1.10 What they broke!

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I was pissed that Madalynn had decided to leave us

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I was pissed that Madalynn had decided to leave us. I knew if she did, Demetri would scoop her up and tell her that we had been keeping her from him. And that would be bad. But I was hoping Emmett would be able to keep her here but it wasn't working the way we all wanted it to. She was letting out all of her anger not only on us but Emmett as well.

Edward couldn't read her mind and that worried us. Since we didn't know what she was thinking. When me and Jasper joined the coven I had a vision of Madalynn and Demetri running into each other. Falling in love and her leaving us and joining them all to be with her mate. They would become unstoppable. They would hunt down everyone that has a gift and make Madalynn copy it. She would become their greatest weapon. No one would be able to stand against them.

I knew I needed to stop that from happening. But at the same time most of us turned on her. For fear of what could happen when she finds out about us hiding her mate from her and keeping her here. When Edward killed his last blood singer. We blamed Madalynn for killing her. We didn't think that they would kick her out of the coven. But they did, Rosalie was the only one on her side. She hasn't really liked me since we came clean about it being Edward that killed Amber not Madalynn.

Emmett was hurt and he doesn't really have much to do with me or Edward anymore. As soon as the words left our mouths he ran off to look for his sister. But now she is choosing to leave us as she doesn't trust any of us but Rosalie. I hate that I hurt her but I was only looking out for all of us. We need her here.

I was hurt that my sister wanted to leave us

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I was hurt that my sister wanted to leave us. I was pissed cause that meant that she could run into Demetri and I may never see her again. She would become their weapon and use her to control all of us even more. But she was right. I hurt her as well. I was out hunting with her when Amber was killed and I still chose to believe them over her. Rosalie tried to tell me that there was no way Madalynn could have killed her when we were with her the whole time. Amber was alive when we left and dead when we came back.

I watched as Madalynn stood on the back deck just looking out at the night sky. I frowned as I knew I was losing her and all because of Alice and Edward lies. It hurt knowing that my sister, my flesh and blood hated me right now. I knew Alice was up to something and my sister was the key to it. But I wasn't sure what it was.

"You know she loves you!" I hear Rosalie say as I sigh and look at my sister.

"I know she does. I just wish I hadn't fucked up with her. I should have believed her over them. But I didn't. I hurt her worse than they did." I say as I sit down next to my mate.

"And one day she will forgive you for it. But that day is not today!" Rosalie says before she kisses my cheek.

"I know! But I don't want her to leave. I want my sister with me. I need to protect her, she is just a baby." I say as Rosalie shakes her head at me.

"Emmett she is not a baby! You turned her when she was 18 in 1943. She is what? 84 years old? She is not a baby anymore. And you need to start treating her like it. I know you love her and want to protect her but it is time for her to live her life." Rosalie says and I know she is referring to finding out who her mate is.

"He doesn't deserve her as a mate. She is too good for him!" I whisper so that Madalynn can't hear me. Rosalie sighs as she hates that we are keeping her from her mate! Demetri the Volturi tracker.

"That is her call not yours." Rosalie says as she stands to walk away from me. I sigh as I know she is right but this is my baby sister that we are talking about. I was there the day she was born. I saved her from that dick my father married her off to. I was the one that saved her after she found him with his mistress and he almost killed her. On their wedding night no less.

I growled, getting both my sister and my mate's attention. Just remembering what that ass had done to my sister made me angry all over again and to think he was one of my closest friends when I was alive. But while my sister was in transition I made them pay. I found them. I first killed her as he watched in fear. The look of shock on his face when he realized it was me was the best part for me before I killed him. I made sure he knew that I was killing him for what he did to my sister.

"Stop thinking about that brother!" I heard Madalynn say as I ripped the book I picked up in half. "You thinking about it won't change what happened as you very well know!" She says as I huff.

"NO! But I could go and kill the rest of his bloodline." I say, making Madaynn roll her eyes at me.

"And what will that do?" She says as I glare at her. "Make you feel better for all of 5 minutes!" She says as Rosalie looks between the two of us. I know she has a point but I would still like to end his family's bloodline. "He is dead... You killed him!" She says as I nod my head and smile at her.

"Fine! I won't go and hunt them down." I say as Rosalie and Madalynn nod their heads at me."Mads... Can we please talk about you leaving the family?" I ask as Madalynn looks at me annoyed.

"Coven...Em... What is there to talk about? I am not happy here. I hate how they treat me. I mean look at what is happening all over again. Carlisle and Esme say that we all matter but unless you are Edward or Alice you really don't matter." She says as I see the rest of our family looking at me sad. "So there is nothing to talk about. I want to leave so I am." She says I huff and sit further back on the couch. I am not giving up just yet on getting her to stay with us.

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