Chapter 73

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Y/n's POV {Midnight}


"Please wake up."

When I came to my senses, I opened one eye and saw a small human shaking me by the toe. "Y/n?" I jolted from my bed. "Fuck, I'm awake! I'm awake-"

"Shhh!!!" Jia cupped my cheeks. " Come with me."

Jesus, why is this kid still up?

I wore my boots and jacket and followed Jia outside. "Wear your slippers Jia." I whispered but she didn't listen. "Did you hear that?" She asked. "Jia, you're creeping me out." I have no idea where we're going. "Let's go up." She tried to grab the padlock of the door leading to the top. "Jia, wait, wait, what's going on?"

"Please, Y/n. I swear I heard something!" She pleaded. " Just this time." She nodded. Sighing, I pointed my index finger on the hole and my weave came out like a lockpick. "Stay behind me." "Ok."

Jia held onto my left hand as we ascended the stairs. At first, I didn't feel anything until...

Citizen: HELP!!!!!!!!!

Me and Jia ran towards the ledge and the left side of the stadium's on fire. "Y/n!" Jia shouted at me and I felt a gun hit my back. "Fuck!" I accidentally released Jia and lost my balance. "Goddamn!" I grabbed on the ledge and used my weave for balance. "No!!!! Y/n!!!!"

I felt my hair go up as more weave came out of my waist and pulled me up. "Let her go!" I extended my arms and the weave from my left wrapped around Jia while the right went straight to the soldier's head.

My back hurts..

Author's POV

All of the people in Safe Haven are on high alert especially the BSAA.

Umbrella Soldier: FIRE IN THE HOLE!

All of the C4's attached to the main gate exploded and soldiers in all black charged inside. 

BSAA soldier: Orders sir!

"Prioritize the citizens! Open the lid!" Chris ordered.

Y/n ran with Jia back to the room. " We gotta go! We gotta go!" Y/n said as she geabbed their things. " WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!" Lilith screamed. Suddenly, their door busted open.

Umbrella Soldier: HANDS IN THE AIR!

Y/n stomped her foot to the ground and the soldier went flying through the walls. "Fuck. Move! Move!" Miss Pitt dragged all the girls outside, including Jia as Y/n stayed behind them.

There at the quadrangle, the Umbrella soldier's are shooting people with the T virus syringe. Transforming them within seconds and biting those close to them. "GET TO THE PASSAGE!" Chris yelled while leading the other citizens underground. Allen and Eve opened the entrance and helped them get down the ladder.

Y/n and the girls reached the stairs. "There's two to our right!" Lilith alerted and Julianne reloaded her gun and shot them on the leg. "Go! Go! Go!" The two soldiers wavered a little and BANG! A bullet hit Y/n in the arm. "Fuck! Keep going!" Y/n's weaved penetrated their chests.

"You're bleeding!" Lilith said. "It's ok!" Y/n hissed as the bullet slowly left her skin and fell. "Holy crap." Lilith widened her eyes. " MOVE IT!" They dashed towards the quadrangle where some BSAA soldiers are already fighting off the enemy. " THIS WAY!" Carlos was holding a flashlight and they followed him. " You guys go ahead! I gotta find my parents!" Y/n ran back to the second floor and didn't notice that Jia snuck and followed her.

"Hurry up!" Allen waved his hand towards the passage. "Eve! Check the barracks!" James caught up to them and the female nodded. "Julianne and Annie! Guard this passage!" When Annie came to lift the lid, James grabbed her chin and their lips met for two seconds before James ran off again. " Well shit." Julianne coughed.

" They're here Y/n!!" Y/n was shocked when she heard Jia's voice. " What the-" BANG! " Shit!" Y/n got on her knees when a bullet hit her back. "Not again." Her weave entangled itself around the bullet and pulled it out. "Y/n!" Veronica came with Nathan. "Honey are you ok?!"

"I'm fine mom. You gotta get to the passage."

" How about the little kid?" Nathan pointed at Jia while Jia hid behind Y/n. " She's staying with me. I gotta gather more survivors." An Umbrella soldier was about to hit Nathan but Veronica shoved him and headbutted the enemy and they ran off.  " Dr. Park." Jia said and they ran to his office. When they got there, three soldiers were banging on his door. "Hey! Fuckface!" Y/n's weave came out of her back and wrapped the three in one large cocoon while Jia knocked on the door. "Dr. Park! Dr. Park!" The door opened and Dr. Park was holding a scalpel and his bag. "Let's go!" Y/n yanked him out and Jia as they ran down the stairs.

"Where the fuck is Max?!" Julianne shouted at Annie. "Maybe he's with the kids!" She answered while helping an old man climb down the ladder. The jocks are busy at the gates, fighting. Lee is on the armored car, firing the turret. "Annie, stay here."

"Ok. Ok."

Julianne reloaded her gun again and went to the classrooms. "MAXIMUS!" She yelled over and over again. "Help! Julia!" She tried to open a door but it's barricaded. "FUCK!" Julianne groaned as she jumped through the glass and rolled. She saw Max lying on the floor and a zombie on top of him. "Shoot her!"

"I don't shoot kids Max!"



They all looked at the person on the door. Wicked. "Get out!" He said and Max pulled the other kids with him outside. The sun's starting to rise and more Umbrella soldiers came. "Come here!" Annie shouted as more citizens went down the ladder until the person behind her in which she thought was human... "Next! AHHH-" Annie didn't have time to grab her gun when the zombie bit her arm.

"FUCK!" She kicked the zombie off and picked up brick, throwing it at the zombie until she had time to reload her gun and shot its head. "Fuck, no, no, no." Max and the kids arrived and he immediately attended to them. Julianne came and helped Annie lift the other side of the lid. "What-" Julianne gasped when she saw the bite on her bestfriend's arm. "It's ok Julia, it's ok, I can't let these citizens die." Julianne started to tear up as she saw the veins in Annie's face turn greenish blue and her movements are starting to falter.

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