Chapter 59

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Author's POV {Umbrella Headquarters}

One hour ago, Mena was sent on a mission to eradicate an entire family of former Umbrella doctors and scientists. This is somewhat a scheme to distract her since Wesker already has something in mind prior to her hidden agenda these past few weeks. Dr. Knox was called inside one of the meeting rooms by Wesker himself. "Wait here." The room was pitch black but he had his laptop with him so he opened it slightly to see a long table near him and Wesker turned on the lights. "Woah." Dr. Knox closed his eyes for awhile before setting his laptop on the table. "How pleasant." Wesker said through the intercom from above. Overlooking the all white four cornered room. Dr. Knox glanced to her left and saw Timothee sitting on a chair at the end of the table, legs apart and his hands intertwined. To his right, stood Jake, casually swinging his body back and forward. 

"W-Wait! Please, what is this all about?" Dr. Knox exchanged looks with the two bioweapons with him. Timothee focused his eyes on Wesker. "Where the fuck, is Mena?" He talked to him mind to mind. Wesker smirked. "Out and about I guess?" Timothee gritted his teeth, hesitant to make the first move. "Alright then." Wesker pushed the red button, opening a white gate. Two Cerberus charged towards the doctor. "NO! PLEASE!" Timothee and Jake watched as he tried to shield himself with his laptop. "Hurry up." Wesker ordered and Timothee stretched his hand and contracted his fingers causing the Cerberus to yelp in pain. They didn't waste time and Jake launched on top of the doctor and threw punches at its face. Dr. Knox didn't fight back. His breaths are shaky, his eyes bloodshot red. "Give me one of his arms and one of his foot." Wesker said as Timothee pulled out a throwing knife from his coat. He aligned the tip on the wrist. "Higher." Wesker demanded. Timothee pursed his lips and moved the blade up to the doctor's arm. "Good." The doctor screamed in agony as Timothee drew the knife, slicing the part away from its host. Blood gushing out like water from a broken faucet. 


Mena arrived, blood stains on her top as she removed her gloves while walking towards the main hall. She shoved them inside her pockets and took a halt when there's people making a commotion near the hall's doors. Peeking at an unknown thing inside. "Whatever is the matter?" They all turned towards her and avoided eye contact. "Speak." She said to a female doctor beside her. "It's.." 

"What?" Mena started to get impatient. Still, nobody answered.  "Ugh. Back off!" She pushed the door with her foot and the last thing she wanted to see as she looked up. "No..." Her breath rigged as she stared at the lifeless body hanged in the middle of the room. No left arm and right leg. His face was horribly blue and violet from the impact and his lab coat was splattered crimson red, dripping on the tiles. Footsteps echoed from the left and in came Timothee and Jake. Mena widened her eyes. A slight gasp leaving her mouth as Timothee removed his bloody leather gloves. When the younger male came to his senses, he absentmindedly dropped his gloves on the floor, concern and regret evident in his eyes as his met Mena's. The three of them wanted to explain, to run, to hug each other but no. They all froze on the spot with lots of eyes on them. Then Wesker came out as well. "Give me the souvenir." One of the employees handed him the severed arm. "It's yours Miss Seagrave." Wesker tossed the arm to her direction and stopped close to her heels. The flesh fresh as hell. 

The workers gasped and immediately left the scene, leaving the four bioweapons inside. Mena covered her mouth in disgust. She didn't know what to say so she backed up slowly, shaking her head until she plunged herself through the door and left. There at the exit, a black car is waiting for her. "We're leaving." Her eyes started to water as she entered the vehicle along with the surrogate mother and the female doctor who helped her before. "Drive." The soldier stepped on the accelerator and they drove off the corporation. Mena couldn't bear the pain anymore. She pursed her lips tight to stop the sobs. "I promise I'll protect you." She said as she caressed the surrogate's baby bump. She turned her head and saw Wesker watching them leave from the second floor. Her eyes flared as she gave him one last glare before diverting her attention on the road ahead. 

Wesker sighed. His hands behind his back as he watched the black car leave. "Can you imagine a traitor behind that beautiful face." He said with a tinge of disappointment in his voice. Timothee and Jake were behind him. Silent. Wesker turned around to leave and stopped beside Timothee. "Clean up!" He indicated the blood splattered around Timothee's face and neck. He didn't budge and just waited for the older male to slam the door behind him. "I'll see you around, Timothee." Jake said as he left him in his own. 


"You can do better than that!" Chris shouted through the megaphone. Y/n and the others are practicing with guns while some zombies are on the loose. Each one were given a pistol or revolver for short range purposes. BANG! The infected slumped on the floor behind Jackson. "Good one, Eve." 

"Yup." She smiled while reloading her sniper rifle. 

"Be aware of you surroundings Hain!" Chris pointed at Jackson. "Sorry sir!"  

"Captain, should we proceed with the final level?" Wicked asked while he climbed the platform to reach Chris. "Yes. But, we'll leave that to Zenya. I need you and Carpidyem to set out for an east patrol. Tyrell found someone smuggling their way inside the Haven, and they're armed. Find them and interrogate them. If they ought to be a challenge then you have my word to eliminate them pronto." 


"Get your head out of the clouds!" Zenya demanded as she flipped Annie sideways and slammed her to the ground. "Ouch." Annie groaned as she caressed her back. Her head's starting to get dizzy. "Get up!" Annie got on her feet. Gently massaging her arm that fell first due to the impact earlier. "Go Annie!" Julianne and Y/n cheered. Annie took deep breaths and evaded Zenya's kick. "Stiff!" Annie turned her head to the side and saw James watching them already. A mug in his hand. "FOCUS!" Zenya snapped her fingers at her. Annie shook her head as if to refresh it. "stiff?" She mumbled. These past few days, she and James would bicker and count their points by carving it on a tree they find, yeah it's cheesy but she likes it. They both do. But that act just right now didn't sit right with her. It made her confused, sad and angry? Tired? "I wanna go home." 

Zenya charged at her from behind, sneaked her hand around her waist to lock her in but Annie headbanged her head backwards, hitting Zenya's nose. "Fuck! That's more like it!" The older female remarked, swiftly wiping the blood. Annie looked at James once again and he's busy drinking from his mug. Zenya ran towards her and slid through her legs, using the ground as support, she did a hand stand and wrapped her legs around Annie's neck. "Oh damn!" The soldiers started to gather around to the commotion. "Go Zee!" 

Annie tried to pull Zenya's arms but her glasses were in the way. Until she started to falter and lose her composure making her kneel on the floor while trying to catch her breath. The last thing she saw was James staring at her from afar before she was knocked out by a punch on the face by Zenya. 


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