Chapter 63

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Y/n's POV

"Strip." A nurse said and I removed the hospital gown. The air conditioner sending shivers down my spine. I looked at my body on the mirror and my veins are pulsating. Mom, dad, I hope you two are okay. I don't know what's happening but I'll get you guys out of here. The nurse came out and tossed some clothes to me. "Wear those and leave this room." She closed the door behind her. I'm too tired to argue. I slipped on the dark blue and black snakeskin jumpsuit. I can't freaking breathe in THIS! I pulled the front zipper down to the top of my belly button and wore the futuristic boots. I'm hearing lots of things. This must be the effect of that virus. I didn't bother to tie my hair and just left the room. A flight of stairs welcomed me. I can hear Timothee not too far from me. I started climbing the stairs. "Oh fuck!" I wobbled to the side, holding the railings as support. My head's spinning. Then I heard some cheering outside. I'm close.

Author's POV

When she reached the platform, she fell to the ground. Catching her breath. The seats are now occupied and Wesker stood in the middle with the parents on each side. Miss Pitt widened her eyes when she saw the two circular parts of the cockpit rose, revealing two figures. The crowd roared making a standing ovation whilst clapping their hands. Veronica placed her hand on her chest as she saw Timothee and Y/n. The younger one lying on the ground, huffing and puffing. The biggest screen flashed a closer look of them. Timothee's wearing his all black outfit and his hair tied. The left side of his face is that of a serpent. Wesker smirked as he raised his hand and the crowd shushed. "Following the betrayal of one of our trusted companions, I am proud to announce that the struggle is finally over." 

Crowd: WOOOOOOO!!!!! 

"We can expect such a spectacular showdown now that we have...a replacement." The cameras focused on Y/n. "You shouldn't worry too much, dear. You'll soon be free of all this anyway." The crowd laughed at his statement. The screens in Wesker's side lit up, revealing a list of B.O.W's. "Free my ass." Y/n stood up, the suit hugging her figure perfectly. "Don't do anything stupid Y/n. Stay beside me." Timothee said. "Let the battle begin." Wesker sat on his throne and a doctor shuffled the list. "Wait! You're starting the game without me?!" Jake shouted while running to the other two. "Oh, looks like my 'son' caught up just in time." The crowd clapped in unison. Miss Pitt couldn't believe her eyes. "You people are sick." She said and a scientist beside her glared at her. "fucking sick." 

" Who's this? Close relative?" Jake asked. "Y/n." Timothee answered. "Ohhh so that's you! Right, right. Listen kid, you don't have to worry about anything, your brother's a smartass." 


"Just saying, nice to meet you Y/n." Jake winked at her. "You will be given 5 seconds before the gates open per round." Wesker added. The three of them looked up at the screen, the silence giving Y/n goosebumps. I mean who wouldn't? Imagine waking up with T virus in your body, your parents seeing you for the first time around and being in this fucked up game. 


The countdown started and Timothee scooted over to his sister and leaned to her ear. "We don't have any guns?!" She shouted. "Shhh, listen, Cerberus is what you call zombie dogs. They can push, pull, bite and kick even jump. Observe their movements 'till you come up with a counterattack." Y/n nodded, uttering the movements her brother told her over and over. "Push, pull, bite, kick, jump." The adrenaline's got her going when the gates now opened and five dogs ran out. "Holy shit." Y/n noticed the two are already dealing the other three. "Fuck, where's the other one?!" Good timing, she ducked when a dog jumped over her. "OK." The dog charged towards her to kick her but she shielded herself with her arm. The dog wrapped its legs around her torso and opened its mouth like a lily pod. "Goddamn." Y/n unfolded her arms and grabbed hold of the excess skin, swinging her body and throwing the dog in the farthest part of the arena. Another one jumped at her, plunging its teeth on her suit from behind. Y/n arched her back and dug her hands on the dog's exposed rib cage, carrying it over her head and slamming it to the ground. 

The crowd made a loud gasp as another set of dogs entered the pit. This time, the ones with collars, venomous collars. "Y/N! THE COLLARS ARE POISONOUS!" Timothee shouted at her. "Alright." Y/n ran away from the side and joined the two. A pedestal rose from the ground, three daggers placed on top of it. "RUN FOR IT!' Jake said and they did with the dogs following them from behind. Y/n grabbed a dagger and used the wall as ground support when she did a summersault and plunged the dagger straight to the dog's head. When she landed another kicked her in the back causing her to stumble. She rolled on the ground to reach her dagger and got on her knees. A dog jumped on top of her with its mouth open and she dropped the dagger. Struggling to use her legs, she gripped on the sides of its mouth and pulled it at the same time. Tearing its skin apart as she screamed in anger. Her veins bulging in the side of her jaw and forehead. The body ripped and slumped on the floor as she stood up. Another one wanted to aim for her neck but she snatched the neck and held it high, her eyes turning red and her teeth growing fangs as she squeezed the animal and the head exploded. The collar's poison didn't work on her. 

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