5.6 There is always more

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We all knew that the Volturi were getting closer as the weather turned from fall to winter

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We all knew that the Volturi were getting closer as the weather turned from fall to winter. Alice and Jasper had left claiming that they needed more witnesses. Ones that would show that Renesmee was not a danger to us. Carlisle grew more annoyed as more vampires showed up. One had shared the romers that have been going around about him. The next day that vampire was gone. Carlisle claimed that he refused to say as the Volturi weren't just coming for Renesnee but all of us.

"What are you hiding from me Edward?" I asked one night as he put the brat to bed. Jake was in our living room already asleep. I heard him huff before he walked past me and into our room.

"What happened before you came along is none of your business." He said as I went to change. I hissed at him as everything was my business. "I'm not even sure why you are still here?" He said and I gasped at him.

"Because I am your mate. I love you!" I said as I was still a little shocked that he was talking to me like this.

"And Jake, right? That is why you haven't held our daughter since you found out that Jake imprinted on her." He said and I tried to shake my head. I wouldn't let him know that what he said was true. I hated her for taking Jake away from me. Jake was mine and she came along and stole him from me.

"That is not true! I love our daughter!" I said and I had to hold back the vile that wanted to come up as I said that. Edward clearly noticed and glared at me. I huffed and walked away from him. I wasn't going to talk about this right now. But as I walked out of our room and into the living room Jake was sitting there glaring at me. I was shocked that he had so much anger towards me.

"You know at one point I would have done anything to be with you. But I now know that it was the child you would have that was meant for me. You were just the one to carry my imprint." He said as I just stared at him hurt by his words.

"I think it would be best if you stayed at the main house from now on!" Edward said, standing behind me.

	"I think it would be best if you stayed at the main house from now on!" Edward said, standing behind me

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I shook my head as I had a vision of Rita. Marcus's mate. She was alive. She hadn't died like I thought she had. I knew If I could get her on our side then maybe we could have a chance at staying alive. I knew she wouldn't be happy to see me as I was the reason for her brother and mate turning on her but I also knew I needed her help.

"If you have come to ask for forgiveness then you are in the wrong place. There is a church about 50 miles from here. They may give you that forgiveness." We heard from behind us. I turned to see her standing there with around 50 vampires."If you have come to ask for help. You are also in the wrong place. As no one here will give you that." She said and soon we were surrounded.

"Please Rita! We need your help. The Volturi are going to kill us! You could stop it all!" I said as Jasper shifted next to me.

"Says the little vampire that tried to get me killed. I lost everything because of you. My brother and mate turned their backs on me, hurt me. All because of you! Why would I ever help you?" She said and I sighed. Jasper looked at me sad and a little worried. I knew there were too many of them for us both to make it out alive. I knew I wouldn't. She would make sure of that. That much I have already seen. "What is it you want, MaryAlice? Or is it just Alice now?" She asked with a smirk. Then I saw it, Her and Madaylnn talking over the years. She knew everything we had been doing. She became Madalynn's sire! Until Demetri came into the picture.

"This is your army?" I said in nothing more than a whisper. Jasper tensted next to me. There was more than enough to kill our coven. Even with the wolves' help.

"Army... No! This is my coven." She said with a smile. "Do you not recognise their faces?" She asked, making me take a good look at those who were around me. Many of the faces I did know. They were ones that made it out of the covens we had destroyed. Ones that Carlisle wasn't worried about. But I knew one day they would come back and bring us down. But Carlisle said that no one would believe them. But I knew if they found each other they would have more than enough to go against not only us but the Volturi as well.

"You plan to stand with the Volturi? Even after they hurt you?" Jasper asked and she shook her head. Jasper moved closer to me and I knew he felt their anger for not only the two of us but for our coven.

"We plan to stand with Madalynn!" She said and I frowned at her. Why Madalynn, I wondered.

"Why?" I asked as she continued to smile at me.

"Why would we stand by the man or woman that killed our family and friends?" One of them asked and I knew his face as he was once a part of a small coven who just wanted to live in peace but stumbled upon Edward killing Amber. I had killed them to protect Edward and myself. I regretted it but know I could never bring them back for him.

"I am sorry! I whispered, this earned more than a few evil laughs.

"I think we should leave!" Jasper said and I nodded my head. But I knew we weren't going to be able to leave. Not alive that is. Then I saw it, Rita's Coven standing behind Madalynn, Emma and Bree. All of them giving evidence against us.

"You should leave now! And give Carlisle a warning from me." She said as she moved in front of me. "Power can only get you so far. When you turn on those who would have made you great!" She said and then like that they were gone. We left a little more than shanking. But I knew that we would have to return and give them the message even though it was a disappointment to come back empty handed.

8 Chapters Left

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