Chapter 28

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Lilith's POV

I looked around the RPD parking lot and Y/n's nowhere to be found, making me scoff. Just then, I saw the car we rode earlier and Carlos got off.

"Carlos!!! Hey!!!"

"Yo kid, tune it down." He shushed me.

"Sorry! Anyways, did Y/n go home already?"

He nodded. "Her apartment. With the little girl."

"I see."

Carlos smiled and went inside the building.


"Parker." I turned around and Lance from the South Wing's here. I raised an eyebrow. He's handsome I'll give him that but I don't like blonde guys that much.


Lance awkwardly scratched his nape and said, "Just wanted to ask if you're up for a little hangout later at the mall. With the others."

I widened my eyes. "Can Y/n come?!"

He nodded. "In fact, I asked her first. I heard she's bringing Jia with her."

I giggled. "That would be a hassle. Bringing a kid along, but I'll find a way. What time?"

"1 PM onwards."

I raised a thumbs up to him and he left.



[Parker Residence]

"I'M HOME!" I yelled.




"Ah shit, I forgot my parents are away. EVERY DAMN TIME!"

I stepped inside and removed my rubber shoes, the place is well maintained but the family isn't. I pinched my nose to stop the tears. Heck, mom's out and about with her boyfriends that are literally 10 years younger than her and dad's busy with women within his job. His fucking employees. They just send me money and stuff.

I passed by the living room and noticed our family portrait hanging in the middle. Decorated with a glass frame and fake vines. Mom on the left, me in the middle and dad on the right. The smiles during that time are genuine. But not anymore. My breath hitched and I paced around. I couldn't bare the sight

"FUCKERS!" I grabbed my dad's golf club and smashed the portrait. It fell on the ground and I continued hitting it until the picture itself is wrecked. The glass shards made me wince in pain but I didn't care.

They don't care about me! What's with all this wealth when you don't even give a damn about your only child?!

"I. HOPE. YOU. ROT. IN. HELL." I hit my parents faces with each syllable of my words. My feet's starting to bleed as well as my hands. My vision is blurry and I couldn't breathe properly. The anger's just too hard to contain. "I WISH I WAS NEVER BEEN BORN-"

"Miss Parker! Miss Parker!" A hand grabbed my wrist and removed the club from my hand. It's Susan. Our maid.

"Please Miss Parker! Stop this nonsense right now!" Susan threw the club away and hugged me.

I cried out loud and Susan rubbed my back. "Shhh. It's ok Miss Parker. Just let it all out."

"I hate them Susan. I hate them!"

"Shhhh, I know. I know. Calm down now. Calm down. Take deep breaths."

I backed away as Susan wiped my tears with her apron. She fixed my hair and went to get me something to drink. She came back with a glass of water and I chugged it down.

"Susan..." I glared at the sun outside.

"Yes my lady?"

"Pack your things. We're going somewhere."

Y/n's POV [Her apartment]

Dad gave me this for my 18th birthday so that I can have a place to go to for vacation or summer breaks for college. Dad's rank is still as high. He carried down the legacy of his relatives. And perfect timing, mom entered the RPD too. What a small world we live in.

I plopped myself on the couch after a good relaxing bath. My hair's wrapped in a towel. Jia's busy playing games in the console. I insisted that she takes a bath and just change into my shirt but she said she'll wait. I said wait for what? Then I remember that I'm gonna buy clothes for her. Silly me.

Knock! Knock!

"who could that be?"

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Hold your horses! Jia stay here ok?" Jia nodded as I made my way to the door. Judging by the number of shadows underneath the door, I could say they're a lot. Unlocking the door, Lilith greeted me with a big hug. As expected, the girls will be staying here.

"Mind if we came in?" Lilith asked.

"Nope. You're always welcome here."

After a little chit-chat here and there, turns out that Susan is Lilith's maid. Miss Pitt decided to stay here to look after Mother Amelia since her condition's not that great yet. Atleast Jia won't be alone.

Sigh... It's good to have lots of people here seriously, the warmth they give off is just... It feels like home. It's 12:45, man I'm starving!

"You're going out looking like that?!" Lilith pointed at what I was wearing. A white top with a black waistcoat and jeans and my mom's ever so famous combat boots.

"What?" Lilith shook her head and rummaged through her things.

"Here. Wear this." She threw a green longsleeved V-neck dress to me.


When I got out of the bathroom, Lilith was sitting on my bed, wearing a white slip dress with embroidered tulles and an opaque lining underpinned on it. And heels.

Lilith admired my outfit. "See?! Lavishing! Now, what're your shoes?"

I looked at my shoe racks and it's filled with boots.

"I think black boots is good." Lilith suggested.

So I picked a black pair that reaches to the middle of my knees.

"Nice." She said.



[At The Mall]

"I heard there are tons of new attractions set here lately." Julianne said while scrolling through her phone. Navigating the map of the mall.

Lilith joined her while combing her hair. The jocks aren't here yet. Not that I care if they're here.

"You're Y/n, right?" Annie asked. Adjusting her glasses.

I nodded. "Y/n Scarrow."

"So, are you and that buff military guy a thing?" Maximus butted in between us.

"Goodness, Max! Shut the F up!" Annie smacked his head and they continued to bicker. Come to think of it, this is the first time I normally interacted with them.

"Hey, Y/n." Lance...

I didn't want to turn around but I had to until he placed his arm around my shoulder and we all proceed to walk around.

I didn't dare look at him instead, I casually gripped his hand and placed it down. The rings on his fingers are cold.

"Hey, easy. We're all linking arms right now." Lance said defensively.

I looked behind and saw that we all are indeed linking hands.

To be continued..

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