Chapter 57

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"Timothee." Wesker placed his bread knife beside the plate and reached for a red folder. Double checking its contents before passing it to the younger male. If you were in there, you'd notice right away that there's only three distinct color present. Black, white and red. "What do you want me to do with her?" Wesker pushed his chair slightly before standing up. "I want you to meet her and take the file." He answered while a chef handed him a cloth to wipe his mouth. "We had a sort of.. negotiation." Timothee remained silent as he watched him burn the cloth with fire from his gloved hand. Wesker opened the door with his back facing Timothee and said, "Where is Jake and Mena?" Timothee hid the folder in his coat. "Out and about, I guess?" Wesker didn't reply as he slammed the door shut. 


Timothee parked his car around the curb near an abandoned building. Beyond exiting, a tall, slim silhouette appeared before him. Casually leaning against the wall. "I've been waiting for too long." She said. "Where's the file?" Timothee asked, standing beside his car. She stepped into the light with a cubic phone in her hand. "Wesker already transfered the money." She flipped the phone back, forming a cube and threw a flashdrive in which Timothee smoothly caught. He shoved it in his pockets and watched her run away and firing her grappling gun towards another building, propelling her in the air. 


Back at Safe Haven, lunch time. "Gosh, James is so handsome." Annie cooed while staring at the tall male standing beside the counter. "He makes me wanna say daddy every time I see him." Julianne choked on her saliva. "The heck? How old is he?" Annie sighed. "24. I'm 18." Julianne shook her head. "Well, I like Wicked." Annie didn't reply and just stood up. Tapping her fingers on the table. Her eyes grazing his wonderfully made features. "I'll be back." Annie picked up a tray and walked towards the counter. Leaving an itsy bitsy space between them. Annie glanced at his reflection on the mirror hung up on the pillar beside them. His side view making her go crazy and shit. "On a scale of 1 to 10, how do you feel about yourself right now?" James turned his head towards the mirror. Eyeing her. "I'm a 10 that's for sure." Annie adjusted her glasses. "And 90% glasses." Annie raised her brow, making him smirk. "I'll have that." She heard him say to the chefs. Annie crossed her arms above her chest. "Did you shave your head by yourself?" James closed his eyes in exasperation. "They look like San Andreas Fault." James gritted his teeth. That was the first time someone shook his ego a bit. When he opened his eyes, Annie was nowhere to be found. Even Julianne. James pursed his lips. "Here you go young man." The chefs gave him the tray and before he went to his table, he looked around once more. 

Annie: 1

James: 0


(One week later) 

Wesker announced a party to be held within Umbrella's walls. Just for one night. It may look like a party for Umbrella employees to enjoy and gather around but to Wesker, it's a propaganda. He does this every other year and those who are under Umbrella are the only ones allowed to attend, alongside their families. Wesker would watch each face he sees and entertain whoever he finds interesting. Timothee stood in front of the entrance of the venue, waiting for Wesker's signal to let the people in. "Scarrow. This is another night for all of us to mingle and.. socialize." Wesker opened the door. Gently lowering his shades. "It would be ecstatic to invite your parents.. UP." He stressed the last word.

Timothee didn't reply. "Let's go." Jake said as he arrived with Mena. Timothee wore a magenta suit with a few buttons left open and a silver necklace, Jake is in a leather jeans with suspenders and long sleeved gray top along with a nice and warm furry coat that reached to his ankles. Mena's in a silver metallic dress with a V-neckline that reaches just below her chest and a slit on the left thigh. They climbed up the side of the stage where three white chairs are placed. The host started the party. 

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