Chapter 51

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Author's note: Me and my co-writer came up with the final year this story is set and its 2015, again, it has nothing to do with the original RE timeline cuz we have to connect this one with ehem, future projects. Stay tuned.


Y/n's POV

Geo played along with the citizens after finding instruments from an abandoned music store. The festivities has been going on for two days now and thankfully, it helped the people forget about the apocalypse happening outside of the stadium. Earlier this morning, Chris ordered the troops to remove the train's engine to preserve it. I guess he also doesn't want us to leave.

"Okay! Let's play a game!" Lilith placed a box on the middle of the table filled with neatly folded papers. "What the hell is this?" Lance took a peek but Lilith smacked his head. "Shoo! Anyways, here are the rules. We're gonna spin the bottle and to whoever it points at should grab a random paper from the box and answer the question written on it. Understood?"

"Hey, hey, you're not playing without us right?" Miss Pitt sat with us, followed by Tyrell, Carlos and Geo who just got off the stage.

"Yeheyyy." Lilith spinned the bottle.

"This is stupid."

"Shut up Lance!"

The bottle pointed at Geo. "Woah! Go get it Hawksley!"

Geo closed his eyes while rummaging his fingers in the box. "Oy, no cheating." Lilith warned him.

"Now you have no reason to hide." Carlos whispered in my right ear making me flinch at the sudden action. Ever since THAT day I kinda didn't talk to him or greeted him atleast. "I-I've been busy." Carlos placed his guns on the table top and sighed. "Yeah right but your cheeks says otherwise."

"Okay, do you plan on getting married in the future?" Geo read out loud. "WOOOO! Who's the lucky girl?!" Julianne and Annie teased him. Geo shrugged. "It depends. I mean, I don't have a girlfriend...yet."

"HAHAHA. He was speechless for a sec." Lilith spinned the bottle again and it pointed at Tyrell. "Pick! Pick!" The students cheered. Tyrell unfolded the paper. "Who's your past crush?"

"Too childish." Lance commented while chugging on his beer. "Don't worry, there will be mature ones in it too."

"What the fuck, Annie?" Annie sticked her tongue out.

Tyrell sighed. "I guess I gotta admit, Rose. The girl from your cafeteria back at the university."

Everybody shushed in silence. "What?"

"Rose Lee? One of the chefs?" Miss Pitt asked. Tyrell scratched his nape in embarrassment. "Y-Yeah. Why?"

"She's already married." Jackson said. "Welp.. I had no idea." Tyrell raised his hands in surrender. Lilith spinned the bottle again.

"Can we talk after this?" Carlos nudged my shoulder. "Yeah sure. Where?" He pointed at our balcony with his lips.

"Y/n!" I looked at the table and the bottle's tip was pointing at me. Lilith passed the box to me. Bad timing. While I was picking with my eyes looking at the night sky, my peripheral vision showed Carlos staring at me intently. "Okay. Ehem. Where do you wanna settle down with your husband in the future?" I pursed my lips after reading.

The girls squealed while pushing and slapping each other. I bit my lower lip, lowering the paper to my lap. "So? Where's it gonna be?" Annie wiggled her eyebrows at me. "Somewhere surrounded by nature I guess."

"Ayieeeee, who's the lucky guy?" Lilith asked the same time Lance stood up and walked away. "HEY! Where you going?" Lilith pouted. "Geez, Parker." Geo and Jackson ran after the blonde male.

"Lilith! I gotta show you something!" Claire yanked Lilith away from the table. "Let's wrap this up." Julianne brought the box with her and she left with Annie. Max is nowhere to be found.

"That was one hell of a game." Tyrell stood up. "I'm gonna go upstairs, you three?"

"I'm staying here for awhile. Dinner's being prepped outside, you can't miss the smell." Miss Pitt waved her hand. "I'll catch up." Carlos whispered to me as he followed Tyrell upstairs.

"Y/n go to your meeting spot. You gotta 'warm' yourself up." Miss Pitt winked at me before turning to the other women around. Damn ok.


"It's getting late yet here we are, eating ice cream." I leaned on the rocking chair beside Carlos. "Hey, consider this a reward for ourselves. That shit back in the train was enough to drive us nuts." Y/n nodded.

Knock! Knock!

Before I could fully reach the door, I was greeted by the smell of cigarette smoke puffed straight to my face. "Hey, little girl. Chris is looking for YOU and that macho guy over there. His office ASAP." Jill blew some smoke once more before turning around and walking away. The sound of her boots echoing in the concrete hallway. "What's wrong with her?" Carlos asked while wearing his jacket. "She's always been like that. Come on, maybe something urgent came up."


Chris's office was jam packed with soldiers and medics. There on his desk, a tall guy with shiny blonde hair is talking to him. "What's going on?" Carlos asked Tyrell. "A mission. Do you remember Leon?" Carlos mouthed an oh. "It's that RPD guy who had a kickass first day, right?" Tyrell nodded.

"Alright. Listen up. Dr. Park is currently conducting a research on this certain virus that Leon encountered during his trip and unfortunately, he and his partner were overpowered and separated along the way. We need a sample of their blood. And the rest is up to Leon himself to explain." Chris stepped back. "It's Helena. We got stuck in a village weeks ago and the people there were, well, they didn't look like zombies but they have this urge to kill. Hell even women wanted to chop me into pieces while holding a butcher's knife."

Chris sighed. "Where did you see her last?"

"In the big mansion." Leon replied while pointing at the top of the map.

"Alright. I'm gonna need 5 more men. James, Wicked, Allen, Lee and Carlos. Tyrell you will be the eyes inside the control room, Maximus told me you're good at techy things." Tyrell nodded. "I'll do my best."

"Well, that sucks." Jill commented while lighting another cig.

Chris folded the map. "Good. We leave in 15 minutes. Get your gear on the gates. I'll meet you all there. You're dismissed."


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