1.8 So it begins

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I later found out that Bella got into a bit of trouble in Port Angels and that Edward went to save her

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I later found out that Bella got into a bit of trouble in Port Angels and that Edward went to save her. Alice announced that she would know about us by the morning. Rosalie and I were not happy about this. "It's Amber in the 80's all over again." I said as Alice, Carlisle and Esme looked at me ashamed.

"This will be different. She will be one of us. And we will all be happy! Including you!" Alice says as I roll my eyes at her. Yeah right we will.

"So you say! Which I call bullshit! Will I not help keep her safe when shit hits the fan. She is nothing to me. So, I could care less about her!" I say as Edward walks in and sighs.

"Madalynn... I know you don't like this but she has done nothing wrong to you! She has done nothing wrong at all!" Edward says as I laugh.

"But you have!" I say as Alice and him look ashamed. "So... I will not help YOU when it comes to YOUR blood signer. Maybe if she was your mate I would help but she is not! And Like I said this is Amber in the 80's all over again. Wasn't she your blood singer as well? Funny how you keep repeating the same cycle. I wonder what the next girl's name will be that you claim to care so much about." I say/ask making sure he understood that this was how it was going to be. I was done helping them, they would have to fight their own battles.

"I am sorry that Alice and I hurt you so much that it made you turn your backs on us. I wish I could turn back time and tell the truth. Then maybe you wouldn't hate us so much." He says as I shake my head at him and walk up to my room.

"She isn't allowed to know shit about me. So keep my name and story out of your mouth! Or I will set her on fire as I hold you down and make you watch before I rip you apart." I say as I walk up the stairs.

"Do you think she will ever forgive us? I mean we have said that we are sorry!" Alice asks as she looks to where Mads was at

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"Do you think she will ever forgive us? I mean we have said that we are sorry!" Alice asks as she looks to where Mads was at. I glared at her as she asked that question.

"Why should she?" I ask as Alice looks at me shocked. "What have you done to earn her forgiveness? Look how you all still treat her." I asked as everyone but me looked away sad. Emmett ends up leaving the living room and heads up to Madalynn's room. Even though they have said sorry they still treat her like she is nothing to any of them. That all started when Alice and Jasper showed up. Before that we were all happy. Edward looks at me and sighs. I glare at him as I know he read my mind.

"I think we all need to sit down and talk about it. Clear the air a little bit." Carlisle says as we all know that means we don't tell Madalynn about her being mated with the Volturi tracker Demetri. I sigh as I hate that we are keeping this from her. She has a right to know. I know why Emmett doesn't want to tell her and it is out of love for his baby sister, but the others is because she is powerful and if the Volturi come for us for any reason Madalynn could protect them all without them having to fight.

"I think that is a mistake. She has a right to know and choose if she wants to be with him or not." I say, making them all look at me. "She will kill you all when she finds out that you have been keeping her from her mate. Starting with Alice!" I say as they all look at each other afraid.

 Starting with Alice!" I say as they all look at each other afraid

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I laid on my bed looking through the skylight. I hated being here. I wanted to leave so bad but I knew my brother would find a way to talk me out of it. Like he always did. I growled as he just walked into my room. "Mads... I know you are not happy and that you hate it here." He says as I look towards him and sigh. I hate it when he looks hurt.

"Em... I wish things were different but they are the same. I am the outcast and here we go again Edward brings his blood singer into our lives. What I said down stairs stands. When she causes a problem I will not protect her. I will not help him not after what he did." I say as Emmett looks at me shocked.

"Mads... You need to move past all of that. It is not healthy to hold all that anger in." He says, making me roll my eyes. "I wish I could have changed what they did to you. How they treated you." He says as I scoffed at him. That was funny when he believed them and they sent me away. I love my brother but he has even hurt me.

"Once we graduate I am leaving the coven and will never return." I say not bothering to look at my brother. "And before you start there will be no changing my mind. Even you have believed their lies. My own brother who was with me when he killed her." I say and then start screaming. Emmett looked at me shocked and then sad. "Rosalie was the only one on my side then. You agreed with them in sending me away. Kicking me out of the coven. My own brother!" I say as I knowest the rest of the coven standing outside my door. "Why I came back to you all is beyond me." I say as I push my brother out of my room. As soon as he is out I slam the door in his face. I growl as I start to pack screw waiting, I am leaving now!

I heard something break and then a knock on my door. I sighed as I opened it. I had most of my things packed and ready to go. Rosalie walks in and sighs. "I was wondering how long it would take for you to yell at him about that! Tell him how much he hurt you!" Rosalie says as I sigh. I hate yelling at my brother but he needed to hear how he hurt me as well as the others.

"Yeah! Well everyone has their breaking points." I say as she sits on my bed and nods her head.

"Alice said she sees you leaving us?" Rosalie asks as I point around the room. She sighs as she nods her head at me. "I get it... They hurt you. Why should you stay!" She says as I nod my head. "Emmett is upset. But I get it!" She says as I give her a sad smile. It wasn't but a few minutes later that Emmett burst into my room.

"You can't leave! Mads!" He says making me scoff at him. "You are my baby sister and I am responsible for you!" He says as I laugh.

"Emmett! Get bent! I am so tired of you using that as the reason for me to stay. I mean you already kicked me out once. This time I am choosing to leave." I say, Emmett looks pissed before he storms off. "God I wish he would stop sometimes." I say with a growl. 

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