3.5 Emmett

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	I was pissed that my sister wouldn't even listen to us

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I was pissed that my sister wouldn't even listen to us. I shook my head as I walked into the house. Bella walked in and glared at Emma. "Because of you Madalynn won't keep me safe. What did you say to her about me?" Bella yelled as she stormed up to her. Emma smiled as she sat on the couch.

"The truth about you and your mother!" Emma said as she still smiled at Bella. Bella screamed before breaking down and crying. "Now that was before I knew who she was in all of this." She said and Bella cried even harder.

"What are you talking about?" Edward asked as Bella looked scared and Emma looked annoyed. She rolled her eyes as she looked back at Bella.

"So you haven't told him the truth?" Emma asked as Bella looked at her with her mouth open and shook her head. "Shame! But then again a lying bitch like you would do something like that!" Emma said as she got up from the couch.

"Emma, what are you talking about?" Edward asked as Emma walked past him.

"Ask the one you truly care about." Emma said as she left the room. I was confused as was everyone else.

"I am... Now what is going on? What is Bella hiding from us?" Edward asked as he followed his mate. Bella soon followed after him.

"Edward, she is lying... She is just doing this to hurt us!" Bella yelled as we all followed wanting to know what was going on. "To break us up, because she is jealous of what we have." Bella screamed as she followed Edward. I had had enough of all of this and left the house. I needed to clear my head as I knew there was something else my sister was hiding.

I walked into the woods and just kept walking. I wasn't sure where I was going. But soon stopped when I saw Madalynn standing in front of me. She looked like she was ready for a day of travel. She gave me a sad smile. "Mads..." I said as I opened my arms for her. She walked into them and we just hugged. "I am sorry!" I said as she just nodded her head at me.

"Victoria thinks that I am helping you protect Bella. She has sent her newborns after me." She said and I held her a little tighter. "Emmett she sent them to the Volturi!" She said and I was shocked. Did she not know who they were? What they could do? I wondered.

"I am sorry!" I said as she stepped out of my arms.

"So am I." She said as she took a few more steps away from me.

"Wait where are you going?" I asked as she looked at me sad.

"Aro, wants us back... Demetri does have a job with them." She said as I nodded my head at her.

"He treats you right? Right?" I asked as she smiled at me.

"Better than I have ever been treated!" She said and that hurt but also made me happy that Alice had lied to us about him using her and handing her over to the Volturi. "He doesn't want me to use my gifts if I can help it. And Kings have never seen them either." She said as if she was reading my mind. I frowned at her and she laughed. "I didn't read your mind. I just know you!" She said and I smiled at her. "Demetri has made it clear that he wants me to decide how I live my life after being kept prisoner for so long." She said and I looked at the ground ashamed of what I let happen to her.

"I am so sorry Mads... I should have listened to you more... If I had you would still be here with me and Rosalie. You would have met your mate like you were supposed to and things could have been very different." I said as I hoped she believed me cause every word I spoke were true. "I miss my little sister." I said as she walked up to me and hugged me again.

"I am never far from you!" She said and I was confused. What did she mean? When I looked up she was gone.

"I love you Mads!" I said in nothing more than a whisper. I walked back to the house to see Edward outside pacing. "What do you want now Edward? Or have you not ruined mine and my sister's life enough?" I asked as he looked at me shocked.

"I am sorry Emmett... I just wanted to be happy!" He said, making me scoff at him.

"As long as my sister was unhappy and under your and Alice's control right?" I asked as I pushed past him. "Madalynn was right, this coven is broken and following a child to our own deaths." I said as everyone looked at me hurt. "Then there is Alice!" I said as I glared at her. I removed my crest and put it in front of Carlisle.

"I am sorry Carlisle I can't be a part of this coven anymore! Not with her in it!" I said as Alice looked so hurt. Carlisle nodded his head at me.

"I am so sorry! Emmett... Please just let me explain!" Alice begged as I just walked away.

"I am with Emmett on this. Alice has lied to us more than once and you still let her stay. Edward has caused all this to happen with her help and yet you let them stay. Madalynn has done nothing wrong and yet she is the one to be treated like she did all of this." I heard Rosalie say as metal place on a table. It wasn't long until she was standing next to me.

"Where to now?" She asked as I smiled at her.

"Wherever we want! It is time we lived for us. Not for whatever Alice and Edward want!" I said as she smiled at me. Edward came in and walked over to us.

"Please don't do this... Without your help we don't stand a chase against any of this." He said as I shook my head.

"You don't get it Edward... I am done! I am tired of all of the lies." I said as he looked at me hurt. "How you and Alice treated my sister, how you lied and made us all believe that Madalynn would become the Volturi's new weapon. All of that was a lie. I don't trust you, I sure as hell don't trust Alice. Jasper does whatever she says so he is out! And Carlisle and Emse are too blind to see that this coven is broken beyond repair." I said as Edward looked at me shocked.

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