Chapter 65

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Chris and the others moved along and defeated the soldiers that were on guard. Considering the noise outside, their ruckus didn't attract any attention. Timothee peered through his shoulder and saw the guys. "Your friends are here." He told Y/n but she didn't hear. The doctor shuffled the list again. Y/n looked at her hands. They're veiny but not your usual green veins but red. And they're bulky as if it's gonna burst out of her skin any minute. 


"Ooh, it's gonna get messy." Jake shook his head. "Y/n,  they spit poisonous fluids so avoid it. Aim for the two heads." Timothee patted her shoulder. "Two heads?!" BAM! Two creatures with five legs and two heads entered the scene, long uneven tongues dangling from their mouths. "I'm tired but this virus is driving me crazy." Y/n sighed. "Jake and Y/n, take care of the left one. I'll handle the right." 

"Yes sir." Jake yanked Y/n with him to evade the venom. "Listen kid, I'm gonna boost you up and I want you to cut the head off. You hear me?" Y/n nod her head and waited for his signal. Timothee set quite a distance between him and the other creature. He remained silent as he glared at the right head while his uroboros took care of the venom, shoving the liquid away from their master. The brain sucker was about to run to him but the right head exploded. Timothee smirked as he walked towards the screeching monster. His right arm behind his back and his uroboros getting ready to wiggle its way towards the remaining head. Timotheeremoved his coat as he stopped in front of it, he projected his left arm. The uroboros covered the whole body of the creature, devouring every bit of it. On the other hand, Y/n is carving a knife on the brain sucker's right head while Jake shot the left. "NOW!" Jake shouted and Y/n jumped off as he grabbed the leg of the monster and threw it across the arena. A yelp echoing as it slammed on the ground. Timothee walked over to the two. "Is it over-" Y/n screamed when another brain sucker wrapped its tongue around her waist and dragged her with it. "FUCK!" Timothee was gonna run after her but another one came out and blocked his way. Jake dashed to the pedestal to grab a submachine gun. "EAT THIS SUCKERS!" He fired at the right while Timothee annihilated the left one. "Shit." Y/n gulped when she felt a sting around her belly. Her vision getting blurry. The tongue was slowly burning her with acid. While the creature roamed the walls, Y/n curled herself like a fetus, enduring the acid. Her veins reached her nose and ears, she gritted her teeth as she pulled the tongue with her body. Y/n ripped the tongue off and fell. "Oh God." She looked at her waist and it's healing. The burn slowly fading. Y/n crawled, eyeing the knife. 

Carlos wanted to go there, to grab whatever she was reaching and give it to her but no. They can't. Too many are watching. Miss Pitt became uneasy, balling her fists. Y/n held the knife as blood started to come out of her nose. The brain sucker went on top of her. Its tongue wrapping around her neck. Y/n pulled the tongue, taking in the acid and cutting it away from its host. The creature backed away. "It hurts." She walked towards it, swaying side to side. Y/n placed her foot on the left head and started stabbing the right with the knife. Withdrawing within seconds and  drawing it back again. When one of its legs tried to hit her back, she grabbed it with one hand and twisted it, removing it in the process. Y/n stopped with the stabbing and shoved her hands, one on each head until her fingers reached the outer skin and she pulled it from there. Her eyes turning crimson red as the green blood came out every single time she tugs on the organ. Y/n stepped on its back and continued pulling the skin off, tearing it like mozzarella cheese and sticky goo squirting out of it. 

*Material gworl 

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