Chapter 58

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Y/n's POV

Chris called some of his men in the armory room. Annie, Julianne, me and the jocks were mentioned as well. "Alright. Where's the other two? The blonde and the red head?" Chris asked while doing a head count. "They refused the offer Cap." James answered while wearing his gear. "Let me guess, that redhead's with my sister?" James shrugged. "Probably. Redheads seem to find each other after all." 

"It's time to stretch some bones!" Wicked shouted while entering. "What are we going to do?" Geo looked around, hoping for answers. "See those lockers?" Chris pointed at the olive green metal containers on the right corner of the room. "I want you all to change into your dress code. It consists of a gray shirt, long sleeve jacket or combat jacket but it's optional though, then combat trousers and boots. There's no need for a helmet unless you're fighting big B.O.W's." We all nodded and went to get our clothes. Each locker had a surname on it. 

1. Hain

2. Hawskley

3. Lennox 

4. Rodriguez

5. Scarrow

6. Smith 

"Leave all of your valuable items. No gadgets, rings, necklaces, , watches, etc. And girls please do tie your hair. Once you're all done, meet us at the gate." Chris and the soldiers left in a flash. "Are they gonna feed us to the monsters?" Julianne  commented while putting her hair in a bun. "They will if we don't hurry up." Lance rolled his eyes at her. "Geez, what's wrong with you?" 


It's an open field with obstacle courses made out of wood and scraps of metal and rope. The way this place is firmly barricaded means that they've cleared out the whole area but what are these cages for? Human sized at that. "Perfect. Now, listen up! Before we proceed to divide the teams, there will be a demo to be performed by Wicked and James." Chris announced, using a megaphone. "There will be exactly three levels. This is to test your physical strength, stamina and mental thinking. And of course, teamwork." 

He ordered the soldiers to place the cages on the ground. "What the fuck." I cursed under my breath when the cage is actually filled with zombies. It's like they were put in there for this purpose. Well, they're resourceful, I'll give them that. "This is making me nervous." Annie  whispered to me and Julianne. "For real, there's too many soldiers watching." I replied. 

BANG! When Chris shot his gun in the air, Wicked and James got on the ground as if they're doing a push up. "First level consists of plank balance, burma bridge, shuffle bars and fireman's poles." The six of us got closer to them. Next up is a long rope bridge that is suspended at a certain height. "60 feet above the ground." The soldiers kept cheering for the both of them until they've reached the high shuffle bars. They're like the ones you see in parks but it's not the usual way you climb it where you dangle your feet and let your hands and arms do the job. The movement uses legs, you're gonna make your legs hug the bars while your arms and hands push you forward. So basically you'll look like a koala.

Then the fireman's poles. If the shuffle bars is a koala climbing in lying position, the fireman's poles is a koala climbing vertically. Damn this does need a lot of arm and leg force. 

Soldiers: WOOOOOOO!!!!!

Wicked and James landed on the scaffolding at the end after climbing the fireman's poles. "Good job! Good job!" Allen shouted beside us. "Now that you've seen it, let's run laps! Exercise is the key!" Chris said and Lee took the lead. "MOVE! MOVE!" The soldiers started to jog as well. "Boy was I a fool for cutting gym?" Julianne remarked. We did what we were told and there's also obstacles on the track. "USE YOUR GODDAMN LEGS! NOBODY'S GONNA HELP YOU IF YOU FALL!" Chris shouted through his mega phone. Jesus Christ, my tummy's starting hurt. "PLANK! PLANK!" We all got to the ground with our elbows touching it as well. "LIFT YOUR KNEES! YOU WANNA SURVIVE?!" 

"Fucking hell." I heard Julianne curse. "first time?" Jackson said. "Well what can I say? The South Wing's filled with athletes afterall." I answered. "FIRST TEAM, HAIN, LENNOX AND SMITH. SECOND TEAM, HAWSKLEY, RODRIGUEZ AND SCARROW! MOVE! MOVE!" We split up with our teams and ran for the burma bridge. "PICK UP WHATEVER YOU FIND USEFUL! RELEASE!" I looked around the bridge and there's nothing. "Y/n!" Geo passed a cutter to me. The zombies started to charge towards us. Shit. Julianne picked up a screwdriver. "AIM FOR THE HEAD!" I shouted at them both. While Geo took care of the other side, me and Julianne guarded this side. I plunged the cutter on its head, dragging it across its face. "Oh fuck!" the zombie slid down but I forgot to get my cutter back. Even Julianne didn't get her screwdriver. "CHOP! CHOP! YOU WANNA SURVIVE?!" James said from below. 

"WE GOTTA GO!" We both followed Geo to the shuffle bars. "COME ON COME ON!" Geo carried Julianne until she got a hold of the bars. "LEGS! LEGS!" I shouted at her when I saw zombies from below, trying to reach us. I grabbed hold of the metal and lifted my legs. God, I'm heavy. "IS THAT ALL YOU GOT?!" Chris yelled once again, making my body shake and adrenaline rush through my veins. We dropped down to the concrete and ran again and again. A few zombies catching up here and there. Geo and Julianne went ahead and I looked for a weapon. "GO! GO!GO!" Julianne started climbing. "LEG FORCE! LEG FORCE!" I ran to the right when I saw something red. "Gotcha." I picked up the brick. "Hey! Loser!" I charged through the zombie and hit its head with the brick. Just enough to stun them though. "Y/n let's go!" I followed behind Geo as we climbed the fireman's poles. Julianne reached the top and lend her hand, pulling me and Geo up. 

I lied down on the wood, catching my breath. "How's warm up ladies?" Geo asked. He's the only one standing in the three of us. "Shut up South Wing. Wait, this is just a warm up?" Julianne sat up. "There's three levels" I answered, wiping the sweat off my forehead. 


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