Chapter 72

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Y/n's POV

"Hey, which hairstyle of mine do you love the most?"  I asked as we got closer to Safe Haven after the last hunt. But today, I'm the one maneuvering the horse. "All of them." He answered. "Then which one is your favorite?" He leaned forward, placed his head on the crook of my neck, tickling my skin as it made contact with his hair and beard. "The loose one since I have your hair tie with me." I laughed. "Ok ok. Like the one from the arena?" He nodded. "Gosh, my outfit that day.. so scandalous." I shook my head at the thought. "We're here." He pointed at the gates and the soldiers opened it.

"Home sweet home. Giddyap!"


"Y/n!!!" The moment I entered our room, Jia ran to hug me. "Jia! I missed you!" She released me and ran to her bed to get something. "Look!" She waved a yellow doll at me. "Bunny? That's cute! Where did it come from?" I sat beside her on her bed. "The short haired girl wearing a blue top."

" Oh! That's Jill."

" Oh okay."

I was admiring the little girl beside me when my vision went dark and I felt hands covering my eyes." Guess who?" Mother Amelia asked. A slight tone of amusement in her voice. I sniffed around and smelled something familiar. It smells like dandelions.

I smirked. "Lilith?"

"Darn it!" She groaned as she removed her cover on my eyes. "I know how much you love dandelions."

I stood up and went to my bed. "Here." She gave me one bath bomb and two scented candles. "Where the hell did you get this?" She widened her eyes. Not answering. " Lili, I can read your mind you know?" She pouted. " Flower museum."


Before lunch time, I was walking around the hallways, getting fresh air when I saw Lilith below, carrying some seeds and planting stuff. I was gonna yell if she needed help until someone came. " Omg." I covered my mouth when he took the crates from her and she pointed at the crop field. "Holy moly, go get it Timmy." I laughed. Timothee placed the crates beside the seed beds and Lilith started doing her job.
I might not be able to hear them but I can read their mind so..

Lilith: you can grab that stool over there if you wanna watch.

Yeah, cuz you look like a scarecrow watching over her.

Timothee: what can you cook with this?

Lilith: oh, uh, I don't know how to cook. Just bacon and eggs?

Timothee: me too.

Lilith: it's Y/n who's good at cooking.

I'm eavesdropping too much so I left. Told ya Tim, someone IS there for you.


"Y/n, can we talk?" I almost choked on my food when I heard my brother's voice behind us. I glanced at Lilith and she's a blushing mess. "Well, me or her?"

"You." He answered but  he's staring at her. " You Y/n." He cleared his throat and left. " Fuck me." Lilith said, nervously chuckling.

"So? What did you want to talk about?" I asked the brunette in front of me. "What is your relationship status with Carlos?" I froze whilst he continues his walk. " Well.."

" I don't think there's a relationship status starting with the word 'well'." He quoted the air. I smirked. " Then what's your status with Lilith?" This time he stopped and I walked past him. We did that for a couple more minutes that I didn't even notice someone was watching us from above.

Allen: What the hell are they doing?

Jia: Maybe they're playing tag!

Author's POV

Somwhere in the forests, a man walks inside a pitch black room. Stepping on the puddle of blood. His eyes flared as he saw the body of one of the BSAA soldiers nailed to the wall. The smell of cigarette entered his nostrils. With the swish of his hand, the candle on the table lit up. Wesker looked at the male smoking beside the table. His hands bloody.

"You have my go signal." Wesker ordered. Nicholai stood up.  "Bring back my Unholy Trinity." Wesker flipped his coat and left. "Tsk." Nicholai chuckled as he dropped the cig and stepped on it. Before he left the place, he kicked the table and the fire spread around, burning the body plastered to the wall.


{6 PM}

Timothee and Jake left awhile ago to grab their stuff from their former Umbrella facility. While people were preparing for dinner, Y/n stayed in the sniper range on the top of the stadium. Zooming on the scope since Chris told her to look out for the remaining BSAA soldier who went for patrol. That's odd. He went out yesterday and his partner's the only one who came back. What if they were attacked?

"Any sign of 'em?" Carlos joined me. Pulling a sniper rifle as well. I ahook my head, sighing. "I'm worried."

"Yeah. I heard his partner came back all bloody and shit. Dude was shocked. Terrified."

" Poor guy."

" I know."


Umbrella Soldier: Should we move sir?

Nicholai sighed. " Not yet."


*Can you guess the title for the second book?

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