Chapter 68

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Author's POV  (January, 2016)

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Author's POV (January, 2016)

Carlos woke up, his left arm numb from staying in the same position until he realized that Y/n was hugging it like a pillow for her cheek. Cute.

Carlos groaned as he slowly removed his arm from her and stretched his whole body. He glanced at the window and there were fireworks. "Damn, new year." He yawned. Carlos rubbed his eyes, it's been awhile since Y/n's been bed-ridden. "Good morning, supercop." He chuckled as he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. Adoring her peaceful face.

Lilith's POV

I can't help but feel a bit heavy. I just want Y/n to wake up already. "Parker!" Perfect timing when I entered the canteen, Chris immediately called me. "Yes sir?" At the farthest table, I saw Y/n's parents waving at me so I waved back. "Do me a favor, look for Timothee." He said. "Timothee? Oh, Y/n's big bro." Chris nodded. "Tell him his parents are looking for him." I nodded and left the canteen. Come to think of it, Y/n never really opened up to me about her family but she was so eager to listen to mine.

I guess I just miss her. Especially since I haven't spoken to her for so long after what happened and... Sigh. I feel pathetic. Y/n is always there for me. Through good and bad. "Ugh. Focus Lilith." I mentally slapped myself and continued walking through the hallways. "Where could he be?" Heck I didn't even know she had an older brother. I brushed my fingers on the wall whiel admiring the fireworks outside. "Mom, dad, I hope you're ok." God, why am I like this all of a sudden? I shook my head and stopped walking when I heard the sound of a piano.

"Woah." I widened my eyes as I followed where the sound was coming from. Getting louder with each step I take. "Who's playing a goddamn piano right now?" I furrowed by brows. Completely forgetting whaf I was told to do. It was dark and I felt shivers down my spine. It's as if I'm being lured into the unknown. "Not bad though." It sounds so ethereal. Good thing the hallways aren't crowded as usual. I stepped beside a broken door and took a peek. Long brown curly hair and there's just a lamp on top of the instrument. "Maybe it's him!" His upper body swayed side to side and to and fro as the progression rose and dropped every now and then.

I didn't look at him as I leaned against the door frame, just listening. I didn't even notice that he peered through his shoulder. I closed my eyes, imagining that I'm in an opera. I remember back in uni, our batch would do roleplays and Y/n acted as a fairy and me as a tree because of my height. Oh dear, I miss the good old days. I grinned, not even noticing that he already stopped playing. "I know you're there." He said. "Oh shi-" Before I knew it, I accidentally pushed the door with my body and fell. "Gosh." I quickly pulled myself up and brushed my dress. "Oh, uh, Chris is looking for you, I mean.. I mean your parents. Hehe." Awkward silence. "Is that all?" He stood up, taking the lamp with him. " You play well! Hehe, that's all." I didn't wait for his answer and dashed out of the room.

Author's POV

In the Safe Haven Barracks, Wicked arrived. The three jocks were star-strucked when they saw his suit.
A gray camo with full head gear and night vision attached, some weeds around the shoulders, a bulletproof vest and boots. Also gloves. Wicked removed his mask and greeted Chris with a grin. "Wtf that suit looks so dope." Geo exclaimed then another one entered but a much slender body and a small gun with a katana on her back. " Wicked." Chris handed him a knuckles weapon that when you extend your hand, the blade goes out and then hides when not in use. " Woah! Thanks Cap."

" Carpidyem." He gave her a dagger that has red carvings on it. She removed her mask. "Thank you sir." When Tyrell caught a glimpse of Carp, he dropped everything that he was doing. "You look like you've seen a ghost." Allen whispered to the older male. Teasing him. " Holy shit was that a girl?" The three couldn't take their eyes off of their suits. " Forget about the girl! Their suits are fire!" Lance said . " I wanna wear something like that in the future." Jackson replied and the three of them gave each other a comforting pat on the back.

The next day...

Timothee went to Dr. Park's office, Y/n's still asleep. Dr. Park immediately got worried when he saw Timothee holding his left arm in pain. As if he's stopping something from getting out. Dr. Park locked the door and gave Timothee a chair to sit. There's just three of them inside. "What is going on?" The older male asked. Timothee sighed. " I need uroboros." Dr. Park widened his eyes. " UROBOROS?! What? How?"

Timothee rolled up his sleeve. " One of my missions, I almost lost my arm so I had to resort to this." He pointed at the uroboros sample on the doctor's computer. " Do you have some with you?" Timothee shook his head. The door opened and another tall male joined them. " Long time no see Dr. Park." Dr. Park laughed after seeing Jake out of his prison cell, munching on a velvet ice cream. " So? We're going or nah? I bet your close relative's gonna start her doses soon enough." Timothee sighed. " We'll ask permission from Chris."


Timothee, Jake and some BSAA guy arrived at the old facility of Umbrella where the arena fight was held. There at the very bottom close to the dungeons, three large canisters are placed beside each other. Timothee grabbed two suitcases with vials, one for him and one for Y/n. Jake took one for him as well. And then Timothee scooted over to the right.


Wicked read in his mind and when he looked at the canister, his body automatically shivered at the sight of black things wiggling to and fro in liquid. "Well fuck me." Allen laughed. "Didn't you know we have that in our stomachs?" Wicked coughed. "Kidding."
Suddenly, the doors to the room busted open and a tall lady with a shotgun entered. "Hands in the air!" The BSAA guys pointed their rifles at her. "Don't. She's harmless." Timothee reassured them. Mena rolled her eyes and walked towards the last case of T virus. "What are you doing here?" Jake asked her. Mena closed the case and glared at him. "My kids need this." And then they all went out together.

"Mena." The blonde female stopped walking with her back facing him as Timothee called out to her. "Take care."

Mena peered through her shoulder. "You too." And then she started ger car's engine with her keys and drove off.


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