Chapter 30

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Author's POV [Back at Umbrella]

Wesker called for Timothee and Jake inside the lounge. Tim sat across him and Jake just entered. It was quiet. Eerie. Jake straightened his coat saying,"Did someone die?" Wesker just chuckled and Timothee glared at him. "Just asking? Because, you two..." Jake paused and sat down beside Timothee. "...look like you're going to a funeral." Jake always had this cocky attitude in him that everyone in Umbrella already knows how to deal with it. Shut up.

Wesker pulled a folder from the table and passed it to the two. Timothee scanned the paper inside and its a mission. The pictures alarmed him. It's just five blocks next Y/n's apartment. He thought. "Oh gimme that." Jake complained as he snatched the file. "You look like you've seen a ghost man." Timothee rolled his eyes. "Bring this doctor to me within this day." Wesker ordered.


[On the way to Raccoon City]

"So, what made you so 'shook' when you saw the location of the man?" Jake asked. His right arm on the steering wheel while his other's leaned on the window. Timothee didn't answer. "You got a girlfriend there?" Timothee just sighed. Jake was running out of ideas on how he'll get the male older than him to talk. "Are you really this silent or are you just deaf?" Timothee wanted to punch his face right now but he remained calm. "A close relative lives there." "Ohhhh, I see, I see." Stupid... Timothee thought.


It was already dark when they arrived. Jake parked the car along the street. When they stepped down, the lights of the building were already off except for the one on the third floor. Timothee suspected that it might be the Doctor's office. The front door was locked when they reached the doorstep. There weren't plenty people passing by so Timothee hovered his hand on the door knob. The metal started shaking as well as his hand. Jake covered him to avoid suspicions. Suddenly, a cling! sounded, indicating that the knob broke and its unlocked. Timothee put his hands in his pockets and stared at the door. The door opened on its own and they entered.

The interior was quite antique. Magenta floral patterns for the wall and mahogany floorings. Some lamps were barely lit. They both moved stealthily and remained silent since they're in mission mode. The first floor consisted of a mini library, a bathroom and storage room. The second floor has the kitchen, dining area and living room. Quite odd I might say. Jake prepped his gun when they're about to climb the stairs again.

Turns out that the light they saw when they arrived came from a lamp close to the window centered in the hallways. Maybe they left it on so that people won't trip through the stairs. Timothee signaled Jake to check each door and the taller male nodded. There were two bathrooms, two bedrooms and a master's bedroom. Maybe those were his kids... Jake thought. Once they've reached the end of the hallway, a wonderfully designed door greeted them. With a metal placard with the Doctor's name and surname. "Hey, Scarrow, I think we found our guy." Jake whispered. Timothee nodded and the door opened by itself. Jake wasn't suprised with his abilities anymore since he's pretty used to it by now.

They took a peek and the room was dark. The sound of the air conditioner revved, casually blowing the pile of papers back and forth. There on the middle near the balcony, sat the Doctor. He was facing the other way around so the back of his swivel chair faced the two. It looked like he was watching something on his phone. Jake raised his gun and turned the swivel chair around. "Honey is that you-" The Doctor dropped his phone when Jake pointed the gun to the back of his head. Timothee placed both of his arms on the desk and leaned. Scanning if they got the right guy. "Affirmative." He whispered. "Sorry old man..." Jake exclaimed as he hit the Doctor's head with the gun. The Doctor fainted and Jake catched its head and slowly placed it on the desk.

"Search the area." Timothee commanded. Jake nodded and went out. Timothee opened the balcony door and stepped outside. He stared at Y/n's apartment. Sighing. If someone were staring at him right now, they would think of him as a creep.

"Ohhh, so that's where close relative lives huh?" Jake popped behind him. Timothee glared at him. "Let's go." Jake chuckled. "Bye Close relative!!!" He carried the old man on his shoulder with one hand and carried on. Timothee following behind, his hands inside his pockets and the door slammed shut behind him on its own.

Back at Umbrella

Jake and Timothee entered the lobby and saw the doctor lying on a stretcher. Two doctors under Umbrella came out too. With a writing pad and pen with them. "Is he alive?" The male doctor asked. Jake nodded. "I thought Sir Wesker wanted him dead?" The female doctor said. And they argued. "There weren't any clear details on the mission pa-" Jake was starting to get irritated. "Jesus Christ-" BANG!

Jake shot the doctor straight to his forehead, retrieving the gun and blowing the smoke out of it and holstered it in his pockets again. Everybody inside the lobby froze. It was unexpected. Timothee smirked because of the two doctor's expressions. Hell, they weren't expecting that either.


The elevator opened and Wesker stepped out. The two doctors looked at him. "Did I say something about keeping him alive or dead?" He said. The two doctors wanted to answer but they just clutched their things close to their chests as if its gonna shield them from Wesker's sudden outburst if ever. Wesker sighed as he glanced at the fresh bullet wound on the Doctor's forehead. Blood trickling to the side. "Bring him to the infirmary."


apologies for the slow update, I'm currently taking my Christmas break and New Year break before classes start again but I'll make sure to update as much as I can. Thank you! Love lots! <333

Oh and please welcome Jake Muller, Albert Wesker and Timothee Scarrow yall. ❤

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