3.14 The first of our kind

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	I sat on the floor of that room and read the book that was started by the first of our kind

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I sat on the floor of that room and read the book that was started by the first of our kind. This first vampire, the first copycat. The reason we exist. When magic was truly real and not just stories, not just make believe. I read about how she was changed into this monster as she called herself.

How the man she was focused to marry hated her for loving another when he had others in his bed after they had married. How he tried to kill her with an old poison but it didn't kill her only turned her into what we are today. How she killed his lovers and finally him in the end but only after he had grown old while she stayed young and beautiful. How he begged her to forgive him and turn him so they could live forever together like they were supposed to. But what he didn't know was she had found her heart in his best friend, the man she was in love with. The man she wanted to marry.

She had turned him, after he asked her to. She cried as it took days for him to stop screaming in pain and when he awoke the love they shared became stronger. More powerful she had never felt anything like the love she shared with him. It made me think about Demetri. How he makes me feel whenever he is near me. I smiled as I knew how she felt about her mate. Cause I felt the same way with Demetri. How it broke my heart to leave him when I thought that our love was only one sided. Me being the one that was in love.

For hours I sat and read. It was after she was killed by werewolves did someone else pick up where she left off telling their own story about their life. She too was a copycat. I gasped as since our kind was created there have only been four copycats. Me being the last one. All three of them belong to this coven and now I belong to the same coven. I smiled as I would put my story in this book as well. But what was on the last page rocked me to my core. As I knew it to be true.

~Carlisle Cullen can not be trusted. He is power hungry and wants the world to bow to him as he thinks he is better than the rest as he doesn't feed from humans. He is responsible for the death of this anchante coven. Only with a rebirth of the Greek Coven and the power of the first of our kind will he be destroyed, once and for all.

I was shocked to see a drawing of me underneath it. It was around then that Demetri found me. "There you are?" He said as I looked up at him from my stop on the floor. He looked around the room in awe of all the old books. Books that haven't been seen by any one since the destruction of this once powerful and peaceful coven. He carefully ran his hand down one of the books. I smiled and launched myself at him. "Hello, my love!" He said before I kissed him. He responds like he always does by pushing me up against the closest thing to us and kissing me back with every ounce of love he has for me.

"I love you!" I said once we pulled away. I wanted him to alway know that I loved him and that I was in love with him.

"I love you too!" He said before attaching our lips again. This time there was no breaking apart if we could help it. He walked me over to the table that was in the room and placed me on top of it. I helped him remove his shirt and he ripped my dress from my body.

I giggled when he growled as he hurried to get his pants off. "Madalynn, you are my forever." He said and I smiled at him.

"I wouldn't want to be anyone else's." I said as I attached our lips again. He slowly entered me and I moaned as I loved how he made me feel. Weather it was when we had sex our were just holding one another. It was there in the room that held the stories that we made love to each other.

"Marry me?" He asked as he brought me to my first orgasm. I was shocked but god did I want that too. So I moaned out my answer.

"Yes!" I moaned and that seemed to make Demetri even more excited as he picked me up and moved us to what I thought was just a pile of material. But it was once a bed. Or so Demetri would later tell me. We laid there in each other's arms.

"You know it has been said that there was a secret room that held the home of Mara." He said and I smiled at him. "The first of our kind. Do you think this is her room?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"I do... The book I was reading was her's. As well as two others just like me. One that was here when Carlisle had it destroyed." I said as He looked at me shocked. Then there is our proof that we needed to stop him and his coven from doing whatever they are planning to do!" He said and I nodded my head. "I don't want to see my brother and sister in-law destroyed for something he did." I said and Demetri sighed.

"I know my love but if your brother knows anything about this then he has played his part in all of this." He said and I sighed and got up. I heard Demetri growl before I was pulled back into bed with him. He kissed me before entering me again and this time it was different. It felt almost human. We were both covered in sweat and breathing heavily.

"Demetri?" We heard Felix yell making us both laugh. Demetri got up and put his pants on and tossed me his shirt. I giggled as I put it on. We walked out and closed the door just as Felix turned the coroner. "There you two are!" He said as he held Emma's hand. I looked at them confused as Emma was all smiles.

"You were right!" Was all she said and that made me even more confused. "Edward wasn't my true mate!" She said as she smiled up at Felix. I looked at them shocked but was truly happy for them. Felix was looking at her like she was the only woman in the world and it made me smile even more.

"I am so happy for you!" I said as Bree came running to me. She looked at Felix and screamed and hid behind me and Demetri.

"I am not going to hurt you!" He said but she didn't move from behind me and Demetri.

"It's ok Bree... He won't do anything to you. He knows that he would have to go through Madalynn to get to you!" Demetri said with a laugh. Bree looked at him and then Felix. She nodded her head. She moved next to me and handed me a letter. I took it and opened it. It was an invitation to Edward and Bella's Wedding. I laughed and passed it to Emma. She laughed and handed it back to me.

"I don't care. I found my true mate. That's who matters to me." She said and I smiled at us before looking at Felix. It had me wondering why they didn't feel the pull before today. Then it hit me, Jasper. Jasper had used his gift on her to make her think that Edward was her mate. But why would they do that? What was their reason for tricking her into believing that Edward was her mate? Was it because of her power? If so then why did I see her as his mate. My visions were never wrong. So what did this all mean? I wondered as I stared at the invite. I scoffed before I set it on fire.

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