at her sad before kissing her head. I sigh as I see that he does love his sister and she loves him, but she is not happy here with them. I wonder if she feels the pull to me and how I feel without her in my arms. And like she could feel me she looked to where we were in the woods. A small smile graced her face, making me smile just a little.

"I like her!" Felix says as I look at him confused. "What she just told that little on to fuck off. Clearly she's got a mouth on her."

"Yes but what will happen when she says something like that to the master?" I asked as he laughed.

"Macus would be shocked. Aro would laugh, finding it fun and Cauis would be the one to have a problem with it." He says as I shake my head at him.

"And they could hurt her." I say as He scoffs at me.

"Aro and Marcus wouldn't allow that. If she is this copycat. I mean who knows what kind of powers she has." He says as I look back at my mate and sigh. "We have to head back. We have until sunrise to do so." Felix says as I nod my head taking in one last look at my mate.

"I will see you soon Madalynn!" I say as her head snaps to where we are at. A true smile comes across her face.

I sighed as we entered the castle. I wanted to go back and take my mate away from them. But the fear of her not wanting me was the only thing stopping me from bringing her home with me. But a part of me could see that she wanted to be with her mate. But did she know I was her mate?

"How did it go?" Marcus asked as we entered the throne room.

"Well they didn't know we were there." Felix says as he takes his spot for the trial that is about to begin.

"Demetri?" Aro asks as he looks at me concerned.

"She is not happy with them and wants to leave. But they are trying to stop her." I say as Aro holds out his hand for me to take.

"It seems that she senses you as well. And you are right they are trying to keep her there with them. She has a mouth on her. OH! This will be fun when she gets here!" Aro smiles over at Caius. I try to hide my smile. "Caius might have just met his match!" He says, making me and Felix laugh.'

"Told you!" Felix says as I take my spot next to him. I shake my head as other members of the guard bring in Mario for his trial.

"Did you find who stole my power?" He asks as I growl low at him. Felix places a hand on my shoulder stopping me from killing him.

"NO! We didn't but there is the matter of you. We found out that you have exposed yourself to the people in the town you live nearby. Showing your speed and strength." Aro says as Mario looks scared.

"Now let's see what you do remember?" Aro says as I look at him a little afraid of what he may see. After a few minutes Aro sighed and looked over at me.

"It seems that Mario had a runin with your mate Demetri." He said and I hissed out. "Not only that, he tried to claim her as his own." Aro says as I look shocked. "When he grabs her that is when everything goes black!" Aro says with a smile.

"So that means Demetri's mate is a copycat!" Caius says as he smiles down at Mario. "Meaning that we don't need him if we have her." He says as I look at Aro. He sighs as he looks at me.

"Yes, that is true. What was your power again?" Aro asks as Mario growls.

"I'm a shield, a mental shield." Mario says as I nod my head at him.

"Demetri, were you able to get close enough to your mate to track her?" Marcus asks as I nod my head at him. "Can you tell us where she is at right now?" He asks as I close my eyes and concentrate on my mate. Her mind is different from the others to me.

"She is still with the Cullens in Washington." I say, as Aro nods his head.

"So it means that your gift has yet to return to you." Aro says as he smiles at Mario. "Until it does, you will remain here." Aro says as he waves his hand and two guard members remove him from the throne room. I walked up to Marcus.

"Master, is it normal for my mate to be a different... I am not sure how to describe it." I say as Aro walks over to us.

"Let me see. Maybe I can help." He says as I hold out my hand for him.

"It is like the line to her is a different color. Like if he was to track one of us it would be black but for her it is a soft pink with a hint of white in it." Aro says as I nod my head in agreement.

"I will look into it to see what I can find." Marcus says as I bow.

"Thank you masters!" I say as they both smile at me. I see Hiedi glaring at me. I shake my head as I leave the throne room.

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