1.12 Nomads

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I rolled my eyes as Edward and Bella walked onto the field

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I rolled my eyes as Edward and Bella walked onto the field. "Why is she here?" I ask as Rosalie glares right next to me. Edward stops and sighs as he looks over at us. Bella looks concerned as she sees us.

"We thought it would be good for her to get to know everyone!" Esme says with a smile.

"Yeah, well not all of us want to get to know her!" Rosalie says, making Esme and Carlisle sigh.

"There they go only thinking of Edward and now his useless blood bag!" I say loud enough for Bella to hear as Esme looks ashamed. Edward looks at me pissed as Bella looks at the ground. Emmett taps my shoulder, making me look at him. He shakes his head. "Each time he forces me to be around her when I don't want to, you lose a day of me staying here!" I say as Emmett looks shocked and then pissed at Edward. "You now have six days!" I say as I walk away from them. I hear Rosalie sigh as she walks away as well.

I hear my brother telling Edward 'Thanks because of you and her I am losing time with my sister. Keep this up and I will kill you!' I smile as now Emmett will now try to put a stop to all of this as well. I walked over to the chair that I had made and sat down. I grabbed my book and started to read it. I could feel Edward looking at me and I growled. He walked over to me and sighed as I didn't look up at him and he couldn't read my mind. I had figured out what that guy's power was and it was a shield. I was not going to keep that up as much as I could from now on.

"Madalynn?" Edward asks as I huff and finally look at him over my book. "Would you make Bella a chair? Her feet are starting to hurt from the walk up here and then standing." He asks as I just look at him.

"Nope, she is your blood bag. You should have thought of everything you needed for her before you forced her on us all... Again." I say as Bella walks up and stands behind Edward. "It's your turn to hit!" I say as Alice walks over and taps his shoulder.

"I get that you aren't happy about me..." She says as I hold up my hand stopping her.

"Don't care! I don't want to get to know you and I sure as hell don't want you to know anything about me. So don't speak to me, run back to the vampire that will soon kill you!" I say as I hear Alice huff at me. Bella looks like she is on the verge of tears. She walks off back to Edward.

"You could be a little nicer. She hasn't done anything wrong." Alice says as she crosses her arms over her chest.

"Yet! She hasn't done anything wrong yet. But that will change soon." I say as I look back on my vision and nod my head. Alice looks at me confused before she turns back to the game. I continue to read my book until it is time to stand and meet the nomads that have heard the game going on. I walk to the spot where everything will go down and make a new chair and wait for the show.

"Stop!" Alice yells, making me smile! They all come running to where I am sitting. I watch as Edward fusses over Bella. Emmett looks at me and sighs as I have not stood up yet.

"Mads..." He says as I sit and wait for what is to come.

"Yes! Big brother?" I say/ask as he looks at me and sighs. He points to the spot next to him. I shake my head no as I will not be joining them. "Nope, this is on Edward! He wanted her here and now he has to face the consequences!" I said, making Edward turn and look at me with an undeniably hurt look in his eyes. I watch as the three nomads emerge from the woods.

I listen as Carlisle introduces all of us. "This is Madalynn!" Carlisle says I wave my hand at them. James looks at me and smiles, I roll my eyes at him. I waited for it and then it happened. James smelt Bella. I didn't show any emotion as everything went down. I watched as the nomads left. I stood and started to walk away.

"Madalynn... Please help me keep her safe! This was not her fault!" Edward says as I stop and turn to glare at him.

"I am sure that I already went over this with you... But ok I'll make a deal with you!" I say as Edward looks nervous. "If I help you! Then once James is killed. I leave and no one stops me. You take away whatever time I would have left with Emmett!" I say, making Emmett growl at Edward. A warning that he will not let that happen.

"NOPE! Not happening!" Emmett and Rosalie said together. Edward looks at them and then back to me. He sighs as he shakes his head no at me. Bella looks confused and a little hurt. I turn and start walking back to the house.

I was pissed that Edward tried to get Madalynn to help him with Bella

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I was pissed that Edward tried to get Madalynn to help him with Bella. Madalynn had made it very clear that she wanted nothing to do with her and would not help him with his blood singer. Not after he blamed her for the death of the last one.

I went with Edward to help with James as well as Alice. I was still pissed at Edward. For trying to get Madalynn involved. "I am sorry Emmett. I was hoping she would change her mind and help. I thought if she got to see that Bella isn't bad that she would want to become friends with her and want to help keep her safe and stay with us." He says as I scoff.

"She made it damn clear that she wanted nothing to do with her. And yet you still tried to push Bella on her!" I say with a small growl. Bella looks terrified. "I am sure you and Alice came up with that idea." I say as Alice looks down and Edward looks away from me. "Yeah, I thought so. Both of you need to stay away from my sister!" I say as we get closer to Bella's house.

"Why does she hate me so much?" Bella asked Edward. When he didn't say anything I did.

"Because you aren't the first human girl, Edward has brought home to meet us. Edward and Alice blamed her for killing one, when she was nowhere near our home at the time. You are a reminder of the betrayal of our coven." I say as Edward growls at me, Bella looks shocked as Alice glares at me. "If you are going to tell your story then make sure you tell her everything! Be truthful of what you are!" I say as we pull up to Bella's house.

Alice and I waited for Bella and Edward to leave so we could follow. "You shouldn't have told her that! She is now scared of Edward." Alice says as I look over at her and glare.

"Good! You shouldn't have blamed my sister for things you and Edward did. Now you both pay the price for your mistakes." I say as Alice nods her head. We headed back to the house to keep the tracker away from Bella's father.

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