Chapter 1

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Author's POV

"Damn that's too much smoke."

"That's the West wing right?"


"Are you mad?"

Y/n squinted her eyes as she woke up from her nap. Lunch time hasn't passed which means they still have a lot of time to waste. She yawned and stretched her legs under her desk. Her eyes wandered around the classroom until it fell on the left side where students are gossiping and poking their heads out of the windows.

"You're finally awake," Lilith, her bestfriend smiled at her dearly. Her fiery locks fell gracefully on her shoulders as she bent to hug her.

Y/n accepted the embrace and squeezed her.

"What's happening outside?" Y/n sniffed. "Smells like burnt chemicals."

Lilith shrugged. "I honestly have no idea. I think there's a terrorist or something."

Y/n remained silent as she observed the quadrangle of the university. The employees were running around and some fire extinguishers came to eradicate the smoke. And what they wanted to hear last was the siren come off. The whole university was on high alert. The classroom door swung open and Miss Pitt, their class adviser came in. She had pale skin and green dyed hair.

"Everyone go back to your proper seats!" She yelled.

They all ran to their chairs in a split second. Taking their respective seats. Silence filled the air as Miss Pitt closed the door behind her hurriedly. There was a moment of silence before she said.

"I want you all to fall in line once we're called, understood?"

All students answered in unison. "Yes ma'am!"

Y/n peeped out the window and saw several armored cars enter the university. On the roof of the vehicle is a logo with red and white triangles stuck together to form an umbrella.

Y/n sighed. "Can't this day get any worse."

Corporal RAMBO: UNRAVEL [Carlos Oliveira Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now