Chapter 2

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Y/n's POV

Later on, Miss Pitt opened the door. Revealing a Russian soldier. Quite old I might say.

"I am Corporal Captain Mikhail Victor. Me and my team are here to investigate the bombing." He said, eyeing each and everyone of us.

"As you can see, one of the wings of this university is down and filled with infected." His russian accent echoing across the classroom. "I want all of you to stand up and fall in line. Ladies first."

All the girls fall in line and we walked outside, through the hallways. I was at the front while Lilith is at the back. She's tall.

"What does he mean by infected?" The girl behind me asked.

I simply shook my head and continued walking. Not that I know anything about it. As we all went down the flight of stairs, we found ourselves in the courtyard. Ashes falling above our heads and smell of blood and dirt covering our nostrils.

" I hate blood..." I thought.

"LISTEN UP! Each student will be under surveillance until further announcemnt from the Ministry of Education. A soldier will be assigned to a student. You will be isolated with them in the university dorms to check any vital signs of infection within one week." Captain Mikhail said. "all of you will be under the care of the U.B.C.S. Move accordingly."

And just like that, names are being called. Random soldiers were being assigned. Girl or boy. Doesn't matter.

"One soldier with one student? Are you kidding me?" Lilith whispered to me once we've dispersed.

I didn't mind at first but it does seem odd. There's too much information I need to process. Just who are these guys?

Suddenly, some of the females started to squeal and gather around some soldiers. They're very tall and mascular. No wonder the girls are going crazy.

Lilith nudged me. "He looks Latino." She pointed with her lips and I followed the direction.

One of the tall guys, messy hair, tan skin, doe eyes.

"Miss Y/n!"  I averted my gaze to Miss Pitt's voice. I didn't know it was already my turn.

I walked up to her silently.

"Miss Y/n, you will be assigned with-"

Before she could finish her sentence, one of the infected students came rushing towards us. Their teeth was bloody. I grabbed a pair of scissors from the desk beside Miss Pitt. Just before the student can grab her, I shoved miss Pitt to the side and plunged the scissors on the student's face. I didn't even bother to check which part of her face was hit. Adrenaline got the best of me.

The student back away, crying while holding on to the scissors. She kneeled and screamed in agony. Captain Mikhail ordered the soldiers to round up the students quickly. I just stayed on the ground. I couldn't move a single limb due to shock. 

Did I just kill someone?

I had blood on my hand too. My head was spinning and my legs were weak. Lilith tried to grab me but she was pulled away by a soldier. Before I knew it, three gunshots rang through my eardrums and I saw the student fall to the ground. Lifeless.

"Need a hand?"

I looked up and saw a tall figure standing behind me. That "Lantino" guy Lilith was talking about earlier. I hesitated as he lend his hand. My vision getting blurry. 

"I didn't mean to stab her-"

"Hey, hey, there's nothing we can do about it. Fucker's out of their mind. Are you hurt though?"

I grabbed his hand and stood up. I scanned my body and saw a scratch on my arm.

 "We should take a look at that. Hold on to me will ya?" He says. 

He offered his shoulders and I placed my arm around it. I flinched when he placed his other arm around my waist.

"Sorry, didn't mean to stick my hands where they don't belong..." He said. Trying to regain his composure.

I raised an eyebrow at him. A warning. 

"Personal space! I get it." He backed away while surrendering his arms in the air.

"I'm fine now. I can walk on my own." I said sternly.

"You're the boss." He retorted.

I started walking towarss Miss Pitt with him following from behind. I covered the scratch with my palm.

"Y/n dear! Are you okay?" she held my face whilst checking my body for injuries.

"Just a scratch ma'am. I'm fine." I faked a smile.

Nah it stings actually....

"Captain! This fine young lady needs some medical assistance." said the guy following me.

Captain Mikhail marched toward us and scanned me up and down. Stopping at the scratch I got on my arm.

"Look into it. Extra supplies will be delivered tonight. You're in charge of her." He said as he left with Miss Pitt.

Now this Latino guy lead the way inside the dormitories.

"If you don't mind me asking, which one is yours?" he asked, holding his rifle against his chest.

"Room 157."

He nodded. Later on, we decided to take the elevator. 

"Ladies first..." 

Hopping in, I noticed him flashing a smile for a sec.

"How can you be so optimistic despite the things happening here?" I asked. Not looking anywhere but the door.

"I'm just making things less depressing than it already is." He chuckled.

His voice is so deep...

"Say... I almost forgot, I didn't quite catch your name.." He added. He turned his body sideways to face me.

"It's Y/n"

"Nice name..." He says. 

"You?" I questioned.

"Carlos. Carlos Oliveira"



I looked at him from head to toe and snorted.

"Why? I don't think I look that old." Said him.

I rolled my eyes as he laughed out loud. The elevator dings, indicating we have reached my floor. I stepped out before him. Thank God, we're finally out of that cramped space.

"How long will we be isolated?" I blurted out.

"One week. And then we will be transferring to the base." He answered. 

His tone switched from funny to serious.

I frowned. "Military base?"

He nodded.

" You're not gonna kill me, aren't you?"

He stopped walking and faced me. "I would rather tend to that wound than point this rifle to your head."

Before my gaze reached his eyes, what caught my attention was his badge. "Corporal?"

He grazed his fingers on the badge. "Yup, Corporal and the one down there earlier was Corporal Captain."

"Then do you specialize in treating wounds?"

He shook his head. "I help. But I specialize in handling heavy weapons and machinery more."

We continued walking in silence after that until we reach my dorm room. He's not a bad guy afterall.


Corporal RAMBO: UNRAVEL [Carlos Oliveira Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now