4.8 Goodbye!

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

	I was annoyed when I received a letter from my sister

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I was annoyed when I received a letter from my sister. It wasn't the fact that she had sent me a letter, it was what was in the letter. She was now married. I was pissed she didn't invite me. I was pissed that I had ruined our relationship. I stood out on the back deck and watched as the other members of my coven set up for Edward and Bella's wedding. Bella walked up and frowned at me. "You are supposed to be setting up!" She said with an attitude I scoffed at her. Rosalie looked at her annoyed as she moved over to us. Alice and Edward looked at me and then at Bella.

"I don't have to do shit when it comes to you and Edward. Neither of you are my family." I said as I turned to look at her. She looked offended at what I had said. Edward walked over and wrapped his arms around Bella.

"Come help me with the flower!" He said and she shook out of his hold.

"Look! You can either help or don't come." She said and I smiled as Edward frowned at me.

"Then I won't come!" I said in a flat uncaring tone. She gasped as I turned to walk away.

"You know I will be a better sister than her." Bella screamed and I was pissed. Edward tried to lunge at me but I grabbed him by the throat.

"I suggest you teach your blood bag her place. Cause the next time she tries to talk trash about my sister... I will feed off of her." I growled and this made both Edward and Bella scared. "As for you!" I said and pointed at Bella. "I would watch what comes out of your mouth. As it is I hate you! Keep my sister out of your mouth!" I hissed before throwing Edward into the altar. I turned to Carlisle who looked just as shocked as everyone else. "Once this side show is over my mate and I are leaving and you will not stop us again." I said and he frowned at me as I walked away with my arm wrapped around Rosalie. She was smiling up at me.

"Can't we leave now?" She asked and I nodded my head.

"You know what I think that is a great idea. Let's do that!" I said as we entered the house. I could hear Bella throwing a fit outside but didn't care. She wasn't anything to me. She would never replace my sister no matter how hard she tried. Rosalie went up stairs as I got all of the keys to our cars.

"Why are you doing this?" Bella yelled as she stormed into the house. "You are ripping the family apart." She said as she was now full blown sobbing.

"They are not my family. My family is my mate, sister and new brother-in-law. They are not my family. They haven't been for years." I said in a matter of fact tone. I had been done ever since the day Madalynn had left. It was only because of Jasper did I stay. If it was up to me I would have taken my sister and my mate a long time ago.

"Brother-in-law?" She asked and I smirked at her. "Madalynn married Demetri?" She asked and she seemed so sad. "Why weren't we invited?" She asked and I frowned at her.

"She hated you and Edward. She hated this coven. Why would she want any of you at her wedding?" I asked as Rosalie came back down stairs. I thought back to the letter and how she wished that Rosalie and I were there. How she wanted me to walk her down the aisle. But how she couldn't trust me to not bring along those who had betrayed her and hurt her for so many years. Edward walked in and frowned at me.

"We are sorry. If she would ever give us the chance to hear us out then she would know that we were really only doing it for her own good." He said and I scoffed.

"NO! She was right. You were doing to keep your own asses safe. It wasn't about keeping her safe, it was about the power she had, the power she held under lock and key." I said as Rosalie stepped next to me.

"Whatever you all are hiding we want nothing to do with." She said and Edward glared at her. "We know that was why you tried to keep her away from her mate. We know that was why you kept her away from the Volturi. And now you can't use her so you are trying to control Emmett." She said and I nodded my head before we both walked back to our room to finish packing. I could hear Bella arguing with Edward about how we are going to ruin their wedding if we aren't there. I rolled my eyes as Alice came to talk to us.

"Don't bother." I said and she pouted at me. "I don't care about her or him. We will not stand by and let what you all have done to Madalynn stand anymore." I said as I finished packing video games.

"I just think you are taking it too far. Cutting us all off like this." She said and I laughed at her.

"You know it is funny coming from you." I said as she just pouted at me. "You lie about my sister and then think that I would ever be ok with you mate using his gift on me to help you all cover whatever it is you are hiding. Did you really think that I would pick any of you over my sister?" I asked and She looked so shocked. Rosalie glared at her as she removed her crest from her neck. Esme had convinced her to wear it again but I refused to ever put mine back on.

"I just think you should wait until after the wedding to think about if this is the best plan for you!" She said and I just stared at her. Rosalie hissed at her as she was more than ready to leave and see the world. She wanted her best friend and sister back. I knew she wanted to see Emma again as they had gotten close while she was here. Alice walked away leaving my mate and myself to finish packing.

"We are leaving?" She asked and I nodded my head. And I knew where I wanted to go first. But I would never think about it here. Not with Edward around. I wanted to keep them as far away from my sister and her coven as possible. In a few hours all of our things were packed up and out of the house. I had the last box of things that would be staying here. I walked into the living room with it and placed it in front of Carlisle and Esme. They both frowned at me as Edward held a crying Bella in his arms.

"They are ruining everything." She sobbed and I glared at her.

"No, they ruined everything. I am just setting it right once and for all!" I said as I took Rosalie's hand and walked out with her. 

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