Chapter 13 [D-1]

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TRIGGER WARNING: Bloody, Gore (you have been warned ⚠️


Author's POV

Last night, Nicholai followed the two female students down to the cafeteria. They were bickering and laughing.

"What flavor do you want?" Asked the first girl.

The second girl grinned. "Strawberry and melon."

They placed some money on the counter and even took some snacks from the cabinets.

"Good thing they leave the vending machine open."

"They know we love midnight snacks."


The two girls froze when they heard Nicholai's voice. They both turned slowly to face him. Fear evident in their eyes.

"S-sorry sir! We just—"

" We were hungry!"

Nicholai chuckled and went close to the vending machine. "It's all right. I used to do this too back in the days."

The two girls bowed and ran out of the cafeteria embarrassed. Nicholai double checked before he went to the vending machine and inserted some coins. Taking two chocolate tetra packs. Nicholai placed the drinks on the counter with his back facing the cctv camera. He took a syringe from his front vest and injected it into the drinks. Afterwards, he went back to the girls waiting outside of the cafeteria.

"Here, you guys can have it. I tried these before and it tastes good. It can help with insomnia too." Nicholai chimed.

The girls were happy as they grabbed the drinks, thanking him.

The first girl tucked her snacks inside her pockets and placed her hands together. "Please sir! Don't tell anyone about this!"

"Yes, our teacher will get mad if she finds out about us lurking around the university."

"No worries." Nicholai reassured them as he watched their backs retreating.


Nicholai's waltzing around the corridors when he saw a door ajar. He thought somone left their rooms again. But he begged to differ.  He peeked at them and saw a male student and a soldier, sound asleep.

Just doing God's work... He thought.

Pushing the door slightly, he entered and injected the two of them with the virus. While leaving, he saw the student's wallet. He pushed it open and saw the child's father's Raccoon Police Department I.D.

"How careless." He shook his head in disappointment.

Nicholai left and closed the door behind him. Walking back to his respective room with a mischievous grin on his face.


Thomas' POV


I just had a nightmare.....

"Juliet! Juliet! I came here with your food! Where are you girl?"

I shouted, trying to catch my pup's attention. She's not in her cage. But the padlock's not smashed.

God... Where is she?

Judith's not around since the U.B.C.S whatever are busy assembling the others in the courtyard. Miss Pitt didn't look for me either.


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