Chapter 74

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Despite Annie's condition as she was slowly turning, she didn't let go of the lid until not much citizens are coming anymore. "Annie?"

"Thank you.." Annie coughed. "for being my bestfriend..."

Julianne looked at her with puffy eyes and was shocked when Annie pushed her to the ladder. "ANNIE?!" BAM! The lid slammed shut, leaving Annie outside. "ANNIE?! FUCK! ANNIE!" Julianne hit the metal with her knuckles multiple times but Annie held it down. "I-I love you." Julianne stared at her as her eyes turned red and saliva dripped from her mouth and she started moving in an animated matter and ran away to find her prey. "ANNIE! NO!!!!!"


Maximus came again with an old man. "Go on sir!" He said as he opens the lid." My, my wife! She's still in there! She's wearing a yellow dress!" The old man pointed at one of the huts. "Ok sir. I'll find her, I'll find her." Then the old man left and Maximus ran to the hut he said. "Yellow dress, yellow dress." Max held onto the bat tight as he climbed the platform and pushed the door slightly. "Ma'am-" He gasped when he saw its wheelchair on the ground and two zombies are feasting. "Fuck." BANG! BANG!

"There are two injured soldiers in the laundry area! Get them!" Wicked shouted at him so he did.

Y/n successfully transferred Dr. Park to the passage. "Y/n!" Jia tried to push the lid up but Y/n held it down. "Get to safety Jia!"  "Y/n!!!!!" Jia saw Y/n run away. The same time Maximus came with the two injured soldiers. "Move! Move!" He said and Jia climbed down to make way for the soldiers and Maximus. "Come one Jia!" The blonde said while helping the two get to the end. Jia pretended to follow and went back to see the lid slightly ajar. She placed her two dolls beside the ladder and went back up.


"Y/n!!!" Jia sobbed as she walked through the open hallways, trying to find Y/n. "Where are you?!" Little did everyone know that each soldier that Umbrella sent has a camera installed in their head gear so that Wesker can see everything. " Y/n!!!" Jia shouted once more. "J-Jia..." Jia turned around and saw Annie walking towards her, all bloody. "Annie?"

"RAHHHHHH" Annie charged towards Jia and she used her arm to block the attack until her back hit the wall and Annie's teeth are on her arm. "Annie!!!"


Blood splatter on the wall above Jia's head as the older female's body slowly fell to the ground. Wesker zoomed in at Jia's wound and saw that it didn't spread and Jia didn't show any signs of turning. Jia fell to her knees as she tore a part of her dress and wrapped it around her wound. Wicked came and was about to take Jia with her whenhe saw James on the floor, holding Annie in his arms.

His hand gun beside him. "I'm sorry, Annie. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." James repeated over and over again, his voice croaking each time he gasps for air, his eyes pouring streams. "I love you Annie, I love you." He bent down as he brought her forehead to his. Cradling her. Wicked pursed his lips as Jia hugged him. " I love you Annie." James opened his eyes and laid her body on the ground as he knelt beside her. Gently placing the broken eye glasses he brought for on her chest before proceeding to close her eyes.

Then there were gunshots heard on the highest floor of the stadium. "Claire!" Wicked called out to the redhead running towards them. "Where are you going?" He asked. "To the boat. Chris told me to."

"Take her with you." He gave Jia's hand to Claire. "Alright. Let's go Jia."


"Take this!" Y/n elevated from the ground as bullets rained on her but she didn't mind. Her weave came out of each part of her body and completely blocking the entrance to the Haven. The enemy soldiers who didn't notice were sliced into halves. Y/n turned her head to the side when she heard gunshots. And there she saw...her greatest nemesis.


Y/n ran to the top floor and saw Chris and the others fighting off the other soldiers and there stood Nicholai. Shooting here and there. Y/n lifted her hands and jumped high, slamming back to the ground, her weave crawled through the soldiers' bodies and when she balled her fists, BAM! Their bodies exploded.

"Well, well, well! Our beloved Bioweapon has joined the party!" Nicholai sarcastically said. Y/n saw Chris, James and Wicked are already weak and injured. Allen was about to jump at Nicholai but he evaded it and kicked him in the stomach. "It's nice to meet you again Y/n." He smirked. "Back at the University, you were nothing but a teenager who doesn't know how to shut her mouth!" Nicholai laughed. Y/n was about to speak when Liam grabbed Nicholai's vest and slammed him against the wall but Nicholai kicked Liam away and held his gun to Liam's head. Holding him hostage.

"So? Miss Y/n! How would you feel if I put a gun to your friend's head right here?" He pressed the tip to Liam's head. Nicholai was gonna say something when Mikhail charged towards him and pushed him to the ground and Nicholai fired the gun. "NO!!" Liam shouted as he held onto the ledge. Y/n's weave extended and shaped itself like a hand and grabbed Liam's vest and pulled him up, placing him to the side beside Lucas.

Nicholai pushed Mikhail off of him and reloaded his gun. Y/n was about to go to Mikhail but a hand pulled her hair and injected something to her neck. "GET OFF!" Her voice changed as she removed the syringe and grabbed the person's head, removed the helmet and penetrated his head with her weave. "Wrong move, Miss Y/n." Y/n turned around and a punch landed on her face. She stumbled and held out her palm towards him but her weave won't come out. "What?" Nicholai kicked her on the stomach, causing her to cough up blood.

"That syringe is newly invented by Dr. Talon. And you, Miss Y/n, did a bad decision for killing him." Nicholai grabbed her hair. "His son is watching." He used Y/n's hair to drag her around. "That is a tool he invented to stop a bioweapon's powers for a certain amount of time. This one," He picked up the empty syringe. " due one hour."

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