Chapter 42

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Author's POV

"Would you look that." Tyrell faced the houses on top of the snowy mountain. Their rooftops beautifully carved and well maintained.

Back at the train, the boys debated on who should go. "And where do you think you're going?" Y/n asked Carlos.

He sighed,"It won't take long Y/n. It's just above the—"

"What if you encounter a horde, huh? Bring me with you!"

"No! Y/n, I promise we'll be quick!"

The two went on and on even the conductor poked his head from the driver's seat to see the commotion. "Here we go again."Lilith said.

Liam and Lucas recalled their quarrel back at the uni. It was hella chaotic. "AYAYAYAYAY. FINE." Carlos surrendered with a heavy sigh, ruffling his head in exasperation.

Y/n wore her backpack and jumped out of the train. Dragging her feet across the snow. "Bitch can't even walk!" Lilith shouted at her bestfriend. Y/n flipped a finger on her without turning around making Lilith laugh.

"You three look after this place till we come back, ok?" Tyrell said to the jocks and they nodded in unison, closing the door once the guys got out.


Liam, Lucas and Tyrell were chatting at the front and Y/n with Carlos at the back

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Liam, Lucas and Tyrell were chatting at the front and Y/n with Carlos at the back. The train grew smaller and smaller as they go further up the mountain. "I'm sorry about earlier." Y/n whispered. "It's just the spur of a moment supercop." Carlos smiled at her. "Back in RC, we don't get this much snow."

"What do you usually do during this time of the month?"

Y/n shrugged. "Stay at home and watch something or go shopping with Lilith."

"That's nice. Me and the others would go on missions—"

"Hey, lovebirds! Let's check out this house right here!" Tyrell shouted from a distance.

"Hey, lovebirds! Let's check out this house right here!" Tyrell shouted from a distance

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Carlos pushed the door, fixating his flashlight to the interior of the house. "It's a total ghost town." Y/n said. "What do you expect? It's Arklay!" Liam exclaimed.

"Shhh! We've got subjects here. 5. Infected and shot." Carlos said inside a bedroom and everybody followed.

Cold wind rushed through the broken wooden windows sending shivers down their spines. There on the floor, the mother and father shot straight in the head.

On the bed are two girls ranging from 12-15 years old, a knife tucked to their necks. And a boy the same age as Lance laid back on the wall with a hole on his forehead. A pool of blood surrounding them with flies feeding on rotten meat.

"Goddamn, these bullets seem fresh." Tyrell got on one knee, examining the dead. "We must be vigilant. Someone must be roaming the streets for infected or supplies. Either of the two."

They left the house through the broken window and came across a pavilion. The flowers are withered except for the roses. Little did they know that someone IS roaming the area. Not too far from the house they're currently searching is one of Wesker's famous bioweapons, like Jake and Timothee.

Mena Seagrave.

She left the veranda by jumping from the third storey to the ground. Her eyes glaring at the houses beneath her feet as she grips the case she's holding and a shotgun on the other.  "Seems like we've got company..." She said with a honeyed voice.

Mena walked down the snow and into the house with the dead family. Disgusting. She thought. Mena went closer to the female on the bed, placing her case on the bedside table and opening it with a code. Air exhausts from it and there are several empty vials. Mena took a syringe and injected it on the corpse. Drawing blood from it.

Right when she slammed the lid shut of her case, the sound was heard by Y/n and the others. Mena waltzed out of the house and looked back one last time. "Pitiful.." She said as she glanced at the train.

"Hurry up Mena!" Jake shouted, starting the snow mobile. "Fine." She sat behind Jake and they drove off. Quarelling nonstop.

There on the highest slope of a moutain, stood Timothee with his hand sbehind his back. The wind gracefully moving his coat to the side. He's eyes fixed on the train below.

"Here you go." Mena gave the case to Timothee.

"You going to a gala Mena?" Jake teased.

"Shut up before I blow your head off!" Mena growled.

Timothee sighed, "Let's go back to Wesker." Mena rolled her eyes at Jake and they all went to their own snow mobiles.


"No signs of infected." Lucas informed. They only got minimum amount of supplies.

"Let's get outta here. That sound earlier, it doesn't look good." Carlos said and everybody agreed.


"Shit!" The guys aimed their guns to the animal sitting on top of a couch. "WAIT! PLEASE! Don't shoot!"

Y/n walked closer to the cat and its clean. Purring so loud under her warm embrace. "Can we keep it?" She asked with doe eyes.

"What if its infected?" Tyrell said.

"Yeah we can." Carlos answered while petting thr cat himself. Giggling along with Y/n.

Tyrell rolled his eyes,"Maybe it's not."


"IT'S SO CUTE! I'll name her Pepper because she smells like pepper!" Jia shouted as she carried the cat. "What if it eats my fish?!" Maximus said while hugging his mini aquarium. Atleast for awhile, the train was filled with laughter.


Albert Wesker's Unholy Trinity A

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Albert Wesker's Unholy Trinity A.K.A his bioweapons

Pet appreciation ❤

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Pet appreciation ❤

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