Chapter 61

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"That was a bloody mess." I recalled what happened yesterday where one of the citizens gave birth in the quadrangle and Dr. Park carried the woman to the infirmary. "Y/n! I've already asked permission from Chris! I said we'll be back in an hour." Miss Pitt said and I checked the clock. "It's 5 PM so we'll be back by 5:30 or 6, depends on the number of infected." 

"We'll be quick." Miss Pitt left the room with her bag and I double checked mine. Alright, radio, gun, ammos. I think that's all. "Girl, you're not going to tell Carlos?" Lilith asked while chewing a banana. "Nah, he's busy. But don't worry, I'll come back in one piece, yeah?" Lilith nodded. "Aye mate." 


"So Y/n, any news between you and Carlos?" Y/n chuckled. "Unfortunately no." Miss Pitt's jaw dropped. "Y/n you know what? I seriously thought you'd be pregnant by now because, ehem, I always see you and Carlos ASLEEP on the same bed!" I laughed. "Well, he's not like that. He respects me and I like that in him. He doesn't make a stupid move without my consent unless I really need it." Miss Pitt mouthed an oh. "Or want it?" 

"Diana!" She laughed. "Kidding." An abandoned mall greeted us. I wiped the glass panes and saw the area's clear. "Shit, it's locked." Miss Pitt tugged on the chains securing the entrance with a padlock. "Hmmm." I walked over the curb and saw a broken window as big as a flat screen TV. "give me a boost." Miss Pitt insisted. "Huh? You sure?" She nodded. "Aight." I offered my hand and she stepped on it, pulling herself up. "See anything?" I moved away to take a better view. "It's safe. Here, let me help you." I jumped and grabbed hold of her hand as she yanked me up. 

"It's clean!" We both jumped off the platform and examined our surroundings. "Diana look!" I pointed at a banner hung on the wall. "Beautiful." She said as she caressed the light blue linen with the logo of B.S.A.A. "Let's go up the escalator." 


"Alright. Is that all?" I nodded. We've gathered enough baby supplies for the woman who gave birth. "That little boy finally has a proper place to sleep." I said, pointing at the stroller she's carrying. "Wait, did you hear that?" This store has a bridge in front of it connecting the two sides. I dragged Miss Pitt behind and loaded my gun. "Infected dogs." There's gotta be a way out. I moved closer to the glass door and didn't notice that Miss Pitt followed me causing the baby's rattle to fall. "Fuck." She cursed under her breath. I stood up and aimed my gun, waiting for the dogs to come up. "Suckers." I shielded her with my body and shot two incoming. "To our right!" I reloaded and shot one before it jumps on top of the bridge. Miss Pitt tugged on the hem of my shirt as if to tell me to stop and observe. I looked upfront to see a guy standing with his hair tied, he was using his hands making the dogs hiss in pain. No blood staining his all black outfit. "Please, please, don't hurt us! We were just looking for-"

"baby things?" He cut me off while dusting his leather gloves and turned his whole body towards us. "Right, Y/n?" That deep, serene voice. "Tim-" 

"Eugh." Miss Pitt fainted and I felt something surge through my neck. "What the-" Timothee removed something from his as well. Tranquilizer darts. Before I could reach him, I slumped to the ground and saw soldiers wearing all black trying detain him and us. 

Author's POV

Lilith checked her phone. '7:00 PM' What the hell, they're not here yet? She wore her sneakers and ran across the hallways, hoping to see her older bestfriend and their teacher now doctor. "Where the hell are you two?" Lilith brushed the strands off her face and ran until she reached the gates. "It's getting dark."

Soldier: Open the gates!

Lilith stepped aside and four armored trucks came in. "They're back. I'm screwed!" Lilith saw Carlos and Tyrell carry some stuff down as Chris came outside to meet them. "What's wrong?" Maximus popped out of nowhere. "Shhh!" Lilith linked her arms with his and slowly sneaked up to the guys. "Alright. Good job tonight boys." They heard Chris say.

"What the heck is wrong with you Parker? You look like you did some kind of crime or something!" Maximus yanked his arm away. " It's Y/n and Miss Pitt!"

" What about them?!"

" They left and..."

Maximus widened his eyes. The blood draining his face. " Are you out of your mind?!"

" Hey, everything alright?" Chris approached the two. " Ummm..."

" Oh by the way, is Diana and Y/n back?" Lilith froze. " No sir." Maximus blurted out. " Max!" Lilith stomped on his foot. " Owww! I'm saving your ass Parker!"

Chris fell silent. " What's going on?" Carlos interrupted, making Lilith more nervous. "Y/n and Diana are missing."

"WHAT?" Carlos' voice rose. "They left at 5 PM, fuck."

"And nobody told me?!" Carlos shouted and everybody turned their attention towards them. "They left to get baby stuff." Lilith added. "5 PM? That's two hours already." Tyrell said while checking his watch. " We're going. Wicked you stay here, James you're coming with us, Lance as well."


Chris, James, Lance, Carlos, Tyrell and Allen went to the mall to investigate. The entrance was busted open and the glass walls are broken. "How the hell did these dog die without catching a bullet?" James asked while examining the dog with a twisted body. "Any sign of 'em?" Chris walked up the escalator. "No sir." Allen answered. "Jesus, Y/n, where are you?" Carlos was getting desperate. "There's the store." Allen ran ahead. "Three bullets, wait." James knelt to the ground. "This is her gun!" Carlos followed and picked up the weapon. "She killed three dogs and the rest over there..." Chris pointed at the others far from the baby store. "I don't know but the way it died is no ordinary procedure. The head exploded." Tyrell said while pointing his flashlight on the decapitated animals. "Here are their things."  Carlos dragged Miss Pitt and Y/n's luggage out. "From the way it looks, I don't think they were bitten." Allen suggested. 

While the guys were talking, Lance suddenly hit something with his boots making the item roll. He followed it and picked it up. "Guys, I found something." Everyone pointed their flashlight at the item. "Tranquilizer dart. From?" Lance handed it over to Chris. "It's familiar. I think it's from Umbrella!" Lance said. "How fucking sure are you Smith?" James chuckled. "I saw this kind back when I accompanied Y/n to the RPD station. Her dad and mom's office had one of this each." 

"So, you're telling me they were taken?" Tyrell asked in disbelief.

"Hijo de puta!" Carlos threw his gun on the floor and leaned his head against the wall. Bumping it slightly and closing his eyes in exhaustion. 

"If they're taken to Umbrella, then where exactly? They've got a bunch of bases you know?" Allen sighed, trying to count the amount on his fingers. 

"Ok," Chris massaged his temples. "we'll settle things in the morning. We're gonna sweep every last one of their bases until we've reached the right one. I already called Wicked and Carpidyem for patrol tonight so we should head back."

The four boys nodded and carried the baby stuff with them down. Chris peered through his shoulder and saw Carlos squatting on the floor with his head in his hands. Completely frustrated. He sighed as he put a hand on the younger male's shoulder. " Hey, we're bringing them back. Whatever it takes." Chris reassured him. 

"Whatever it takes." 


*how's the sibling reunion? XD 

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