Chapter 19 [D-3]

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"I want to go home."

Mom: what's wrong hun?

"It's stuffy here. I miss my old apartment. Is it still open?"

Mom: yes darling, like you said so before you went to uni.

"Right. How's dad?"

Mom: he's only doing paperwork as of now. Command's got their faces up in their asses lately.

"mmm, yeah, they're always like that. Oh and how's dad's condition?"

Mom: He's much better now. We just have to keep his back straight no matter what.

"I see. I'll call again mom. Lilith's here."

Mom: stay safe sweetie...

I hung up and opened the door.

"So? Did you find any signal?" I asked.

"A little bit." She shrugged." Enough to last us an hour or two."

"Better than no signal at all right?"

We both sat on the sofa. I opened my laptop and connected to Lilith's old Wifi router.

"you know what? I'd rather do a research paper about this than anything else we do in class" Lilith chimed.

"how so?"

"Remember that time after exams, Miss Henley gave us an assignment to make a write-up about Divorce and she marked everyone as failed because she couldn't accept the fact that she's going through it."

I chuckled. "no wonder y'all hate her."

Me and Lilith decided to do a little research about the virus. Because to us, it doesn't look like a normal zombie virus. It looks specialized.

"The T-Virus. Its a mutagen virus that came from a plant that enhances the human body with rapid mutations through gene editing. The T stands for Tyrant." I explained.

"What is a Tyrant?" Lilith asked.

"I think the author removed the pictures in his blog. Weird."

Lilith frowned. "removed? What if he was forced?"

I shrugged. "well, people who work for Pharmaceutical companies often get threatened when they release information that can affect the company's reputation."

"what company exactly?"

I showed my screen to her and pointed at the blinking red and white logo." I think it's called Umbrella?"

Knock! Knock!

"Shit! Hide the laptop and the notebook!" Lilith belted as she stood by the door and waited for me.

"All done."

Lilith opened the door and we saw Harrani with her arms crossed and again, that long sleeved top.

"So? You're finally doing your job as the Student council's Vice President!" Lilith leaned by the door frame and Harrani glared at her.

"what's that gotta do with you?" Harrani snapped back.

"I dunno," she rolled her eyes." I feel relaxed knowing that the girl who payed the judges for the votes to get rigged during the election..." Lilith paused and leaned towards Harrani."... Is finally in her right mind and conscience."

Harrani raised her hand in a threatening matter but I got in between them.

"get out of the way you bitch!" Harrani yelled at us.

Corporal RAMBO: UNRAVEL [Carlos Oliveira Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now