Chapter 54

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Y/n's POV

Dr. Park's not in his office yet so I quietly entered to check some files. If it's true that he knows something about my brother then I might be able to piece things out. I know I'm being reckless right now but I need this. There's gotta be something in here, oh shit. I hid behind the sofa, bending my body until I saw shoes. That must be Dr. Park. Then another pair of shoes entered, a more sturdy one. "Sit down, Carlos."

Holy moly. "Chris gave me a brief explanation about what happened inside the infirmary." Dr. Park sighed. "I want you to be honest with me doc. We both came from that shit hole but don't leave me hanging." I bit my lower lip after he said the last four words. "Ok. Lock the door." When Carlos stood up, I managed to crawl behind a cabinet with books, allowing me to see through the gaps. "Thank you. Now," Dr. Park exhaled. "Umbrella Corporation was founded by three university classmates who got together to research on a mutagenic viral infection, namely Dr. Oswell E. Spencer, Dr. Edward Ashford, and Dr. James Marcus. The first one, Spencer, had a mischievous plan inside his secretive laboratory under his mansion back in Arklay, in which the locals liked to call  'Spencer Mansion'. Dr. James joined him in his research. If I'm not mistaken, it all started with a rare flower that grew in a cave in West Africa. Those who ate it were poisoned or died while some survived and gained superhuman powers and intelligence. You still with me?" 

Carlos ruffled his hair and nodded. "I'm just worried but continue." Dr. Park shrugged. "Now, that flower is what they called the Progenitor Virus. Spencer took a liking for its use to make bio-weapons and the T-virus was made mainly for that purpose as well, for war. And alas, the first strain of the T virus was separated from the progenitor. Dr. Marcus applied it on leech DNA. They were used as test subjects until Dr. William Birkin came to the picture. He found out that humans can turn into zombies if infected however, Spencer was disappointed by the fact that there were humans who are immune to it."

"Dickface." Carlos crossed his arms making Dr. Park laugh. "I'm pretty sure you've already encountered so much creatures so let's get a move on. The T veronica virus was made by Ashford along with his cloning genius of a son, Alexander Ashford. It wasn't that popular based on what I heard but it had an epic comeback when it was needed for making the C virus. Now in came the ultimate bio-weapons where they get a host to experiment on, like the Tyrant Project and the lickers you see hanging from the ceiling. But, the problem is, the Tyrant's intelligence was limited so Umbrella asked for something better."

"They never stop, do they?" Carlos chuckled. "Apparently. Hence, they started the Nemesis Project, take note that these creatures were made in different facilities all around the world. Nemesis is closely related to the Tyrant but it's more intelligent and more submitting in following human orders. Like killing any S.T.A.R.S in its way when they ruined one of Umbrella's former projects." Dr. Park cleared his throat. "Unfortunately, this is all of the info I got before escaping that warzone so let's talk about THE bioweapons. First of all, the infamous Wesker. He's a smart man, obtaining a doctorate in virology at the age of seventeen. He was hired by Umbrella and was one of the youngest virologists there, alongside William Birkin. At a young age, Wesker has already been a test subject, giving him superhuman abilities. There he also started the Uroboros Project. Those snake like creatures, I remember passing by their canisters, they're deadly and wiggly. And you know what? He used it as well and it bonded with him, causing him to mutate appropriately."

"That's another dickface." Carlos and Dr. Park laughed. "Now listen, listen, Umbrella has a thing for special bloods. The mother, Venice Veronica is actually an orphan taken for testing purposes  when the T-Veronica was made. Which is how she got the second name Veronica, for Umbrella to watch her closely in the future until she married Nathan Scarrow. A normal human without special blood and here's the catch, Umbrella got more intrigued when they had a child."

"And the child got THAT special blood?" Dr. Park nodded. "Timothee Scarrow followed by Y/n Scarrow after 10 years. Then, Wesker ordered Umbrella to watch over several universities in the whole world, specifically students and you know who stood out the most?" Dr. Park leaned a bit. "That boy." He whispered. "He caught Wesker's attention double time aside from Umbrella themselves having their eyes on the kids since birth." 

"He also developed the breakthrough on how much dose of T-virus a person should take to get the special effects. And of course, it amazed Wesker even more." 

"Ok. Back to the story." Carlos said. 

"After graduating, he bid farewell to his parents and never came back."

Carlos widened his eyes. "What the fuck? No traces or anything?" Dr. Park shook his head. "The last time I saw him was during a seminar back in Umbrella. His aura was heavy and intimidating. He was wearing this all black outfit and gloves just like Wesker, he just sat there in silence. Let me ask you something, didn't you feel anything suspicious during your travel on that train?" Dr. Park laid back on his seat, adjusting his glasses. "It's impossible to get past Arklay without losing more than half of your men." 

Carlos massaged his temples. "The cameras." 

"Bingo! You're a smart one." Carlos stared at him, flabbergasted. Dr. Park pointed and tapped his own head two times. "They're connected." Carlos scratched his head. "But why? Why look after her?" Dr. Park sighed. "If you had a sibling, could you have done different?" Carlos remained silent. "Then why is he still in that fucked up company? Considering the years he's been missing, Y/n must've gone through worse. I mean, it's his sister." Dr. Park shrugged. "His responsibility as an older brother still shows so, he must have had his own reasons. Whatever it was." 

Carlos looked outside. The blizzard's acting up, slightly blurring the landscape of the stadium. "There's only one thing left to discuss. Drinks?" Dr. Park raised a cup of Joe. "Sounds nice." Carlos carefully picked up the cup and blew the steam off. "The Unholy Trinity." Dr. Park removed his glasses and placed it on his desk. "Timothee Scarrow, Jake Muller and Mena Seagrave. Wesker's ultimate creation and of course the leader is that boy. Jake is Wesker's son, has a great obsession with guns and money. He's the youngest in the trio. Then Mena, the blonde tall girl, sophisticated and proper. She was taken from her family shortly after she was born. These bioweapons do Wesker's dirty job. They're ruthless killers, using their 'gifts' to their advantage. Their injection of T-virus is daily or if not daily maybe every other day to control their mutation." 

"Do you have their files?" Carlos asked while taking a sip of the hot choco. Dr. Park stood up and opened the top drawer attached to the wall. "Just the two." He grabbed two red folders and gave it to Carlos. "Jake and Mena." Carlos finished his drink and stood up as well. Stretching his arms and legs. "That was a lot to take in but thank you Doc." Dr. Park chuckled. "It's fine young man." Carlos did a salute and left the office. 

"You can come out now." Dr. Park wore his glasses again. I stepped into the light, tugging on the strings of my hoodie. "Y/n.." 

"I'm sorry Doc, I.." 

"Shh. It's ok, I understand your concern." I sat on the chair next to his desk, rubbing my eyes. 

"I don't know if I'm being paranoid right now doc but, he's alive right? And my parents?" My throat started to burn and my eyes swelled. Dr. Park sighed and gave me some tissues. "I'm certain they are Y/n but moving right now can be dangerous." 

"Why didn't they tell me? I don't understand." 

"To protect you, Y/n." 

"I didn't even get to say something before they left. I miss them." 

"If you're thinking about them right now, they're probably thinking about you too." Dr. Park smiled. "I just want us to be together in the same table for dinner, breakfast and lunch, is that too much to ask?" I sniffed. 

"Y/n. You're brave and smart. I know that in due time, you'll be able to reach that goal of yours but right now, things are crucial so we take baby steps." I stared at the ceiling, catching the tears with my sleeves. "Now, take this ointment with you to soothe your runny nose." I grabbed the small bottle from his head and put my hood over my head. Before I could step outside, Dr. Park lightly tapped my shoulder. "Your family believes in you Y/n and I do too. Just take things easy ok? Remember, in due time." I smiled. "Thanks Doc." 


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