Chapter 21 [D-4]

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Author's POV

This university has more than 10 floors each wing. Including the classrooms and dorm rooms. The West wing is known for its benevolence and Candor. The students there LOVE to do volunteer work and contribute to the community. They used to fund the Orphanage. The East wing is famous for breaking the rules and competition. They won't stop until they get what they want. They're also good at combat. The South wing is home for athletes and jocks. They even have their own gym and sports area inside their walls. Last but not the least, the North wing. You'll find exceptionally smart people there.


At exactly 10 PM, the electricity came back. Lights in the hallways per floor came on and everybody cheered. Immediately plugging back their appliances. On the other hand, Carlos just came back from duty.

"damn right, the electricity's back." He chimed.

Carlos didn't finish his sentence when he saw Y/n sleeping in the living room. Her right leg dangling off the sofa with her left arm hovering her forehead. There's a tissue box on the table and plenty of crumpled ones scattered on the floor. The window was open and the moonlight created  asymmetrical reflections from the glass panes to Y/n's face.

Carlos closed the door behind him slowly, removed his vest and placed his rifle somewhere safe. Carlos crouched beside Y/n and stared at her face.

Why the hell do you have so many tissues beside you?

Carlos was about to pick up the trash from the floor when he saw a tear fell from her eye. It passed through her cheek down to her jawline.

I wish I was there when you needed a shoulder to cry on, supercop...

Carlos sighed. He contemplated whether to just leave her there and put a blanket over her or put her in the bedroom.

Personal space my ass...

He recalled what Y/n said. He chuckled. Who knew that he'd meet such a brave girl. And at the same time, stubborn. Carlos shook his head and picked her up bridal style. He moved carefully, making sure not to wake her up. Though Y/n's a heavy sleeper, he just wanted her to able to sleep continuously and comfortably. Once he laid her down on her bed, he placed a blanket over her entire body up to her shoulders and neck. He stared at her face one last time before leaving the bedroom.

Sleep tight supercop...

Meanwhile, on the third floor, Tyrell was walking around the hallways. Keeping Judith's concern in mind. He would turn each knob or knock until one door wouldn't budge. He knocked a couple of times and still no response.

Alright.. Gotta do this the other way...

Tyrell started lockpicking on the door when a bright light was pointed straight to his face. Tyrell backed away and partially covered his face with his palm too see the person behind clearly.

It's Nicholai...

"What are you doing here?" Nicholai asked.

Tyrell squinted his eyes. "Doing some rounds. What are you doing here?"

"You're being called downstairs." Nicholai answered.

Tyrell sighed."Fine. Fine. We just gotta check this room—"

" Downstairs. NOW." Nicholai snapped.

Tyrell scratched the back of his head and marched towards the stairs. Nicholai's got the temper plus, Tyrell's rank has been threatened by him before. Avoiding drama is key.

Nicholai ordered one of the soldiers following him to open the door. The soldier did what was asked of him and the door unlocked. The door opened and a snarl welcomed him, an infected student jumped on him and started biting his neck. Nicholai smirked as he took a step back to hide in the shadows while the soldiers panicked.

The soldiers started shooting each other. Knowing that the university has sound proof walls, mostly the higher floors don't know what the hell is going on in the lower floors until the sirens come off.

But it didn't...

Before the chaos, Nicholai made sure to turn off the alarms. He gave certain tasks to some soldiers he trust to release students who are already infected from their dorm rooms in each wing. Nicholai felt proud now that his plan or THE plan was a success.

Being in the higher floor pays off afterall...

Nicholai walked to the fourth floor and used his shotgun to shoot door knobs. He repeatedly did this up to the seventh floor and left the rest on its own. He didn't touch the upper floors.

Nicholai got off the elevator and witnessed the students banging on their wing gates, begging for someone from the outside to open it. Nicholai shook his head as he walked passed them, entering a car driven by one of his trusted soldiers.

"Let's go" Nicholai said.

The soldier stepped on the gas, speeding away from the center to the main gates. The guards not knowing anything tried to stop them.


"Drive through them." Nicholai demanded.

The soldier did nodded and busted through the gates.

Y/n's POV [ 11:30 PM]


I squinted my eyes and I think I'm dreaming.

Timothee? Big bro?

I reached out for the face and my fingertips brushed over hair. Not too thick.

"Wake up, supercop."

I'm touching Carlos's beard...

"Oh shit.." I retrieved my hand and Carlos helped me sit.

"I dozed off—"

"SHHHHH." Carlos hushed.

I turned to look at my window and saw the university in chaos. There's people running around, fire in some dorm rooms and soldiers are fighting back to back.

"What the hell is happening?" I asked.

Carlos shushed me. "I'll explain later, for now, don't make any noise."

I nodded and Carlos left the bedroom, carrying his backpack. I put my essentials in a sling bag, wore my jacket and rubber shoes. Once I got out, Lilith squeezed my hand.

"We're gonna get out of here." Lilith whispered.

Tyrell and Carlos are all geared up. My first time seeing Tyrell holding a gun and not his laptop.

"The building's over run with zombies." Tyrell said.

Lilith tapped my sling bag,"that's all you're bringing?"

"The lesser the baggage, the faster we can get out of this place.."I answered.

"Ok, here's the plan, we're not using the elevator since we don't know what the hell's waiting for us once we get down. I'll be leading the way, Tyrell on the back and you two in the middle. You all copy?" Carlos said.

We all nodded and he opened the door. Looking left and right, we walked surely and steady. Lilith held on to my hand. Our floor's clear and most of the doors are closed.

Are they even aware?

We reached a clearance and the stairs welcomed us. Carlos looked down whilst pointing his rifle and nodded. Our rooms are on the 17th floor.

"As much as possible, try to scan the area for survivors." Carlos ordered.

While going down, I would check the numbers painted on the wall to see which floor are we in now.


To be continued..

Corporal RAMBO: UNRAVEL [Carlos Oliveira Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now