2.8 Back again

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

I sighed as I walked around my house making sure I packed everything up and was ready for the movers to come in the morning

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I sighed as I walked around my house making sure I packed everything up and was ready for the movers to come in the morning. I wasn't surprised when Sam showed up. I knew it was only a matter of time before Edward and Alice showed up wanting to know about Emma. But like I had said I will never tell them anything about her. I walked out to meet Sam and his pack. Sam went behind a tree and came back out in human form.

"Maddie! How was your trip?" He asked as I smiled and thought about Demetri.

"It was good. So... What do I owe for this visit?" I asked as Sam looked at me and sighed.

"So are they back?" Sam asked as I rolled my eyes. I knew he would come to me first and I was a little sad about it. But I was the only one that treated them with any kindness.

"I don't know. I am only here to pack up my house and sell it. I am leaving tomorrow. In hopes of never having to return." I said as Sam gave me a sad smile. "I am no longer a part of that coven." I said, making Sam growl.

"What happened?" He asked as I shook my head. I knew If I could cry I would be. I was broken and hurting from being away from my mate.

"Do you remember when I told you... You were lucky to find Emily and that yes it hurt that Leah was now hurting? But... That you deserved to find that one person that you were meant to be with?" I asked and he nodded his head at me. "They were keeping me away from my mate for over 50 years. They knew who he was and chose to keep me away from him." I said as Sam growled.

"That is not right... That is wrong. You deserve better than that!" He said as I nodded my head at him.

"I am going to go and be with him and his coven for a while. See what it's like there. I hope that one day we will see each other again... Or you at least tell your kids about me and how I pose no threat to them or the tribe. And if you need me...." I said as Sam nodded his head at me . He walked up and hugged me.

"If you ever need me, call me! I still owe you for all your help!" He said as I shook my head at him and smiled.

"No! You don't! It is because of us that this happened to you all... I am sorry we caused you all to phase. We didn't know that would happen. I am so sorry. I wish we had because I never would have come back here and messed with the lives you all had." I said as the rest of the pack looked at me confused. I watched them leave and I sighed.

"Hey... We all need to talk. Edward is on his way to the house. He wants to talk to you. I guess Alice told him about his mate. And how you refused to tell us anything about her. He is hurt that you are keeping her away from us." He said, making me laugh. I was pissed that they thought I would do anything they asked anymore.

"And... What is your point?" I asked, making my brother sigh at me. "You are acting like I see any of you as my family or coven members anymore." I said as he stood there shocked. "You lied to me Emmett... My own brother hid the most important thing from me. But hey! It's ok that you all do it to me. But it's wrong that I am doing it back to Edward! Right? Heaven forbid that I give Edward a taste of what you all did to me." I said/asked as she shook his head at me.

"Mads... You need to stop holding a grudge. It's not healthy. I know what we did to you wasn't right. But I was only looking out for you. They will use you for your gifts. They will make you their weapon. They will hurt you!" He said, making me scoff.

"I'll stop holding a grudge when Edward stops playing house with blood bags and Alice starts telling the truth! And the rest of you take accountability for what you all have done! And you don't even know if that would have happened. Because that is what Alice told you. And we all know she can lie, like the best of them." I growled at him. He just sighed and shook his head at me. "I don't know what I did for you all to be so cruel to me." I said as Emmett looked like he was ready to start crying if he could. But I didn't care any more.

"Edward is here and wants to talk with you, Madalynn!" Rosalie said, making me scoff at that.

"Oh! Is little Eddie mad? Too bad... I have other things that I need to get done. So you can run back to dorkwin and tell him to kindly go fuck himself." I asked, making Rosalie chuckle at me.

"You shouldn't have turned her against us. She is Edward's mate." Alice said as she and the other walked up.

"Says the vampbitch that lies so my brother would keep me away from my mate. It's a good thing you can't remember your past... You don't remember what it feels like to be betrayed by your family. It's a good thing you are no longer a McCarty. Mother and father would be ashamed to call you their son!" I said as Alice and Rosalie were shocked and Emmett looked at me pissed. Edward doesn't know what to say to me

"I am sorry Madalynn... Please just let me know my mate!" Edward said as I laughed at him

"Why so, you can hurt her by choosing that blood bag." I said as Edward looked at me hurt. "You knew about her before we left Bella. But yet you still went to the Volturi to die for her, Your blood slut. You will only hurt your mate. And I will not let that happen. She is a good girl. A sweet girl. One that deserves to be loved, not played with by you!" I said as he growled at me.

"You have no right! To keep her away from me." Edward yelled, making me growl at him.

"Just like you all had no right!" I hissed at him. He stepped back from me and sighed.

Always in the Shadows-Demetri Volturi & OC (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now