Chapter 31

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Author's POV [Midnight]

Wesker, Jake, Timothee sat together in the lounge since Wesker wanted to make an announcement. Jake was already in his pjs and Timothee's not wearing his coat and gloves.

"Any plans for today?" Jake asked impatiently.

Suddenly, the sliding doors opened. "Ah! Nicholai! Just in time." Wesker exclaimed as he gave Nicholai a pat on the back.

Everybody settled down and Wesker placed a drive on the table. When he tapped on it, a blue screen showed up. He started swiping it through waving his hand and pressing on the air.

"The latest experiment was successful. Given the number of times Nicholai used the first type of syringe. Though we gave it a little twist to shorten the time span of mutating. So that it won't take days." Wesker said and he flashed the syringe with a blue liquid in it. " This is called the T-virus. Nicholai and his patrol will activate it underground."

"How long does the procedure take now." Timothee said.

"I assume you know that by now Timmy, considering that YOU are one of the scientists who made this virus." Wesker answered. "You have 24 hours.."

Y/n's POV [5 AM]

I woke up because I heard something hitting my glass panes. Is someone throwing rocks at me now? May God forgive them but I won't. I opened my balcony and was about to throw a fit... Holy shit MOP HAIR!

"Mornin' supercop"  He stood there at the bottom, wearing a black sleeveless top and cargo pants and his combat boots.

"Come down here and bring the G18 with you!"

I nodded and closed the balcony door. The girls are sound asleep so I wore my slippers and rummaged through my sling bag.

"Found it."

The girls are sleeping on the sofa and some laid out a matress on the floor. I unlocked my main door and wore my jacket. It's so cold... I just realized that I forgot to give the gun back to Carlos. Considering that I don't have a license to own one.

Once I got down the stairs, Carlos was leaning against the wall, running his fingers through his hair. He looked like he just woke up. Dayum, flex those biceps man...

"Earth to Y/n?" Carlos snapped his fingers in front of my face and I shook my head.

"Shit. Sorry. Here's the gun—"

"Woah easy! Did you forget what I told you about gun safety? Never point it just anywhere! Treat it like its loaded even though its not. Jesus Christ Y/n." He held my hand and gently removed the gun.

I nervously chuckled. "I'm sorry. It's just—"

"You're suprised to see me?" He teases.

I covered my mouth to yawn and Carlos took something from his pockets.

"Yeah. I thought some random kid was throwing rocks on my window."

He chuckled and when I looked at what he's holding.

"A small leather bag? You're not selling me drugs are you?"

Carlos sighed and opened it. "Ammo. For the G18. It's yours now."

The leather bag had a strap and Carlos attached it around my waist. He also showed me how to load the gun.

"Thank you." I said.

Carlos smiled and took a step back to check it out.

"beautiful. Now, I gotta go."


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