Chapter 29

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Author's POV

Umbrella Corporation's Control Room

A male in his twenties sat on the second platform of the stairs where there's rows and rows of employees focused on their screens and the screens at the front. Much bigger ones. It showed different locations in Raccoon City. Inside and outside. It was never a joke that Raccoon City is home of Umbrella.

"Report." He sternly said to the female employee nearest to him.

She was stunned, knowing that he can read her mind. "Reporting, Sir Scarrow, Camera 284 shows a group of students. Age ranging from 18 to 22."

The camera was highlighted. When it flashed, it revealed Y/n and her friends talking and eating in an ice cream stall. He remained silent, glancing from the camera and back to the floor.

The employees near him were observing him and the girl in the camera. They were waiting for orders while some were too caught in his handsome features.

Suddenly, Y/n and Timothee unexpectedly did the same thing. Running their hand to the back of their neck and tilting their head to the side as if to stretch it. The employees who noticed widened their eyes.

They even used the same hand. Then the main doors swung open. In came a tall man with an all black outfit and shades on. His blond hair styled upwards. He had a flashy grin on his face as he stepped behind the young male.

"Look what we have here." He exclaimed.

The employees turned back to their screens. Shaking in fear.

Albert Wesker. A vicious superhuman, currently in charge of Umbrella, grinned at the sight of his preys flashed on the screens. He was feared by all.

Timothee stood up and walked past Wesker.

"Leaving so soon?" He asked.

Timothee didn't turn his head. "Let's go."

And he left.

Wesker laughed hysterically. "He's not in the mood."

Once the two were gone, some employees started whispering. "The girl and Sir Timothee did the same thing earlier! Do you think they're siblings?"

"Heck like I know! But he's a hotty eh?"



Umbrella Corporation's Cafeteria

Timothee sat there, his hands elegantly crossed on the table, his food untouched. He was just staring at the flat screen TV on the wall. Again. Showing locations in Raccoon City.

  The head chef was concerned, she wanted to tie his thick curly hair so that his eyes can see well. But oh well.

Sigh... Another presence was felt beside him.

"How are you, Jake?" Timothee asked. Not averting his eyes.

Jake chuckled. "You checking out girls now?"

Somehow it made Timothee glance at him with cold eyes. They're like two polar opposities. Cold and hot. Jake here's busy trying to hold in his laugh while Timothee's not giving a fuck to anyone who wants to start a conversation with him.

"Which one you looking at?" Jake questioned the brunette.

"None of your business."

Jake bursted out laughing. "Whoop-de-fucking-doo."

Jake grabbed Timothee's bowl of food that's not been touched and tasted a spoonful of it. Nodding his head in satisfaction.

"You gotta eat man." Jake told him while munching.

Earning a glare from Timothee.

Y/n's POV

After we ate at the restaurant and ice cream shop, I decided to stop by the store for kids. I don't know what style Jia wants but maybe I'll just get her something comfy. And of course, Lance followed. I'm glad he stopped being touchy ever since I removed his hand from my shoulders back at the entrance. Heck, he even asked Lilith if me and Carlos were a thing. When I said no he was like,

"That's good."

What a bummer...

"Hello! How may I help you?" the female clerk asked.

Shit, how old is Jia?! Oh whatever.

"Oh hi, I'm looking for clothes for – 7 to 9 year old girl. Just comfy ones." She nodded and led me to an aisle.

Lance didn't move from the whole body mirror beside him since he's "checking" himself out. Come to think of it, I only noticed his outfit right now. A long-sleeved button up top with a few buttons open, revealing a bit of  his bare chest. And cargo shorts.

"You two are such lovely couples!" The clerk whispered to my ear.


God, I wanna leave...

Author's POV

Geo asked for permission to leave first since he still has plans inside the mall. It's already 6 PM. He left to buy guitar strings at a music store. Its been a side hobby for him aside from sports.

While scanning through the aisle, he saw the old man, the owner, playing a guitar on the cashier's counter.

"Nice tunes old man." He peered through his shoulder and gave him a smile.

"The ones on the top are fine ones my boy. It'll get you some chicks!" The old man jokes.

Geo started rummaging through the old man's suggestions. He had his back faced to him. On the other hand, the storage room of the store, a thud was heard. The old man was alerted.

He placed the guitar back in its case and walked to the room. Once he opened the door, a rifle was pointed to his forehead. The man was wearing all black and a mask. Then another one came, looking the same and knocked him off.

They carried him to the back door and put him inside a black van. One thing he last saw was the logo on the kidnapper's shoulder. A white and red logo shaped like an umbrella.

Geo, having no idea what just happened.

"Ok, this is the one. Hey old man—"

The counter was empty and the old man was nowhere to be found.

"Maybe he took a piss?" Geo shrugged and faced the CCTV camera, waving his cash in front of it.

"Imma leave this here! So that you know I paid."

He left the cash under the record book and placed the item inside his bag and left.

To be continued..

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