5.14 the End of a coven

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It has been a few weeks since we went back to Forks

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It has been a few weeks since we went back to Forks. The Cullen clan had been kept in the Volturi dungeons waiting for their trials. Alice had faced her trail when we all arrived back in Italy. Aro didn't want to wait seeing as she had betrayed them. Cauis was quick to kill her as it was found out that she was trying to kill his mate as well. We were now waiting on Edward and Bella's trail. But the one I wanted was, Carlisle trial. He was the one to start all of this. Aro had told me that he would be the last to pay. After seeing his coven destroyed.

"Mommy, look at what I made!" A little voice yelled from across the yard. I smiled as I approached my son. He looked so much like Demetri. Sandy blonde hair and beautiful green eyes.

"What do you have there, Jace?" I asked as I kneeled down so I was level with my son. He smiled up at me. As my heart leaped for joy seeing him so happy.

"I made it! Isn't it pretty?" He said as he slowly opened his hand and showed a beautiful butterfly. "It is for sissy. For her room. It will fly around and never die." He said as he placed his hand on my swollen stomach. I placed my hands there and smiled.

"She will love it, my son!" I heard Demetri say from behind me. I turned to look at him and his eyes were amber gold now. He wasn't feeding off of humans, he was on an animal diet. It still shocked me that Demetri, Alec and Felix took on this diet. "Now all she needs to do is come and meet us. But she is like your mother. Stubborn! She is taking her own time and doing it her way." He said and I scoffed at him. Our son laughed as he ran to his father. "But we will love her no matter what. Right?" He said and our son nodded his head.

"Yes... Because she is like mommy! She is a copycat." He said and I frowned at him. We didn't know that for sure. But my powers had been acting up.

"We don't know that forsure but she could be you never know. Or she might not have a gift. We will just have to wait and see." Emmett said as he and Rosalie walked over to us.

"Uncle Emmett! Your back! How was Spain? Did you bring me back anything?" My son said all excited. I chuckled as I still had my hands on my unborn child.

"Yes we did... But you need to go and get cleaned up. We have to leave here soon." Rosalie said as she held her hands out for my son. I shook my head remembering that today was Edward and Bella's trial.

"Yes it is!" I said as I huffed. I was ready to get this over with. I was annoyed that they had tried to convince the Volturi kings to keep them on and make them a part of the guard. Aro considered it but Marcus and Cauis put their foot down on the matter. Cauis reminded him that they had broken one too many laws and this only opened the door for others to get away with their crimes.

I felt like time had sped up as before I knew it Jace and I were standing behind Caius. He had made it clear that I was to be kept away. I agreed but asked that Edward be killed before Bella. I wanted to keep my promise to her. I wasn't sure why but when they were brought in I smirked. I knew I shouldn't but seeing them pay for the crimes did bring me joy. Emma and Bree moved next to me. Demetri's doing no doubt. I looked behind me and smirked as Bella was looking at the heads of the coven she so badly wanted to be a part of. The center was empty but the one to the right held Esme's head then there were two empty spots. The ones to the right Held Alce and Jasper's heads. They did not keep the child's head or Jake's. As Aro thought that was just in poor taste.

"Edward Cullen, you have been charged and convicted of sharing our secret to a human. As well as holding Madalynn McCarthy against her well." Caius said as he sat on his throne. "Do you have anything to say for yourself?" He asked and Edward looked right at me.

"What crimes is she facing?" He asked and I laughed.

"Why would she be facing any charges?" Aro asked as he leaned a little closer to Edward.

"She killed my daughter! Took my true mate." He said and I shook my head.

"I wasn't your true mate! I am Felix's true mate!" Emma said with a hiss. "I was your chance to get rid of Bella once and for all. But you chose her." She said and I just stood there with my head held high.

"You can't blame Madalynn for something you did all on your own." Emmett said as he and Rosalie stood by Alec and Jane. "As for you brat. Madalynn didn't touch her." He said and Edward hissed at him. No one really knows who killed the child. But I do know that Jake had been killed at the hands of Jane and Felix.

"No, if she had just listened and did what she was told none of this would have happened." Bella yelled, making everyone laugh at her.

"If there is nothing else Rita said as she placed her hand on Marcus's shoulder. "Demetri... Felix... Emmett!" She said as she waved her hand in front of herself. They approached him, Emmett taking one arm as Felix took the other. Demetri was just about to grab his head.

"Please no!" Bella screamed. But on one was buying her trick this time.

"This is for keeping my mate from me!" Demetri said as he ripped Edward's head from his body. Rosalie was the one to set it ablaze.

"Isabella Swan Cullen..." Aro said as Bella looked at him shocked. She had really hoped that they would allow them to live and be a part of the Volturi. He didn't say anything else, just waved his hand. I was expecting Emmett, Demetri and Felix to kill her but when Emma, Bree and Rosalie moved into possession I was shocked.

"Please, I am begging you!" She said as she tried to sob. "Emme!" She said but Rosalie was quick in taking off her head.

"Begging, well do you no good when Edward is no longer around!" Emma said and I shook my head as she held up her head. It was silent for a moment before we could hear the cries from Carlisle.

"I am feeling good today!" Aro said, confusing me. "Bring him!" Aro said to two of his newest

Elite guard members. I noticed Felix, Demetri and Alec roll their eyes at them. But they soon brought in Carlisle! He was weak from not being able to feed.

"Please just kill me!" Carlisle said as he was thrown to the floor in front of the kings.

"OH! Don't worry we will!" Caius said with a sinister smile.

"I did what I did, do get it over with." He hissed and that was all that it took to end Carlisle and his clan! I was free! Free to live my life with my mate and our children.

The End!

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