Chapter 7

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Quick note for yall.... 🤗

So lately, a lot of characters have been introduced and most of them are originally from the game except the students and school personel. I know this warning is a bit LATE but if you already played the R.E 3 Remake version then you won't have a problem identifying THOSE characters. You can comment if you want me to include a certain R.E character. Though it depends what chap they will be. I want this story to not just revolve around our main character and Carlos. It revolves with everyone. I'm still working on my writing so bear with me. XD anyways, let's get on with the story... <333


Carlos' POV

Tyrell and I marched the school courtyard in hopes of finding something to distract us. The occurence earlier kinda disturbed me to my guts. Though I experienced far more worse, I just can't help but worry about the students.

"What's with the long face?" asked Tyrell.

"Just can't get my mind off things."

Tyrell scratched the back of his neck and looked around. 

"Why don't we ask that janitor? See if they have something interesting here."

I nodded. "Excuse me ma'am."

"Oh! Good morning kind sirs! Is there anything I can help you with?" she exclaimed. She seems like a cheery person.

"I'm Carlos and this is Tyrell. Do you guys have any recreational areas here? If you don't mind me asking."

"I'm Judith. And yes we do! There's a gym over there but its locked."

I smirked. 

"We could use the gym?" retorted Tyrell.



Me, Tyrell and Judith just finished cleaning the gym and I'm sweating bullets. The equipments are shiny and the place was dusted off.

"Yeah, you enjoy, I gotta get on duty. Work on that abs man!" shouted Tyrell as he ran outside.

I snickered, "Hey Judith, thanks for helping us out."

Judith smiled and went on her way.

"Now I gotta get this baby to work." I said as looked at the gym equipments.

Y/n's POV

Sorry. The number you have dialed is currently unavailabl-

I groaned, " Come on, Lilith, pick up."

I just gotta ask permission from Carlos and then I'll be on my way.

I stand up from the grass and walked to the gym.

That guy sure does love to work out.

When I got there, Harrani and her friends were on the corner dancing and fooling around.

So damn noisy.

"Looking for someone?"

Startled, I turned around to see Carlos sitting on one of the benches, drinking water. Before my eyes reach the bottom part, I looked at the ceiling then to the wall before he catches me staring.

"Ask and you shall receive" he implored.

"I'm going grocery shopping." I went straight to teh point.

His eyes lit up, "You need a lift?"

"I can ride my motorcycle. It's fine." I actually don't know how to drive that.

Carlos scoffed. "Nah, you might crash or something. Come on. I'll come with you."

"Are you finished with your work out?"

He nodded, " Now señorita, let's go!"

He pulled me with him as we ran outside of the gym.


"How's your wound?" he asks. Breaking the silence.

I lifted my arm and checked, "It's dry now but it's itchy."

"Check the compartment beside you, there should be an ointment there." He suggested.

I searched for the ointment he's saying but all I found were batteries and shotgun shells. I glared at him and he chuckled.

"My bad." He apologized.

I mean it's a military vehicle what else am I to expect?

"We're here my lady!" Shouted Carlos.

I unbuckled my seatbelt and stepped out of the vehicle. That pet name was odd.

"When was the last time you left that mental asylum?" He asked. Standing next to me as we scanned the supermarket. 

"Before exams. Last last month. Is it bad?"

He shook his head. His fluffy chocolate hair swaying side to side due to his movements.

 "Not at all señorita, shall we go?"

I nodded and he opened the door, lending his hand in a gentleman manner.


Judith placed her cleaning bag inside the janitor's room and fixed the broken light bulb. "Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb-"

"Shut up lady!" said Michaela as she passed behind Judith.

Judith turned around and saw Michaela walking towards the cafeteria and sighed.

"Kids nowadays..."

To be continued...

Corporal RAMBO: UNRAVEL [Carlos Oliveira Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now