Chapter 48

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Y/n's POV

Safe Haven. A stadium turned sactuary founded by the BSAA and Arklay citizens. It was night time when we arrived and the towers were filled with torches and soldiers patrolling the area. The gates were metal outside and wood inside. First thing you'll see when you enter is a gun range, work benches for modifying weapons and checkpoints for vehicles.

And for the main course is the quadrangle, camps were sitting nicely next to each other and crops surrounding it. There's also a station for doing laundry. "Woah, Y/n look at all those meat!" Lilith pointed at the butchers chopping large portions of meat on the higher levels of the stadium. The chairs were removed or demolished to build small huts and containers for supplies.

On the left side are cages for animals and another set of land for plants, more like herbs I would say. We climbed up the stairs alongside soldiers until we reached the inside of the stadium. We passed by a classroom filled with kids, a gym, a control room and even a canteen. "Damn, where did they get all these stuff?" Lilith shrugged. "Ever been here before?" She asked. "Nah. But I feel like I've seen it on TV."

Soldier: Please enter Dr. Park's office. We'll escort you one by one to Sir Redfield once you're done with the inspection.

Author's POV

Dr. Park, one of Chris's trusted old friends, dr. park is his ally in combating the apocalypse via the medical field. They were enemies before during the doctor's former job as a scientist for umbrella,
But the doctor gained his trust after a chance encounter with a Bioweaponized creature in which they both succeeded to destroy, earning the doctor a place in chris' team.

"If it weren't for Miss Pitt, Lucas, you wouldn't have made it this far." Dr. Park said while inspecting Lucas's wound. "It didn't hit an organ but the wound is skin deep." Dr. Park turned to Miss Pitt's medical supplies and widened his eyes. "Let me guess, you found these from a...mall?" He raised his eyebrows at the end of his sentence. Miss Pitt nodded. "The office in that pharmacy is computerized, correct?" Miss Pitt nodded again. "Is..something wrong, Doctor?"

He shook his head. "It's Weaver. One of the richest Doctors in Umbrella." Miss Pitt gasped. "These tools are very expensive. They're one of a kind." Dr. Park glanced at Lucas's wound and then to Miss Pitt. "Your stitch is clean and precise. Also the herbs you have and used are difficult to find yet you managed to stop the bleeding. I applaud you, Miss Pitt." Miss Pitt bowed. "I did what I have to do Doctor."
Dr. Park smiled at her and checked the time. "Two hours till supper, Mister Redfield should be expecting you all in his office. You can leave Lucas for awhile. I need to tend to his wound." Miss Pitt bowed once again and left with Liam.

[Highest floor of Safe Haven, Chris's Office]

The room was spacious. There's a desk in the middle with Chris leaning on it. Several soldiers stationed up and down and one guarding the door. At the back where the end of the walls meet, a logo is painted with the acronym spelled.



Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance

The soldiers made them sit on the chairs placed in front of Chris's desk. "We look like we're in the judge's court." Lilith whispered to Y/n. "If he's the judge I would be more than happy for him to put me in jail." Annie commented while fanning herself. "You're fucking weird, Annie." Geo said, giving her a disgusted look.

"Alright. Settle down." Chris's voice echoed throughout the room. Turning everyone's attention towards him. Some of his men brought Carlos, Tyrell, Mikhail and the twins' guns to his desk. James, one of the BSAA, unloaded the gun and aimed it on the ground. Tilting it to the right and to the left. "Standard rifle M4A1. No accessories." James paused for a moment, furrows in his brow. "U.B.C.S?"

As soon as he said that acronym, every single soldier inside aimed their guns towards the survivors. Even James pulled the safety lock of his pistol and pointed it straight to Carlos. Jia hid her head in Y/n's arms when a female soldier did the same thing.

"Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service. Tsk. You're spies aren't you?" He pressed the tip of his gun to Carlos's forehead. "ANSWER THE GODDAMN QUESTION."

"ENOUGH. JAMES." Chris yelled, making the younger male lower the pistol slowly and take two steps backwards. Chris sighed, massaging his forehead. "Use your head, James. They wouldn't travel via train if they're spies. Still, I believe someone has an explanation for this. We're not here to harm you but we will use force if needed."

Captain Mikhail volunteered to explain. "Introduce yourself and proceed with the explanation." Mikhail nodded. "Wait, wait," Tyrell sighed. "can we do this thing without the guns, please?" Chris waved his hand down and all the weapons were holstered. Mikhail cleared his throat."I'm former U.B.C.S platoon leader Mikhail Viktor. Along with my subordinate Nicholai Zinoviev. We were sent on a mission to Raccoon University to investigate the bombing that happened inside that place. For one week, we were told to keep the students under surveillance. We have no knowledge of WHO was behind all of that."

James chuckled. "That cheeky bastard. What a joke." The door opened revealing Jill who swiftly placed her foot on one of the citizen's chairs and adjusted her gun straps. Leaning against the wall to light up a cigar. A readhead followed as well to stand behind Chris. "Continue."

"My platoon suffered serious losses. More than ten male and one female were winded up dead or undead. Carlos, Tyrell, Lucas and Liam are all I have left. These teenagers," Mikhail pointed at Y/n's row. "are students we managed to get out and the civilians which Carlos and Tyrell rescued during the outbreak in the city itself." The soldiers started murmuring on the background.

"After learning the truth, we decided to flee the city. If we are a threat to this sanctuary then we will leave. All I ask is that nobody gets hurt for we have women and a child with us. We also set aside our pride to ask for a small favor. We need fuel for the train."

Chris removed his head gear and ran his fingers through his hair. "Ok. I already said it but I'm gonna say it again, we don't mean no harm. I've suffered a lot as well and..keeping everyone alive with all that I've got. Out of 83 men, I only have 25 left. And my right hand included in that 58." The soldiers bowed their heads. "He was a brave man." Chris added.

"It's a win-win situation. Like I said earlier, welcome to Safe Haven. Besides, it's already late so I'm not gonna let you guys leave. Instead, I want your full cooperation with the people of Safe Haven." Chris glanced at the rectangular picture frame on the right where his photo with the soldiers were complete.

Chris straightened his back and faced Mikhail. "We thank you for your candor." Chris raised his right hand to salute Mikhail.

Soldiers: Thank you for your Candor!

They all salute at Mikhail making the survivors drop their jaws or tear up. "Thank you." Mikhail said as he raised his right hand to his head.


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