Chapter 46

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Y/n's POV

Miss Pitt just finished stitching Lucas's wound. She's so professional at it. Based on what I heard, Carlos scolded the other boys earlier because of the launcher thingy. Maximus was praised though. He said he made his fish proud. Pfft.

"Once we get to this 'place' I'm gonna take  a nice long bath." Lilith said while sniffing herself. "Smell anything good?" I asked. Laughing a little. "Nada."

"Oy, you three. Come here. I'm gonna teach you the basics and proper way of using a gun." Tyrell said while entering the third car. The jocks followed his command to avoid getting a part two of what Carlos did earlier. "Oh and you too Max. Come here."

Maximus groaned. "Fine." Then he gave his fish to Jia for awhile.

Author's POV [That night]

"We're passing through an aviary. You think its safe?" The usual, Carlos and Alan are still up, studying the locations on the map. "Those are birds. It's either they flew or they stayed. Getting infected in the process." Alan answered.

"Once the clock strikes midnight, we're on our third day. We have to take the risk." The old man rubbed his eyes. Stress taking a toll in them every single night. "Then we proceed. We'll prepare for any necessary danger." Carlos assured him.

Tyrell and the guys are on the third car. Asleep. Carlos left the first cabin, looking around to check if he's gonna step on someone or something. Where's Y/n? We didn't leave her in the mall, right?

"Oh, there you are." Carlos sighef in relief to find Y/n leaving the restrooms. "Woah, lower the flashlight. It's blinding me." Y/n covered her face with her hands. "Sorry."

"Can't sleep?" Carlos sat beside her on the floor. Y/n shook her head. "I have a headache." Carlos patted his lap. "C'mere." Y/n was flabbergasted. "Lie down your head. Or else I'm gonna have to carry you to the seats." Y/n didn't think much and her body just moved on its own. Carlos placed his rifle on the side and laid his back on the wall.

"Comfy?" He asked. Thanks to the darkness, he couldn't see how red she was at the moment. "Yeah. Comfy enough." Carlos sighed. "Hopefully, tomorrow night, we'll be able to reach our destination."

"What do you think that place will look like?" Y/n yawned.

He shrugged. "Lots of survivors. Military soldiers. Safe. Plenty barricades around the area. You know? The obvious apocalyptic scenario."

Y/n yawned again. Halfy closing her eyes. "Can we..stay like this for awhile?" She whispered. "I don't mind. But I must say, I gotta get up once old man says we're near our next stop."

"Okay. Can I ask you something?"


"What's the Spanish word for Goodnight?"

Carlos chuckled. "Buenas noches, hermosa."

"I'm pretty sure the first two words are goodnight but what about the last one?"

Y/n sat up, holding the Latino guy's gaze. Carlos did the same. Leaning until their foreheads touched. His hair tickling her eyelids. Silence engulfed them along with the biting cold of a weather. But that was nothing. Their presence made each other warm. A heater could never.

"We're entering Arklay Aviary!" Alan shouted from the first cabin.

Carlos exhaled. "Sorry buttercup, duty calls."

Y/n sighed as she watched him pick up his rifle and jog towards the first cabin.



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