Chapter 43

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"you think we can cut through here?" Tyrell pointed at a drug facility on the map

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"you think we can cut through here?" Tyrell pointed at a drug facility on the map. "We'll see if it's safe. It's been so long since I drove there. If it's not what I think it is, I won't let you guys leave the train." Tyrell nodded. "You have my word." Tyrell glanced at the people on the second car, some are coughing and shivering. Even himself.

"Can I hold it?" Jia sat beside Maximus. "NO!" He yanked the fish away. "What if your cat eats it, huh?!" Lilith kicked Maxmimus' leg making him hiss in pain. "OWWW."

"She'll be gentle with it, I promise. So give it to her." Lilith said, making the blond boy groan. Max placed the container on Jia's hands. "Yay!!!" Jia shouted in joy, tilting the glass side to side. "DON'T. SHAKE. IT." "Oh. Sorry."

"You said she'll be gentle?" Maximus glared at Lilith. "She's a kid, Max. You're overacting." Jackson answered and gave Jia a fist bump.


"Alright, listen up! We're going to check for medicines. I want you all to stay put—"


Carlos stopped talking when a silhouette outside was bumping itself on the train's exterior. Until the sound grew enormously. Front and back, left to right.

[In Umbrella conference room]

Wesker's busy talking to the doctors and scientists, Jake is sleeping with his head bent down. Mena's biting her nails. Everybody's either listening or doing their own business. Meanwhile, Timothee is glancing at the screens beside him. Focused mainly in Arklay County.

His hands on his lap, underneath the table, swiping the cameras. Where are you? He thought. His heartbeat rising. He always kept track of the train. Especially its condition.

His finger twitched when he saw where the train was. He tried so hard to contain his expression. There, the train's wobbling side to side. Infected shaking it. He focused all the cameras with his mind and the infected stopped moving. Leaving the train.

Y/n ran to the third car, holding her head in her hands. Please make it stop. Make it stop! Timothee blinked his eyes at the infected and their heads exploded. One at a time.

After two hours

The train's windows weren't affected but the exterior's filled with dents and scratches. "Here's your food, eat well. Oh! Yes, the drinks are over there." Carlos tapped Lilith's shoulder. "Hey. Have you seen Y/n?" Lilith looked around. "Look, loverboy, I'm busy, I think she's in the 3rd or 4th car. If not, maybe in the restrooms." "Thanks." "Don't do anything stupid. I'm watching ya." Carlos sighed and pushed the door to the third car.

Y/n was sitting on the floor, her head in her hands. Her hair's a mess and her breathing pattern's not in good shape. "Hey, you okay?" Y/n didn't budge but her breathing calmed.

Carlos got on one knee too see her face. "I got a feeling." Her voice is shaky. "What feeling?" Y/n stared at the floor wide eyed. "That someone's watching over us."

Carlos raised an eyebrow, that was kinda creepy. He thought. "Like, whenever there's trouble, something saves us from it." Carlos sighed. "I noticed it too. It's weird but maybe someone's watching us from above." He pointed at the sky. Grabbing her hand to help her stand up. "And I'm pretty sure it ain't bad omen. Well, except for the fact that we're surrounded with infected wherever we go. Yet, we're still in one piece!"

Y/n inhaled and exhaled. Wiping the tears off her cheeks. "Easy now, okay? You gotta eat something." Y/n smiled and  Carlos left the car.

I swear I feel force field whenever there's trouble...

That night....

"Okay listen up, we need someone to check the bridge for debris and infected

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"Okay listen up, we need someone to check the bridge for debris and infected. This hasn't been touched, according to Alan but we can't just assume that its safe." Carlos explained to everyone. It was already dark.

A flashlight's their only light inside the second car and nothing else. Mikhail rubbed his beard. "Lucas and Liam." Thr twins turned their head in sync. Shaking  in fear. "I DID NOT train you for nothing boys. You're all I have left. Go and do this task assigned to you." Mikhail said.

It's true. They might not be U.B.C.S anymore but they can't just let their talents go to waste. Carlos gave them a watch that Tyrell and Maximus handy made.

"You two wear this 'cause I have mine too. Once you've reached the end, press either the red or green. Red for danger and green for safe. Understand?"

"YES SIR." The twins gave a salute and geared up for deployment.


"What's taking them so long?" Maximus whispered.


Maximus flinched. "Was that you?" Tyrell asked. The blonde male took a peek from the cloth, "Reindeers. Two of them. Oh shit, they're fighting."

There were two reindeers headbutting one another. Making shrieking noises. The moon's light shone their antlers entangled. "This will attract the infected." Tyrell said and just in time, zombies came out of the field, attacking both animals. Maximus backed away from the window, covering his mouth in disgust. "SAFE. It's safe!" Carlos showed the watch flashing bright green. 

"Max, you sure it's a deer? It looks like a moose or elk." Julianne asked Maximus who's hugging his fish tightly. Max sighed. "Well, they're still a deer breed right?" 

"It's got big antlers. You sure they'll be okay?" Julianne glanced at Carlos shushing them both.


Meanwhile, the twins are on their way back to the train. A faint smile on their faces knowing that the train will be able to cross safely. 


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