Chapter 27

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Y/n's POV

"Is Y/n ok?"

"Maybe she's having a nightmare"

"Shhhh! Let her be!"

They're so noisy...

I opened my eyes a little and rubbed it. Everybody's awake and the car's still moving. I didn't realize that I dozed off. I cupped my cheeks and noticed that its wet.

"Y/n! Finally! You're awake!" Lilith clapped her hands and everyone's eyes are on me.

"You were crying in your sleep." Miss Pitt said as she put the back of her palm on my forehead and neck.

"You have a fever."

I sighed. "I've been having vivid dreams and flashbacks lately, I don't know why."

"That's trauma." Mother Amelia gave me a small smile.

"Oh yeah! Me too, I have trouble sleeping and I often get irritated." Lilith added."Earlier I asked Tyrell about our location and he said we're already in RC. Captain Mikhail is going to the Police Station."

I fixed my sitting and looked at my clothes. "I think I'll pass. I can't let my parents see how hideous I look like right now."

Lilith sighed. "Suit yourself."

It's almost lunch time anyways so I gotta head straight to my apartment. Lilith will probably go to her house.

"Miss Pitt where are you heading?" I asked.

"Oh. I'm bringing Mother Amelia to Spencer Memorial Hospital."

Jia and Mother Amelia doesn't have any place to stay since the Orphanage is their home. Maybe I'll just bring her to mine.

"I'm bringing Jia with me."


The armored cars stopped in front of the RPD building and the adults went in. A.k.a the first car's passengers. Our door opened, revealing Carlos and Tyrell. 

"Home sweet home ladies!"

I hopped out of the vehicle and stared at the stone building in front of me. God, it's been so long since I've visited this place. A lot has changed.

"See? Told ya we'll visit your parents." Carlos stretched his arms, followed by a yawn and shaking his hands. He looks tired after driving for so long.

"I'm not going in there."

"Huh? Why?"

"I look like a mess. They'll interrogate me. I'll just catch a cab."

I was about to turn around but Carlos held my wrist.

"I'm not leaving you alone until I know that you're in a safe place." Carlos gave me a pat on the head and called the others who wants to come along.

I guess it's not a bad idea...

While Carlos is busy with his matters, I felt a pair of eyes staring at me. For God sakes I hope it's not an infected person. 

"You're not going in?" I turned my head to the side and one of the jocks greeted me. Blonde hair, white jersey and a silver necklace.

I shook my head. "And you are?" I asked and he stretched out his arm for a hand shake.

He's the guy who asked me if I was ok back at the University. Come to think of it I didn't quite catch his name.

He flashes me one of hie cheeky grins. "Lance Smith. 19. Sorry I couldn't properly introduce myself earlier. You're Y/n, right?"

I pointed ny index at him. "You're the last guy who left the Orphanage."

"Yup. That's me."

A moment of silence filled the air. God this is so awkward. I reached out for his hand and we hand shaked.

"Y/n Scarrow. I'm a year younger than you."

He smiled. "Nice name. So, you busy later? The others are planning to crash the mall, you know, to hang out and maybe eat lunch along the way."

I bit my lower lip and glanced at Jia.

"You should ask Lilith. I gotta go back to my apartment to freshen up and fix a place for Jia and Mother Amelia. But I'll catch up."

He nodded. "You're one busy girl. I'll tell Lilith. So, see you around?"

I nodded. Lance stared at me one last time before jogging towards the building.

What the hell???

"Hey supercop, you ready to go?" I snapped back to reality when Carlos spoke behind me. I nodded.

"Jia! Let's go!"

"We're coming too!" Miss Pitt announced with Mother Amelia by her side.


Miss Pitt, Mother Amelia and Jia sat in the back while Carlos insisted that I sit in the front beside him. I clutched my sling bag and opened the window beside me.

"It's good to be out of that shithole." Carlos exclaimed.

I sighed. "Where are you staying after this?"

"Captain's busy sorting things with the RPD and the university staffs, maybe we'll just rent a house or something. Considering how Umbrella did some bullshit crap, we gotta stay here in RC for the meantime. Who knows what they have in store." He said and the way he gripped on the steering wheel, his knuckles white is obvious that he's mad.

And there's that deafening silence...

"You got a date later?" He asked out of nowhere.

I frowned. "Nope. It's a hangout."

What's with him?


After we dropped off the two ladies at the Hospital, Jia transfered to my seat. The entire drive was quiet after our conversation earlier. Heck, this is the first time I saw him so silent and serious. His eyes are focused on the road, sometimes he glances at me when I'm not looking.

I'll try to make it up to him once I'm free...

"What's the name of your street?" His tone got a bit softer now.

I stared at my dirty clothes and said, "There's no name yet but once you see a stoney pathway, that's it."

He nodded.

I gotta buy some stuff for Jia and Mother Amelia. Miss Pitt's got her own things but if she decides to stay in my place, I would be more than happy. The apartment's always empty and lonely since I'm the only one who goes there. Having company wouldn't hurt, right?

Carlos took a left turn and parked in front of a lamp post.

"Yayyy!!!" Jia shouted in glee as she hurriedly left the car to catch the flowers and leaves falling from the tree. I removed my seatbelt and was about to leave when Carlos cleared his throat. I balled my fist for a fist bump and he did too. I opened the door and jumped down but before I could close it, I heard him say. "Cuídate, superpolicía."

What did that mean?

To be continued..

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